There is much on Starlingheart's mind as she had made her way across the moor-lands. Gentlestorm had shown to their meeting place as he always did, but it was with RiverClan's medicine cat in tow behind them. She had not spoken on this, the explanation had been simple, after all, RiverClan needed an experienced healer and with Ravensong gone someone had to teach her. She is glad that there was anyone that could at all, that Moonbeam was not left faltering the way she had been. When Bonejaw- Boneripple now- left ShadowClan, none of the other medicine cat's had offered to help. But, she supposes, times were different back then. There was not the sense of cimmunity among them as there was now, the urge to be kind. They were all doing the best with the lots they had been given and everyone in those days was struggling. Now, it was different. Leaf-bare was not upon them and sickness did not hang over them like a shadow. Still, Starlingheart feels her chest flutter with jealousy that she is embarrassed by. She looks to her apprentice instead, green eye shining as she asks if she remembers the way.

When finally they make it inside that sacred cave, Starlingheart takes her usual seat, motioning for Marblepaw to join her. "I hope- I hope everyone is doing well." She says when finally everyone is gathered, dipping her head in a polite greeting to the other medicine cats "You all- you probably heard at the-the gathering but Chilledstar is-is gone." gone. the finality of that word settles in her stomach like a pit. She closes her lonesome eye for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and continuing "Other than that- ShadowClan has been- we've been okay. A couple injuries here and there but nothing-nothing we can't handle" it was a miracle, really, that no one had gotten sick yet, and Starlingheart sends a silent prayer to StarClan to keep it that way. A full turn of the seasons had passed since the yellow-cough outbreak that had sent cats to the mountains searching for a cure. "How is- How's everyone else?" she asks, worried gaze sweeping over the others gathered.

// @MARBLEPAW @GENTLESTORM @Moonbeam @DAWNGLARE @Fireflyglow @cottonsprig @WOLFSONG

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
  • Like
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
In pairs, the lot of them... WindClan a dull mimicry of himself and Fireflyglow. The pale ShadowClanner, wet behind the ears, has resisted any whim to slash throats, it seems... or perhaps ShadowClan would merely be oblivious to such a thing; allow her to accumulate victim after victim... It wouldn't be the first time, after all. The reveal would be far from climactic, he thinks, idly sniffed by a wayward clanmate without cotton in their skull — or perhaps, not even a clanmate at all. Perhaps WindClan, in all their brutish glory, would find entrails strewn in heather and find themselves a-wandering, a-wondering...

Awash in moonlight, his gaze fixes onto ShadowClan as they speak. Wellness, as if they'd lift a claw were he to rumble a succinct no. Wasn't it lucky for SkyClan that he transcended such struggles? Lucky for them all that they would not have to pretend to fret over them any... A pink nose wrinkles in response. The faux-kindness of her greeting is not exchanged. It is new to him, that. He had been (and often was) oblivious to the gathering's announcements. Of course, this was no accident... Wide eyes and a thin smile find Marblepaw then, some subtle accusation playing at the quirk of his lip... " What unfortunate timing... " in lieu of condolences, he breathes An airy giggling curtails the end of his word...

How is everyone else? Drivel, it pours from their mouths as easily as it always has. Dawnglares eyes glaze over at the question... Fireflyglow would revel in answering something so meaningless, he is certain. His eyes dull and narrow; scrutiny passes over those present in waves... Ah.

" Wolfsong... " he purrs the name, low and taunting. And when had he learned it? Been forced to stuff it through the crevices in his ears; perhaps a prize in exchange for something like longevity... " I see there is a lack amongst us... " he coos. " Whatever for? " Perhaps shredded by monster paws as the sun rose upon her new name?
  • Wow
Reactions: MARBLEPAW
The excitement that had carried her to Highstones for her first meeting has long since burned off. Marblepaw is tired tonight; she had spent the day with Starlingheart, and not only is her brain tired, but her paws feel numb, too. When her mentor asks her if she remembers the way to Mothermouth, she angles her face toward her and nods, smiling despite her weariness. "I wouldn't forget," she promises. "It will be Cottonsprig's first time there as a full medicine cat, huh?" She remembers the awe she'd felt as Wolfsong had called upon their ancestors to give the silver-smoked she-cat her full powers...

But Cottonsprig is not there. Marblepaw feels a dull sense of disappointment. She'd liked the cheerful blue-eyed she-cat. She nods politely to the others, fixing Wolfsong with a tentative smile and Dawnglare with a pointed frown. She does her best to look unperturbed by the SkyClan medicine cat, tucking her tail around her paws and sitting up straight beside her mentor.

"You all probably heard at the Gathering, but Chilledstar is gone," Starlingheart mews quietly, and Marblepaw's eyes cloud with momentary grief. She has grown used to Smogstar's leadership in Chilledstar's absence, but the ache in her heart is still heavy as ever when she thinks of her friend's passing.

A gleaming sapphire gaze fixes itself to her tawny pelt. "What unfortunate timing..." Dawnglare giggles, and the sound sends a wave of anger coiling inside her, adderlike. She glares defiantly at him. I had nothing to do with it! She wants to shriek, but she knows no one would have any idea what she was talking about, and besides...

It's for Dawnglare and her to share alone.

She purses her lips, her attention flicking to Wolfsong, who has yet to answer for Cottonsprig's absence.

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 7 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.

  • Love
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
Starlingheart's greeting is met with a dip of the seal point's head as he settles down beside Dawnglare, milky blue gaze flicking to and fro as voices speak one after the other. Cottonsprig's absence is noted, but he isn't close enough to the femme to worry about her. Now that he thought about it.. He was never really close to any of the medicine cats, only ever meeting with Moonbeam when it was needed. Perhaps it would be best if he opened himself up more to them.

"SkyClan is doing well. We've had a few.. Injuries, lately-" His eyes flick in the direction of Gentlestorm, an unspoken slight in his voice; after a ThunderClan patrol had hurt his brothers twice over, he wasn't so keen on trusting the tom's words. "..And a few unfortunate passings. But alas, everyone is doing fine." He informs them all with a kind smile, before falling silent once more. He didn't have much to say right now.​
It's odd to walk to the gathering beginning not from the safety of her own territory but from the forest, leaving a little earlier than Moonbeam thought would be necessary only to stop and wait at Fourtrees until Starlingheart and Marblepaw moved through underbrush and into the opening. She had always thought that ShadowClan and ThunderClan had met up somehow on the way there, simply leaving at the same time and it happening by chance rather than a purposeful meetup, but she said nothing about it, as if WindClan was on friendlier terms with RiverClan she could see herself meeting up with Wolfsong or Cottonsprig to walk together, with safety in numbers it would be better to do that when possible anyway.

She walked quietly to the moonstone with the small group of cats, speaking when questions were thrown her way but for now not offering her own topic of conversation. The whole thing was still new to her, and with her clan not bordering ShadowClan, the medicine cats within the swampland were the ones she knew the least.

When they got to the cave she moved within it before coming to a stop in her usual spot, sitting down and carefully wrapping her tail around her paws, her own dip of her head being offered to the others in greeting. Starlingheart began, speaking of Chilledstar once more and she found her maw turning down in a frown before slowly nodding her head. "I'm sorry for your loss." It was small, quiet yet Starlingheart and Marblepaw could hear but sincere nonetheless. It was hard to lose a leader, especially one that had been such an important part of the clan for so long, one that you knew so well.

Dawnglare giggles his response and eyes flick towards the other momentarily before the white moggie looked away, swallowing her distaste for the other before eyes looked to Wolfsong when attention had been drawn to him. If an answer was shared she would wait to hear it, and if he chose not to share she would simply listen to whatever news he had to share before continuing on with her own. "We've had two deaths this moon, an adder got one of our warriors and an unfortunate accident while playing sent one of our kits to StarClan early." She hadn't actually been there when the latter had happened, in ThunderClan learning what she could while the rest of her clan had to be at home trying to figure out what to do with the body of the kit until she got back - a surprise she never wanted to have again. ""Other than that things have been normal." After Robinheart breaking her leg last moon, the pale moggie couldn't help but love the normalcy even with the death that had happened. She wanted no more surprise injuries that she knew nothing about.

  • --
  • flesh wounds
    ꕥꕥ infections
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • 85735138_Ng21HDz61WrGyCp.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    15 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual polyromantic ; mated to beefang, crushing on redacted
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics