camp IT'S ALL TOO SOON // return to camp

Figpaw thought the most difficult journey of her life was going to be going to fourtrees in back, but she had been so, so wrong. Getting back to camp with a broken leg even with the help of her mother, mentor, and someone who resembled close to a friend. It hurt like all hell, she doesn't swear often but her inner-voice cannot help but curse like an old city tom-cat. Curse words were the only words that got near close enough to explain the pain and fear she felt.

As she stumbles into camp still receiving heavy aid she ignores the pain and instead feels a heavy wave of embarrassment crash over her. This whole injury was just... embarrassing... she looked awful, and so helpless! Yet that quickly fades to the back of her mind, she is tired and simply relieved to be home. The moment she hits any sort of nest the red tabby knew she would be knocked out, and sleep was the only place she wanted to be. The only thing that made her forget about this horrible nightmare, the only thing that comforted her.

"Mh..-uck." She groans, shudders and trembles as she pushes forward the best she can, tears swelling in her eyes. "Stop- stop." She tells the cats aiding her when they are about midway through camp, she was so close but she can't take another step forward. Her three limbs were going to buckle and give in, all her strength was zapped. Figpaw ungracefully gets low to the ground in a laying position, all the concerned voices of her clan-mates not processing in her head. Life didn't feel real right now, nothing around her did but the constant burning sensation in her leg.

At least the snow lightly soothed it.

// @TALLULAHWING @Daisyflight @TWITCHPAW << The cats who helped her to camp!! Not required for yall to reply <3
anyone can post in any order, shes laying in camp and couldnt make it to the medicine cats den yet because shes EXHAUSTED and in pain. i dont have a desired direction for this thread so do whatever !

For those who dont know; figpaw went missing for about a day icly, she now returns with a broken leg w a minor infection. fever is likely beginning to set


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 7 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ IDK HER SEXUALITY I LIED . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
( ) The deputy was one of many cats who were worried over the disappearance of Figpaw. The cream and Mocha molly had been waiting nervously for word from those who had left to find the red tabby out there in the world. She did not blame Daisyflight one bit for gathering a patrol herself and leading the charge in finding her daughter, Deer would have done the same thing after all if any of her brood had gone missing.

Deersong was half listening to a patrol give a border report when the sound of movement at the entrance snatched her attention and she flickered her ears in hope. Had they found her? As the patrol entered camp her heart would clench painfully. Oh stars, what had happened?! The deputy turned to one of the warriors with her and meowed quietly yet sternly, "Go and get @DAWNGLARE , quickly." The sight of Figpaw collapsing to the ground only spurred her urgency.

Hurrying over to the group, Deersong would stop beside Daisyflight, lightly touching the fellow mother's flank with her tail as she spoke, "She's home, thank the stars. Dawnglare will take care of her."

( ) "figpaw!"

her name comes tumbling from his throat in the form of a distressed shout, it's a hard sight to see when he watches the red tabby apprentice stagger into camp and barely make it halfway across the clearing before she's succumbing to the pain and sinking down into the blanket of snow. huckleberry did not waste a single second more before he was bounding over on heavy paws to meet the group in the middle where large ears would flatten close against his skull as he takes quick notice of how awkwardly bent one of her hind-legs has become.

there was partial relief over the fact she was found but it's immediately outweighed by the steadily growing dread that churns in his gut like restless waves. the smoke wanted nothing more than to rasp his tongue between her ears in a comforting manner, to coo out gentle words of reassurance but it all falls short on his tongue. he also did not want to crowd the injured apprentice so he kept a good distance away while he watched deersong order another warrior to fetch dawnglare before she moved to speak with daisyflight.

huckleberry seemed to unconciously knead the snow beneath his feet as he waited before moving his gaze towards tallulahwing and twitchpaw.

"what happened to her?"
( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )
What sight is it that greets him from his den, but a slumped bundle of sun-striped fur, at the paws of the cursed, belle-tanged molly, and... her. Oh! and the other– both of them. One witch per three souls. How... efficient.

Nearly, he turns tail right there; chirps the warrior a sweet no before disappearing for the remainder of the day, but maybe, just maybe, he finds himself in a particularly good mood today. Sunshine on daisies, flowers nearly blossomed. Bright like the moon, and just as sweet; carmelized smile ♪ For a moment, he disappears, only to glide from the shadows of his den with a flowerhead delicately pinched between teeth. Oh, how he loathed, really, to bring treatment into the open, but so woefully pathetic– blubbering mess– she needed it, didn't she?

A hum accompanies his slip past the midnight tom. Not so completely ignorant, but, he could tell him– "Shh-chewed up n' ss-spit out," easily, he answers. Delicately, demure, he shakes the bundles of joy from their petaled prison, dark seeds spilling onto the ground in front of the wooded. Half-lidded gaze, he smiles around the stem. Stare that doesn't stay quite steady. "relief will soon over-take your ache," he informs with a smile, sing-song speech. And, licked from the snow, how would that be? Only an improvement, he'd imagine. Water to swallow it down, down, better to stuff down throaty-flesh...

He doesn't hesitate before stumbling a side. The point of contention, where but there? Gnarled leg, and... what a smell! Shivers. He's sobered for but a second. "Ooh," low croon in his throat. His lips mash shut, and his teeth bite, as if closing his mouth would halt the tang of infection, bright and fresh in his mind, oh so unfortunately. That statue... "Looks you can say buh-bye to your leg, dear. Buh-bye!" There, finished for her! Treatment... Early leaf-bare is hardly the time, nor place. In his mind, he counts supplies... yes, they'd move when she was ready, and for now...

Off, he's off, then, to prepare a space for her to rest his head. Marigold and dandeion. One check, another missing... Just one would probably do fine, fine enough, more than fine!
  • Haha
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Tallulahwing had fought to keep her expression stoic the entire journey home, but her paws are weary and her shoulders feel like breaking under the stress of helping her mangled apprentice home. The little orange tabby has been so brave, but she can tell how it agonizes her to even accidentally jostle the leg.

Deersong is quick to meet them for a report. Her eyes are wide with sorrow, both for Daisyflight and her poor daughter, but she's quick to comfort the lead warrior. Tallulahwing turns to her own littermate; Huckleberry wears an expression of horror. "Don't make it worse for her, darlin'," she murmurs, giving Huckleberry's ear a quick lick. "She's been mighty brave, walkin' home all the way from the Twolegplace."

She turns to look at Figpaw, pitifully crumpled in the center of camp. Part of her wants to cry at the ruin of her apprentice's leg, at the injustice of a bright young girl brought to blood and twisted bone in an unforgiving world of dirty snow and monsters.

She must keep her composure, though. Like she'd told Huckleberry, it will not do the girl any good to see others panic.

Dawnglare comes, merciful with his poppy seeds. But his words startle her, and she flashes furious pale yellow eyes his way, peeling her lips back from her teeth. "Looks like you can say buh-bye to your leg, dear. Buh-bye!" Fool!

"I never wanna hear you say somethin' that foxhearted again, you hear?" She flattens her ears. "She's keepin' that leg, or I'll take yours!" Poor Figpaw, having to spend moons cramped up with that strange, unfortunate creature, suffering, unable to fly through the pines...

- ,,

Figpaw hears the voices of Deersong and Hukcleberry, but she finds it difficult to truly process any of the words they speak. Despite never falling asleep she almost felt like she was in and out of consciousness, one minute she was in this hell-ish reality and the next she was disassociating as the pain in her leg festered. Yet she hears and sees Dawnglare, it was impossible not to.

His smile sends shivers down her spine as he gets to work on assisting her. He tells her that relief will soon be upon her but it's hard to believe with that toothy smile plastered on his features. How could he be smiling? Did he not see her leg?! If it was in an effort to keep her calm it certainly wasn't working, she'd take Huckleberry's panic over this!

Then the last words he speaks to her causes her heart to immediately shrivel up. Looks like you can say buh-bye to your leg, dear, tears burn in her eyes, and his finally exclaimed buh-bye! only adds insult to injury. She didn't want to cry- but between the fear and shock she felt by Dawnglare's words and the fact that her leg would likely no longer work with this diagnosis. The tears and attempted suppressed sobs just began to spill, she closes her eyes.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 7 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ IDK HER SEXUALITY I LIED . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Greenpaw awaited the search party's arrival with worry, the tom doing nothing but pace around the camp. Attempts at distraction did nothing but cause the kid to worry more, to fear for his sister and her disappearance even further.

Just come home, he silently begged, Just come home safely.

His pleas would soon be answered, viridescent eyes spotting the beginnings of the search parties return, the familiar swirl of his sister's pelt within the group. She's home.

Greenpaw races forward, eyes stinging with tears, happiness bursting within him. "Figpaw!" he calls as his paws slam against the snow. But his happiness takes a turn, oh so quickly. Takes a turn as he realizes that his pleas were only partially answered, as Figpaw crumples to the ground. As Greenpaw spots it, blood and bone, a twisted paw.

"Figpaw..!" he cries out, fear filling him. Stupid. Stupid she was for going off on her own, stupid he was for being green.

He stumbles to a stop, eyes wide as he looks at her. As he opens his mouth to ask if she's okay, Dawnglare makes his arrival, fills Greenpaw with further sorrow as he takes a step back. Too close, and he fears Dawnglare's rhetoric would begin again, as he sings of how his sister's leg would need to be taken away - to say her goodbyes to her paw, as if it were a daylight warrior departing to return to the twolegplace.

Greenpaw's ears flatten at the medicine cats words, at his sister's cries. At his name, at his eyes - oh so green, oh so deadly. This is his fault. This is his fault.
  • Crying
Reactions: DAWNGLARE and AVA
He snorts, not unkind (at least, he does not intend it to be that way). He's laughing at her, not with her, or... was it the other way around? Really, he can't tell; can't think about it. All he knows is that it's funny, and the crackling laugh spells it so. "Wh– Y-you think I'm taking her leg?" giggles trickling from a too-wide smile. "HAH–! T-to do what? Line my nest with it?" What a foolish one, this was, spinning such tales about him in her feeble little mind. Lugging something like that around would be no more than a burden. Maybe if all the flesh and fur was removed, it'd be more bearable, but wouldn't that be just more of a waste of time? Precious time the girl certainly couldn't wait for. Stupid as it was, he could only laugh and laugh. Hunched over her sorry form, "Oh, I– I feel bad for you, dear." And of course she speaks of her supple-minded mentor, (though really, he didn't realize just how true his words were).

And she's crying. Wetness over her eyes, a leak has sprung, and so suddenly, so tearful. He quiets down, because for once, he really cares too. Though, he can't entirely stop the muffled giggles and bitten-down smile. There's confusion for a moment, before he recalls... yes, the pain. The ache that came with flesh-wounds... bone-wounds, any-wounds, really. She hasn't eaten the poppy seeds yet. Of course she will cry. He blinks. "You will be fine. Not your leg, but... you."

More to say, but what else is there? Alas, distracted by a distant call. That ring, ring, ring ♪ he's certainly heard, but only now does it catch his attention. And who presents themself at the corner of his eye than dear Greenpaw. Oh, and he dares to regard Dawnglare like he's the heretic. When it is Greenpaw who creeps, and it is Greenpaw who steeps in his own mess. The air suddenly chills, and the lift of his eyes sharpens into the very essence of judgment. He knows what he is.

Dawnglare looks back to his sister, and the smile is gone. "The seeds will make it better," he tells her, and his tail curls around his paws, patient. For the crying to stop? For the seeds to be eaten? Either or. "Once you can move, I will fix you."
"You can't just gnaw it off, can you?" Fireflypaw speaks up softly as he arrives, tail flicking behind him. He's curious as to why Figpaw was injured like this, how she managed to get this badly hurt- had he missed something? He must have. How odd. "Don't you worry about a thing, Figgy!" He chimes, sing-song yet so off-toned, a squeaking crack in his voice. He couldn't do the high-pitched singing he used to, how odd.

"Dawnglare is gonna patch you right up. And then you'll get to join us again." How naive.
violetpaw had conducted her own search for her missing sister; she hadn't been selected for the official search patrol, lead by her mother, but that doesn't mean she was going to resign herself to sitting around and waiting! she had to do something to help. however, despite her best efforts, she and the npc warrior she'd pestered to come had ended up returning to camp without figpaw. (it was a huge blow, not only to her hopes of finding her missing sister but to her self-esteem.)

she'd been restless since her return, pacing outside of the apprentices' den. every rustle of the entrance has her leaning onto the tips of her toes, her breath suspended in her throat. but it isn't until huckleberry cries out, figpaw, that violetpaw's sister returns to them. the coppery scent of blood permeates the wintry air, and as the young molly rushes over in the direction of the smell, she hears a thump as something- or someone- hits the ground. "what happened?!" violetpaw yowls. when she opens her mouth, another scent hits her; bitter and acrid, it burns her throat and leaves her gagging. she's smelled it before, on the daylight warriors who've come from the twolegplace. is that where figpaw had been, then? but why the hell did she go there in the first place?

and, more importantly... why did she smell blood on her sister?

dawnglare comes, sing-song voice observing how figpaw was chewed up and spit out. "i'll chew you up and spit you out, savor the taste of your blood and sharpen my claws on your bones, if you don't shut up and help her!" violetpaw retorts with a snarling smile. but what dawnglare says next sends a chill down her spine and wipes the mirthless grin from her face. you can say buh-bye to your leg!

her leg? is that what...? oh, stars. violetpaw's brows knit together, her lips pursing. it must be bad, really bad, or dawnglare's just being a bigger asshole than usual. either way, figpaw's sobbing now, and violetpaw wishes she could make dawnglare say buh-bye to all four of his legs in retribution. "starclan's gonna make your tongue swell so big, you choke on it, if you keep talkin' shit!"

he says that figpaw will be alright, but her leg will not. the knot in violetpaw's stomach tightens. it's that bad, then? figpaw would never walk on all four legs again? "what a medicine cat you are, if you can't even save her leg," violetpaw mutters, an unfair accusation to make, but her childish mind needs something to blame. dawnglare is just unfortunate enough to be her scapegoat. he should fix it. that's his job! but dawnglare's never been good at his job, has he?

violetpaw wonders if the other four clans have such useless medicine cats.

  • Crying
Reactions: Floppie