pafp it's alright ☆ hey stranger

It had been late in the night, apparently, when the swarms of fish-cats had shown up at the borders. Edenpaw, like a fair share of SkyClan's population, had not been at camp for the evening, having long since returned to the comforts of their Twoleg dens (and to get a bite to eat, even if that gritty stuff didn't taste quite as nice). To wander through the outskirts of Twolegplace on their way back to their home-away-from-home was a more than typical experience, joined occasionally by familiar faces headed the same direction and other times greeted by kindly neighbor cats that had their eyes peeled for danger.

Wandering into camp early that morning had reeked of not-SkyClan and while Edenpaw didn't want to be rude... geez... you could sure smell that the only thing those guys ate was the fish they swam with... It took much longer than it should've for the white and black apprentice to remember they'd actually already encountered several RiverClan apprentices before and, therefore, had friends to say hello to and new ones to meet! Surely, by the extension of knowing and being known, it made new relationships easier to form.

Spotting a familiar dark-furred coat among the masses of the stinky, they made no hesitation to gallop confidently up to the other boy with a grin plastered across their face. "'s Otterpaw, yea?" He had been there when Tawnystripe had been patrol lead... Looking amongst the apprentices that loomed in equally dour dispositions nearby, they frowned slightly. Probably didn't feel very good to get kicked out of your house huh? Edenpaw couldn't imagine what they'd do if the window to their Twoleg house wasn't open... SkyClan was nice enough but the beds weren't nearly as comfy...

"There's so many of you guys...." It is a statement made thoughtlessly, awed by the way their camp was over-full in the presence of hosting another. Not a single wink was spent thinking on what that meant for them if this was RiverClan as a weak clan. "Hey but while you're here we could hang out! And..." they lean back slightly, brushing a paw delicately against their chest fur in a show of confidence, "I bet you've never seen trees as big as ours..."

---- please wait for @otterpaw
Otterpaw was particularly more bristly than he usually was but there was little need for explanation behind it. Uprooted from his home, in the middle of the night no less, overpowered by beastly rogues that cut down his Clanmates in droves. It felt for every RiverClanner that joined the fight, their enemies doubled in the shadows. He still believed there could have been a way for them to manage even without the numbers of they had before, but deep down he knew their strength had shifted after losing so many battles with yellowcough.

Living beneath the tall pines felt odd. He was used to the cover of bulrush and reeds as they brushed against his cheeks. The sedge here was prickly, thicker as it hugged close to the trunks of those towering trees. Nothing like the willow and birch that grew by the river and lakes. It made him think back to the day he had hunted with Dipperpaw and Coyotecreek, how his mentor had caught that measly mouse and tried hauling it off as RiverClan prey. He was sure the tom must be in his element in SkyClan now, perhaps he could be convinced to stay here instead of return home.

A stark white coat was hard to ignore, especially when it came trotting toward him. Edenpaw- the striped apprentice from the border. They ask his name in confirmation and stubbornly he only twitched his tail to acknowledge it. Of course he was, he was the only Otterpaw. He was The Otterpaw! But they continue on without a skip, commenting on how much of his Clan was in their camp. Cheerfully planning their time together. Heat began to burn deep in his chest but this time there was no Crowpaw here to mitigate the sharpness in his tone.

A clawless paw smacked down at Edenpaw's forehead. "I don't want to see your stupid trees, Kittypet-paw. Your half-time home is nothing compared to mine, but you wouldn't even understand that, you're too busy hanging out with twolegs to know." His temper is cooled with a few heavy breaths and the stretch of silence softened his edges. Otterpaw quickly placed his nose where he had struck. "I'm sorry. I don't- You can hit me back if you want." That would make things fair between them, right?​
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
He watched the exchange with a subtle frown, not liking the way the RiverClanner acted out, lashing out without prompt. His expression remained neutral, padding up to the two apprentices, although undoubtedly, ranked lower than them. Lux couldn’t fault Otterpaw, chased out of his home and forced to take aid from another, but it still didn’t … Lux sighed, offering a grin to the two. Hopefully, I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes. He would apologize later.

“I might be overstepping, but I don’t think that’d help.” He offered, directing his statement toward Otterpaw, grinning weakly. “Instead of that, maybe try doing something together?” He offered, odd optics downcast. “As an apology, I mean.” Actions always speak louder than words, and maybe that was why Lux refused all violence, terrified of getting into that mindset. “Sorry, if I overstepped!” He grinned, before adding: “Are you okay, Edenpaw?” He didn’t want to ignore the other, offering the apprentice a soft-tinged smile.
thought speech

"Ack! H-hey!" Lifting up a paw to block another attack, the black and white apprentice furrowed their brow in alarmed frustration. What the hell was that for? He starts squawking about their 'half-time' home and insists they spend all their time hanging out with Twolegs. What a bunch of dumb blabbering... if he knew anything he'd know their Twoleg was hardly ever home! An upset growl sits in their chest, urging them to lunge at him back and teach him a thing or two about being so rude to someone being so friendly but they are dimly aware that they... are no fighter... and this guy definitely is if the sting of a little slap hurts that bad.

Rubbing the top of their head instead, Edenpaw pouts with their bobbed tail tucked as close to their body as possible... What was with these other clans and being so up-tight and mean? He is quick to backtrack, stumbling over his words and even offers for the SkyClanner to give him just desserts- an equal opportunity to set the record straight.

Gingerly raising a small, white foot, the apprentice ponders how much of their strength they'd have to use to truly make it fair... probably like 300% in comparison to Otterpaw. Just as they're about to strike, Lux chimes in from somewhere behind them and Edenpaw quickly forgets the drama from before. They recognize this daylighter! He's far newer than they are but they'd definitely had encounters in the Twoleg neighborhoods before he'd joined. "Oh hey Lux!"

He suggests that trading an eye for an eye is not very conducive to a good friendship (Edenpaw nods, pretending to understand but doesn't really see why) and suggests they try to just hang out which is what the rowdy kittypet had been trying to suggest when they'd walked up originally. He apologizes for interjecting himself into the situation but they are quick to shake their head- "It's alright! And yeah... yeah I'm- I'm fine! It's totally okay here! Just surprised me s'all!"Turning to the sheepish boy who'd attacked them, they quirk a brow in passive questioning. We're cool.... right?