private it's been a while // grass, midnight, white


a want to go back , 6.16.24
Jan 5, 2023
Her ears crane backwards whilst she sends the first half of her brood out to play in the morning sun. The second half remain with her in the nursery, waiting for the queens with kits too large to toddle in the nursery to leave as well. Some will still in their nests but at least they will mind their own... at least, she hopes.

"I heard from a little birdy that you three... have questions...?" Nightingalecry has heard from other kits in the nursery that these three are confused on their origins. They don't necessarily look like their mother - she, spindly and thin, with too-tall ears and tear-stained cheeks. Nor do they look like their father, a thinning framed man with charcoal-like fur. They look too much like cats they will never be damned enough to know - one dead, the other... she doesn't know.

"I will answer anything," she starts again, "But I want to preface that nothing has to change in our family. I will love you just like I always have. Frightkit, Deathkit, Witherkit - they'll be your siblings always, if you'll let them," Nightingalecry crouches down, hoping to invite the three back to the nest for their conversation. She hopes none will turn her away, not after nearly five moons of raising them.

@Grasskit @MIDNIGHTKIT @whitekit
𓆝 . ° ✦ Grasskit having questions was a bit of an understatement. He wondered about the color of his fur, his eyes. He wondered about his lungs and what would happen to him. Who he'd grow up to be. For only 5 moons, he was learning quickly that not everything was as it seemed. He examined his mother carefully for a moment. He was uncomfortable at best. He didn't want this conversation. Maybe pretending it wasn't happening would be easier. But there was one big question nagging in his mind that he couldn't ignore, especially with a perfect opportunity like this to ask. "Why didn't, uh..." something in the little fawn couldn't bring him to call Ebonylight, "'appa" like Frightkit did, "he, seem to recognize us?" he finished. No longer could he look at Nightingalecry, too squished under the pressure of his own question.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed