it's bleeding me out - hunting patrol



"Batpaw, Come along for morning hunting patrol." It was a command, not a question, as the sun rose and the tom accepted his new position quite quickly. He was quick to the point, and assertive. But he was not aggressive. Fortunately, he did not obtain that aspect from his father.

His father was unrelentless, and trained him from dawn to dusk with his previous mentor. Forced him to collapse on tired paws. But he would only take Batpaw out for a few hours, unless he wished for more time.

"If anyone else that is healthy would wish to join, do so." It was also not a question to be answered. It was to join, or not to join. The gruff exterior of the scarred warrior would not be dropped very easily.

//apprentice tag @batpaw.

♰—— surprising for a cat prone to lazy grins and seen lurking around camp, mostly spending her time flirting, wolfears enjoys warrior duties. she spends a lot of time trying to cajole various cats into spending time with her, yes, but she wouldn't call herself lazy. she doesn't while away idle hours shirking her duties or hiding from work—in fact, the better part of shadowclanners could likely say she's tried to impress them on more than one hunting patrol.

so, naturally, she slinks over at bonefang's call for any healthy cats to join a hunting patrol with him and his apprentice. a languid smile settles onto her face, though the gruff tom doesn't really seem like her usual type—she could use some hunting to stretch her legs anyways. wolfears' functional set of ears twitch as she spares his apprentice a disinterested glance before answering, "i'll join ya. there anyone else interested? could use someone who seems like more of a talker - no offense meant."


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 0bRmkFo.png
    — wolfears
    — she/her ; warrior of shadowclan ; tbd ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by dejavu

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw stretched as she pushed to her paws, a gentle 'mrow' following as she padded her way over. Her tail swayed behind her, vision shifting between the mentor and their apprentice, then Wolfears. "Ask and you shall receive, my dear." Scalejaw hummed, vision blinking gently as she looked between those gathered.

"Not sure how talking is going to help us hunt, but I'll play along." Scalejaw tilted her head, a wry little grin on her face indicating that she was teasing Wolfears.

He could say he wasn't not surprised that Wolfears was joining. But he barely knew her, his own work ethic seeming quite the opposite than her own. To include himself in clan activities was not exactly his forte. He'd much rather anything else, but now with an apprentice, he supposed he would have to. He would dip his head to the both of them in a greeting as they approached.

"None taken. Sometimes, observing is more useful than chattering." He stated, his broad and scarred shoulders shifting as his paws moved to stretch while he waited for anyone else interested. He didn't want to waste more time though.

"I'll be glad to see the both of you joining. This mentoring thing is new to me, anyways." He was trying with the conversation thing, but it hurt his jaw. Something he wouldn't admit, the motion if speech being rather uncomfortable still. Perhaps it would never really heal fully. Time could only tell.

chilledstar steps up with their apprentice at their side. their nose twitched slightly as they grunted in response to bonefang speaking of how he was new to being a mentor. he would be fine... he really could do with some more confidence about it, though. scalejaw's comment makes them gently snort, though it is playful as it often is when it comes to the molly.

"oh, as if you'll help at all with those clumsy paws."

they roll their eyes before turning to screechpaw.

"being quiet during a hunt is certainly the first step. watch and observe."

if screech was anything like his mother, he would do just fine hunting. only time would tell.

// apprentice tag @SCREECHPAW
Lilycrest had been beckoned forth by the invitation and filtered in shortly after Chilledstar. His hulking form wedging near Scalejaw and Wolfears with an empty smile. The ragdoll held a burning disdain for both she-cats but they'd play nice for the sake of a good hunt.

Especially, with the way their stomach ached from hunger, and his eyes lacked their usual luster.

He was fixing to meow a polite greeting but felt silenced by Chilledstar's comment to their apprentice. It made Lilycrest pause and think a moment. Decidedly, he kept his maw shut and just nodded his arrival. Willing to tag along with another hunting patrol. They hoped there would be more opportunities the second go around.

Eagerly, he stayed on all fours and swayed in place, listening to a mental note in his mind absently.
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
She nodded towards Bonefang, ears twitching as she wore a mirthful look. But as Chilledstar approached, a playfully grumpy look crossed her face. The grin finally split on her muzzle, and her head turned towards them. She returned the jab in kind, pushing to her paws. "Just wait until these clumsy paws are whacking you over the ear, Chilledstar." Scalejaw rumbled in amusement, her tail twitching behind her. The back and forth they shared? Scalejaw really enjoyed it.

Head turned towards Lilycrest as they approached. Her head tilted, the older warrior studying his features, before she turned her gaze away. There were more important things to focus on, not the other's silence. Get your head in the game.


[penned by dallas].
Batpaw doesn't mind hunting. It isn't the worst. When on a hunting patrol, most cats remain silent, and no one thinks it's weird if he keeps his mouth closed.

As Bonejaw calls for other cats to join the patrol, Batpaw squints his eyes. There sure are lot of cats joining them, including his leader, but none of them are cats he knows well.

"If you're ready, I'm ready," he says to Bonejaw.
✦ ❄ ✦

Screechpaw wishes to wander the forest on his own today, but Bonefang's call for a hunt leaves him at Chilledstar's side to join the patrol. A tinge of disappointment causes his heart to sink, but maybe he'll go off on a walk later. At least he still gets to see the territory while on this patrol and have a chance to catch more prey - something even better than the newt he'd caught in camp!

A snow-slashed face looks down at him, and a split gaze blinks in response to their advice. Quiet is important - something he'd already learned from Frostbite's hunting games.

"I know that," he states, as if his mentor's advice was common knowledge. But, he was Forestshade's son, and he made his first catch before his kit name had been shed. So, maybe it should be for him. His head tilts to the side, impatience beginning to grow at the fact they haven't left yet. "Can we go now?"
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    SCREECHKITSCREECHPAW, Apprentice of ShadowClan
    — Forestshade x Vulturemask
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A black/red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes.
    — Mentored by Chilledstar
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — His loud entrance into the world bestows upon him a name apt for the path the tom forges. As the troublemaker of his unknowingly half-clan litter, Screechpaw is bound to be known for his curiosity-led escapes and poor attendance as he steps foot into his apprenticeship.

Bonefang bowed his scarred helm in a greeting to the leader, before raising it again, watching with anticipation. But the patrol only seemed to grow bigger. That was fine... hopefully then they could catch more. They needed to stock pile... the chilly wind in the air was enough to be a warning of the weather coming soon.

The young warrior flicked his ears in acknowledgement as Batpaw and Screechpaw encouraged the patrol to go onwards. It was a good enough patrol, and that word hope ran through his head as if a sign it would be a good hunt. His broad form would turn, tail tip flicking side to side as if agitated, but no other emotion crossed the males detached face as he forced himself through the entrance.

Scarred frame lumbered across the marshy ground, but he still held an agility to his movements, his steps quiet and gentle. The background noise of talking was drowned out, his thoughts overtaking. The apprentices needed to learn, and the warriors could have fun.

"We could make it a competition," he offered the group. Perhaps it was an incentive for the apprentices to want to try harder, but he'll wait for the votes to roll through. He wasn't good at coming up with games, and hoped someone else could put some thoughts into it.