camp IT'S CALLED FREEFALL &. injury


we were playing in the sand
Feb 27, 2023

the sunlight hitting his face makes him wince away, the sound of crows making him flinch. he finally found his way back to camp, though he wasn't sure how long it had been since his training had ended. his stomach twisted and turned with a nervousness that he had never felt before, before he just pushed himself back into camp. his eyes squinted, before he made his way up to adderbite, bumping against the tom cat.

"he... he made it back... did he do okay?"

adderbite moved to look at the young tom, his eyes widening and faux surprise.

"stars! raggedpaw, are you alright? what happened?! we need to get you to starlingheart right away! come on!"

raggedpaw seemed confused before his body froze up as adderbite whispered into his ear. the fur along his spine prickled up with something foreign... something he's never even thought to feel before– fear.

"this is your one and only warning. you tell anyone what actually happened and no one will ever find your body... got it?"

he nudged the apprentice towards the medicine cat den, as raggedpaw just flattened his ears upon his head. he felt nauseous, his stomach twisting and turning. he took a deep breath in before just stopping before he got near the den. he didn't want to go in there. he sat down, squinting as he looked for any other apprentice. anyone else to go with... or to avoid going all together.

"uhm... he doesn't need to go in there, actually!"

// it isnt exactly necessary to reply to this thread but raggedpaw isn't going to want to go in the medicine cat den so its really just gonna be convincing him to go! this takes place after this thread! he is now blind in his left eye!! yay development!

❪ TAGS ❫ — The stench of fresh blood is hard to miss; it isn't that of fresh-kill, but of a wound. Roosterstrut cannot help the anxiety that knots in his stomach whenever that smell enters camp, traumatizing memories from his youth cropping up in his mind like invasive weeds. He gets to his paws immediately and hurries over upon hearing Adderbite's panicked voice, bating his breath and hoping to the ancestors that nothing life-threatening has occurred. One of the clan apprentices, Raggedpaw, seems to have gotten himself injured but at least he was walking and talking.

"What happened, Raggedpaw?" Roosterstrut inquires, furrowing his brows as he tilts his head to visually gauge the apprentice's scar. Ouch, that looked like a bad one- knowing how eye scratches usually healed, Raggedpaw would likely live with this one for life. Had the eyeball itself been damaged?

The warrior frowned as Raggedpaw hesitated to seek attention. "You definitely need to see Starlingheart. It could get infected, and then it'll really hurt." He urged the youth. The sooner the eye was cleaned up, the better... right?


Willowpatch wasn't far behind Roosterstrut, the stench of blood having alerted her to the apprentices' injury as well. Olive-green eyes were wide with concern, stopping to blink slowly as Raggedpaw before turning to his mentor, "Do you not know what happened? You should be keeping a closer eye on your apprentice, Adderbite." There was a tone in her voice that wasn't normally there, as if the sight of a young cat hurt set the normally gentle molly on edge. Because really, how do you become a mentor and not even know what your own apprentice is up to?

Turning back to Raggedpaw she stepped forward, but this time her tone was back to its original warmth, "Roosterstrut is right, it'll be worse if you don't get it checked." She searched the apprentice's face for a moment before continuing, "I could go with you if you want. And I'll make you a present afterward for being brave about it."

✦ ★ ✦


Change your mind

Crowpaw had been cleaning out the elders den when all the commotion had started, and quickly they bounded over, taking a stand next to Roosterstrut before her eyes widen a bit at his friend. "Would you like me to tag along Raggedpaw?" they asked their friend gently while a worried gaze lit onto Crowpaw's copper eyes, the rossetted tabby worrying over their own friend.

What had happend? If only Crowpaw had been there when it happened...then then...he could of protected Raggedpaw, right? "We can collect...snails afterwords, have a race with know?" Crowpaw forced a smile onto their face, trying to hide their concern over seeing the other injured in such a way before looking at Roosterstrut worriedly. "Raggedpaw is going to be okay, right?" she would asked the warrior softly, solely focusing on the two they knew well in this situation as worry fluttered in their heart for their friend.