it's cold outside ꒷꒦꒷ intro

Jan 9, 2024

Cold air hit his dark leather nose, as he pushed his way through the marshlands on steady paws. His muzzle wrinkled uncomfortably in response to the cold that pressed against his thin frame. As his tail lightly brushed the frost-covered ground, he cringed. He let out a brief sigh between his lips as he shoved his way through the gloom of his home. Although he despises the cold, it can occasionally be pleasant. He travels through the dimly lit areas of the marshes, his dark fur concealed somewhat, except for the pale splatters upon his paws and chest. The curly furred warrior flicks his huge ear then huffs at the small animals, suggesting that he should hunt. Right now he isn't hunting but instead exploring.

Batchaser pads through the wetlands, feeling the biting frost on his pawpads as he pushes onward towards his goal. Well... He sets a goal for himself. Perhaps he could hunt while he's here, no? Dig up a frog or two? A mouse, possibly? Ehh, too much work. His odd-eyed gaze was concealed just beneath his curling fridge of fur, that was shielding his eyes from the rest of the world. Blinks slowly as he moves aimlessly around the whole area. Random thoughts flow about in his mind, pondering how his parents are doing since he left their humble place. He doesn't know if he could visit.. Perhaps not. He believes the rules regarding this clan are interesting.

He abruptly comes to a stop at a vacant spot and sits down to relax his long limbs. As he sits down on his haunches, his brow creases slightly. Perhaps he should return to camp and take a nap in his nest? There's barely anything to do, so he's bored. He hums while peered down at the ground with a small tilt of his head. Long tail whips at the ground behind him, while he drags his forelimb through the snow. He relaxes by drawing random squiggles and forms in the soft powdered mound. Humming to himself and doodling on the snow, what an easy way to unwind.

  • //
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( Ehhh ?! ) BATCHASER
    ⛧ HE / HIM ; no problems with other pronouns
    ⛧ warrior of shadowclan; formerly a loner
    ⛧ a tall, curly shorthaired oriental mix with half-lidded odd colored eyes.
    action , thoughts , "Speech , 7077A1"
    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!
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———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw was not an.. aimless wanderer. Sure, she might wander sometimes, but it's always with pre-determined purpose. Food for the mouths of kits. Food for the injured. Food for thought- border patrols, ones that ensured that no repeats of the Smogmaw kit stealing... event could occur again. Her ears twitched as she prowled through the territory, @FLINTPAW on her tail somewhere. She trusted the apprentice was watching her, if not attempting to scent her own prey.

Scalejaw drew to a stop as her vision pinned upon Batchasher, and her head tilted, glancing around. Sitting around was one thing, but outside of camp? A hot breath curled white in the air as she huffed. "You taking a break?" She questioned. Scalejaw's tone was neither grumpy or ecstatic- it was a plain question, one veiled so that the judgement that followed wouldn't be obvious. Her tail twitched towards Flintpaw, letting her apprentice know that she was pausing for the moment.

[penned by dallas].
The tom flicks a single dark ear in acknowledgement towards his clanmate. Turning his head over his shoulder to stare at Scalejaw, well "staring" he guesses. "Yeah, just a small one though." He meows in response, before turning his head back to examine his finished creation. It appears horrible having too many lines and shapes. He lets out a huff, breath turning white in the air. "You can join me, if you want. It's alright if not." He swipes a dainty paw over his ugly drawing. Though it is getting colder.. Maybe I'll head back to camp in a few minutes. He nods to himself, a lazy smile curling on his mouth.

  • //
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( Ehhh ?! ) BATCHASER
    ⛧ HE / HIM ; no problems with other pronouns
    ⛧ warrior of shadowclan; formerly a loner
    ⛧ a tall, curly shorthaired oriental mix with half-lidded odd colored eyes.
    action , thoughts , "Speech , 7077A1"

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!

Leaf-bare hovers on the brink of thaw, its frosty mantle threatening to crack and dissolve with every tender, orange dawn. The wind comes in mellow sighs scented with seasonal metamorphasis, heralding budbreak and warm rain in the days to come. It seems pleasant to ponder on, as thoughts of Newleaf beckon optimism for most.

In this transitional phase, however, the swamp territory is miserable, and snow and sludge coalesce in the low-lying areas and near the mires. Plummeting belly-first into a slushy abyss is not an experience Smogmaw wishes to revisit, and as such, the deputy calls upon all the elegance his paws can conjure, hopping between reasonably dry clods of land while he navigates the territory.

To his credit, the tom's black-patterned pelt is largely unscathed by the time he happens upon Batchaser and Scalejaw, having plunged into frigid slurry only twice. Twice more than he'd preferred, sure, but wanting is the first step to dissatisfaction. "What're you doing, really?" hums his gravelly tone, as paws plant themselves in the snippet of snowscape. It's a question draped in rhetoric, though delivered in an authentic cadence—the answer became apparent the moment Batchaser's hunched-over frame peered into sight.

He's trying to fend off soul-sucking void that was responsibility, and fill it with aimless imprints in the snow. Smogmaw cannot personally hold it against him for dodging his duties, for the spirit is free and fluid. Protocol prevails in the clans, however, and ShadowClan has neither tolerance for lollygaggers, nor leniency for the lazy. "I want to see one of two things in your mouth when you return to camp, Batchaser," he starts as he pads closer, muzzle pivoting the curl-furred warrior's way. "Fresh-kill, or a pout that tells of an unproductive day." A sharp, cautionary glare serves to complement his words.


Snow crunched beneath white-and-black paws as a long-furred warrior padded along the territory, wandering on his lonesome. He wasn't lost, no, and he did have a purpose, but he hadn't spoken it to anybody quite yet. If he was out of camp, it was for a few things - breaks, hunting, enjoying his thoughts alone. Of course, you couldn't forget patrols, but he wasn't on one now. Ears focused in around him, noticing familiar voices. Clanmates. The dark-furred tom looked towards the direction, noticing first a lanky figure, then another, popping up from the marsh. He sorted through his brain to think of who they were, slowly approaching the others. It didn't take long; the names clicked. His natural frown curled slightly.

Soon enough, Smogmaw appeared, speaking to Batchaser. The deputy seemed delighted to be out here. Mourningbloom simply gave all three of his clanmates a nod as greeting, blue eyes glancing towards Scalejaw, then Batchaser. "I'll join you," he speaks, paws settling into the snow beneath him as he sits. "In whatever you're doing... What are you doing, exactly?" Maybe he shouldn't just agree to random things. Ah, who cares. If it was hunting, like the tabby suggests, then he would be more than willing to join.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Soon Snowpaw appeared following close to Scorchedmoon, fur covered in mud and a look of disgust on the young apprentice's face. She couldn't wait to get back to camp and yet, here they come into view of their deputy and a few other warriors, suggesting a hunt which made her hum a bit, glancing at the other before looking at them. Might as well join as well she supposed...

"We'll come too!" she piped up before glancing at her mentor and then quickly looking at the others. Might as well, right? More cats hunting, more chances of prey and less of them going hungry at night, and it also meant more practice for her and sharpening her skills in hunting. She fluffed out her fur a bit while a grin appeared on her jaw and determination peered in her gaze. "Maybe we can make it into a game?" she would suggest, make things interesting at least...

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Mentor tag @Scorchedmoon ))