"It's a bit nippy, wouldn't you say?" Shiningpaw posed the question to no one in particular as he sat in idle awe at the mouth of the apprentice den. Outside the skies swirled with hues of grey and cast a cascade of white flakes down upon the forest below with abandon. It was cold, very cold. Hardly a day for going out. Oh well, he would just amuse himself with staying inside and savouring the company that he did have. "Anyone fancy a game? Maybe a spot of truth or dare to help pass the time?"

Berryheart had never been much of a talker- or someone who played games, really. But in this sort of weather- and he would use a stronger word than nippy- there was often little else to do. A yawn split his crooked jaw as he padded from the medicine den, a shiver skittering along his speckled pelt. Agley eyes slid to Sunny as he offered his invitation- a wide-reaching one, but by virtue of being wide-reaching it hooked him by the paw too. Tugged toward the activity of interest, unable to deny his want today to be entertained- he took a seat.

"Alright." Low murmur, ever-monotone; though with the most slitlike of squints one might be able to tell that the fire-flecked tom was slightly smiling. A game such as truth or dare might be interesting, especially if the former was the most commonly chosen. What an opportunity that would be, to learn information not-so-easily surrendered...

"It is very cold, yes." Nippy, what an old fashioned word she often heard from the elders during their complaining sessions as she cleaned the den-the gold tabby tom was much older than her but not that old so his word useage peeked her curiousity more than his call to a game. She didn't recognize this game's name though, she wasn't sure if she had ever played it before. The games she played as a kit were more about running around and chasing than anything else and the name of this one felt more like it involved words as it spoke of a truth.

Moonpaw stepped forward, her paws number from trudging through the snow on a previous patrol and any peace she could get to warm them under her and her tail for a few seconds was something welcomed. The tortie point sat next to her uncle, offering him a hesitant smile before glancing to Shiningpaw with more neutrality to her expression; her gaze more wary.
"Can you explain the game to me?" Her pale state flitted from their mottled medicine cat to the other apprentice, she didn't mind who explained but given Berryheart's penchant for silence it might be best if Shiningpaw took the reigns.


”It’s not that bad.” The blue she-cat meows through ironic clattering teeth, she was not one to often confess she was cold nor hot. There was no rhyme or reason behind it, older cats usually just rolled their eyes at it, said it was something the young cats just seemed to do.

”I’ve never played before but I’ll play too, so long as its fun.” Must be more of an apprentice game this was than a kit one? Ragwortpaw had felt like in the nursery she’s played every game known to exist! It was relieving to know that was not the case.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTKIT, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Shiningpaw pricked up his ears as he looked towards Berryheart, Moonpaw and Ragwortpaw. He was actually rather excited to have so many displaying interest in his suggestion and he could hardly stop himself from having a giddy wiggle. "It's really fun! I swear! So, basically we take turns to be 'it'. The person who is 'it' gets asked 'truth or dare'. If they pick truth they have to answer a question and they must answer truthfully. If they pick dare they get set a challenge, like balancing a pebble on their nose or they have to eat snow." He hoped he had explained it well enough, though more importantly he hoped that they could all have some good wholesome fun. "If you want I could go first. I pick dare! So set me a challenge."

A tail flicked in silent greeting as a pair of apprentices joined- a siht he was grateful for, considering he was not sure how readily enthusiasm would take him regarding such a game. Chirpy and Whispers were greeted with a dip of his head, his barely-noticeable smile still sitting comfortably upon his features. Silence sealed his crooked maw as Sunny was given his leeway to explain the game- and promptly did he take initiative in starting it. Ah... he supposed he would have to work for any interesting truths he might receive. Now, what might be amusing to get an apprentice to do?

Well... they were in camp. Plenty of opportunities lurked around every nook and cranny- but as soon as Berryheart's askew gaze befell the Highrock, an idea sparked in his mind like a fork of lightning striking kindling. "Call a fake meeting." he murmured, snow-toed paw making a small gesture to the Highrock. What the meeting would consist of- and if he'd even get away with delivering it- was completely up to the fates. Such things often made it more interesting.

Moonpaw listened in quietly to the instructions, glancing over at Ragwortpaw's chittering teeth and wondered how someone who seemed to be more absorbed in their fur than wearing it could still be cold; she herself felt the chill deeply as well but was not quite as bothered. Perhaps it was that her fur was thicker in some places, her father's plush coat was something she might one day have herself at this rate. The tortie point glanced to Shiningpaw and then to Berryheart once she understood the game and pondered curiously over something to make him do that was not going to cause him accidental harm or embarrass him but she supposed that was the least, the embarrassing part. Wasn't the idea to encourage silliness? Now she was overthinking it and she tucked her paws in closer to herself, shuffling them on the snow as she looked down and tried to come up with something clever, but to her surprise it was their medicine cat who spoke up first and his quietly uttered demand was hilarious in concept.
You never saw anyone call meetings except Emberstar, Howling Wind called cats for patrol and sometimes so too did the lead warriors but they never used the highrock. It was sacred in a way. Made for star-blessed paws and sturdy enough to hold nine lives. Moonpaw found herself fretting at the idea of getting the golden tom in trouble.
" that okay?"


Shiningpaw might have been smiling on the outside but he was cringing on the inside. "Call... a... fake... meeting... Okey-dokey!" A dare was a dare, and he wasn't the sort to back down in the face of a challenge. Though if he was pulled up for it he was going to make damned sure that Berryheart was dragged down with him. Sucking in a deep breath to help puff out his fur he then marched out of the den and headed straight for Highrock. Never before had he noticed how, er, high it was when up close. Fortunately he was a big cat and was rather fit, so the ascent wasn't too difficult. As he positioned himself upon it he felt a shiver run down the length of his spine. It was rather daunting in truth, yet quite thrilling!

"Hrm, let's see... oh! All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather below the highrock for a quick meeting!" Oh jeez! What was he going to announce when they came? It had to be something good, maybe even good enough to make 'em smile! Yeah! That's what he'd do! "Lately we've all been so grouchy, but I won't let that lousy mewd carry on any longer. So I promise some new laws. Firstly, kits will be allowed to hold higher positions on account of their great littership. Secondly, every morning meeting will be spent on boosting paws-itivity."