IT'S DO OR DIE (announcement)

The council hadn't deliberated much, to be completely honest. It seemed that all of them, even her neutral son, had agreed on the simple solution to ThunderClan's continuous prey shortage. As they all leave Howlingstar's den, she gestures for them to sit beneath her perch before she climbs to the top of the Highrock and stands proudly at its peak. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!"

Determination sparking in green eyes, she gazes over her clan, healthy and strong despite the hardships they've faced. She knows they deserve better than what they have, and she knows how to give it to them. Once everyone is settled, she draws in a breath before yowling, "My council and I have come to an agreement on what must be done. Despite the life newleaf brings back to the forest, it isn't enough to sustain our numbers. I see warriors foregoing meals for the kits. I see apprentices going to bed hungry. Meanwhile, across the river, RiverClan remains plump through every season! The river keeps them well-fed; so much so, that temporarily losing Sunningrocks to the dogs wasn't even a concern to them. To us, that spot means more prey. Mice thrive in those stones. Why, when the river marks RiverClan's border with every single clan, was Sunningrocks the exception? Why shouldn't it have been ours to begin with? It's in our oak forest! It's on our side! We fought for it and drove the dogs away from it while RiverClan did nothing! I said it once, and I'll say it again: why must we face all the risks of Sunningrocks but reap none of the rewards?"

She rakes her fierce gaze across the cats below, reading their expressions, listening to their murmurs. When her voice rises again, her tail does so, too. "We will fight for Sunningrocks! It rightfully belongs to ThunderClan! Soon, we will have more prey, and our clan won't go hungry any longer!"
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Cloudypaw crept out of the apprentice den at her leader's call, confusion writ across her features. The last meeting had been too recent for this to be another. Something must have happened.

A seed of worry planted itself in her stomach.

Taking a seat, she dutifully listened to Howlingstar's words. With each one the seed inside her grew more and more. It wasn't that she disagreed, the logic seemed sound enough to her. The gathering had made that much clear. Cloudypaw had listened uncomfortably as her leader's cold reasoning was met with wild conspiracies and accusations from the Riverclan leader. The memories of snapping jaws in front of her face had been vivid in her mind as he claimed Thunderclan must have led the dogs to the rocks.

This announcement however, this was almost as terrifying as the dogs. They were going to fight another clan. She had no idea what that meant, but it made her feel scared. She glanced around, trying to see how everyone else felt.​

ROEPAW — break the air to feel the fall.
At Howlingstars call, Roepaw summons herself alongside several of the older apprentices she had been idly chatting with heartbeats before.
Her leaders eyes are ablaze, and Roepaw’s brows furrow curiously.
Yet, her scrunched facial expression quickly expands, her brows now raised with pleasant surprise, her doe shaped eyes narrowing as she listens on. Howlingstars words are quick to spark sharp bitterness, rising up in Roepaw’s chest like bile.
The mad river king and his band of crazy’s- this was a fight Roepaw wouldn’t be missing out on.
"Lets kick their ass!" The cinnamon molly rallies alongside several of her fellow clanmates as she comes to a prideful stand.

( ) Another meeting, so soon after the last? Strange. He's been here long enough now to think it such, to know that something important must be happening. So he draws himself from where he'd been sitting with some fellow apprentices, tails after them as a yawn parts his lips. He's tired, he always is lately, but he needs to stay focused. This must be important.

A fight with RiverClan, a claiming of Sunningrocks for themselves. He blinks, certainly more awake now. That's... not what he'd been expecting. But it makes sense, her yowled words ring clear and true. The apprentice den has become so crowded, and with so many growing cats it seems everyone is going hungry. He's certainly foregone meals to let the younger ones eat. And though Lichenpaw is no stranger to hunger, he must admit that the idea of not worrying for prey is alluring. If they have to fight for it... Well, that's just the way things are, the way things always have been. He'll fight tooth and claw to provide for his Clanmates if he must, that's what being a ThunderClanner means. He'll do better than he did against the dogs, prove himself worthy of his place in the Clan.

Cheers ring out, and Lichenpaw feels compelled to add his own, though he doesn't quite know the words for his conviction. "Yeh -- Yeah!! We'll uh," uncertain, he takes his cue from Roepaw. "Kick all their asses!" It feels a bit childish, but well, she's older than him, so what does he know.
Raccoonstripe drifts to a spot beneath the Highrock, heeding his mother's call with curious ears and eyes. He'd seen her call her council into her den, and though he'd burned with envy -- I should be in there! -- he is all but dying to know what was said. Clearly, ThunderClan has been slighted by RiverClan. The Gathering had been a mess of high-tempered shouting. RiverClan had become the new WindClan, it had seemed to him. Instigating trouble with all who neighbor them.

The broad-shouldered tabby curls his tail around his paws as Howlingstar begins to speak. She tells them RiverClan remains plump, well-fed, regardless of the seasons, that their rivers are full enough of fish that they don't need the rocks. Raccoonstripe bares his teeth at the memory of Cicadastar's lead warriors smarting off to his mother. Even worse, the spindly strange tom had done it at the Gathering, public to all five Clans.

Raccoonstripe raises his voice in a yowl of support. "They let go of Sunningrocks readily enough when it caused them problems! Let them show us their bellies and tuck their tails between their legs once and for all." The tabby stands, his tail lifted. If it hadn't been for the scars littering his white chest, the darkness of his eyes, the broad shoulders, he could pass for a duplicate of Howlingstar.

The broad-shouldered warrior sat himself down at the meeting, his ears flicked forward to listen to Howlingstar's call. A flare of righteous pride seared through his chest, pleased that the decision was so unanimous. He saw no reservations against this move. RiverClan refused to defend the rocks when a threat was present. If one clan could not and would not defend their territory—they ought to loose it. This was not to mention the way he had heard RiverClan's warriors talk with such disrespect.

They were justified in every situation, no matter what their mad, shrieking leader said.

"For ThunderClan!" He rumbled, thrashing his tail back and forth.

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Politics would always be there at the very heart of every battle. Now was no different. With Howlingstar and her council coming up with the idea to overtake sunning rocks as their own. He cannot say that he necessarily disagrees with the notion. Only that he hopes the operation will prove successful in the end. Silver stands within the growing crowd donning his usual steely gaze, listening as others gave side comments about the matter at hand.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road