camp IT'S FRIDAY, I'M IN LOVE — rock family


Jun 20, 2023

☼—— A small pink tongue pokes between new kitten-teeth; Emberkit's big blue eyes are fixed on his paws. He and his siblings still have to stay in the nursery, like, 99 percent of the time, which is not fun! But Emberkit wants to be a good kit, so he listens to Sunfreckle and stays inside. Besides, he finds things to do! Like right now, he's digging a hole. He is very excited about it, 'cause he's gonna make the hole into a nest for his rocks. Yeah, he has rocks! It's very cool! His tiny white-tipped paws scrape a shallow dent into the sandy ground while he squints to keep the dirt out of his eyes.

Once he's happy with his rock-nest (it is an extremely shallow scrape, really), Emberkit gets up and does a little happy dance, 'cause now he has a nest for his rocks! They're small but they're super pretty, he thinks, and he paws them into his nest. They sit there, very still, much stiller than he sits in his family's nest for sure! The kitten scoots his rocks aside—they're so glittery and shiny and pretty!—and sits next to them like he sees the queens sit next to their kittens, a purr rumbling in his tiny chest. He declares to no one in particular, "Muh-My rock fambily!"
Pardon his gross mispronunciation.

  • ooc: set in the nursery (obviously) :D
  • hGDbrni.png
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 1 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
Tansy doesn't have anything to do today, really. She had changed her nest last night while little Crystalkit whined about being up so late but the queen couldn't help it. If she stopped moving then thoughts of her babies that could have been, and should have been besides him would come back. She lays in her nest with her legs carefully drawn in, blue eyes dull as she stares in to the distance. The cloud around her thoughts never lift once despite the noises outside and inside the den.

Ember speaks while Crystalkit catches up on his sleep, tucked in to her side. It finally jerks her out of her thoughts, eyes flitting to look at the little kitten. "Your rock family?" she muses softly, recognizing the kitten as Sunfreckles- speaking of, she really needs to check up on the latter. She knows how hard it could be. "They're very beautiful. Do you have names for them?" she shifts to view the cream kitten better. Crystalkit mumbles in his sleep. Her ear only twitches as she stares at Ember, tilting her head softly. He curls around the rocks like shes curled around Crystalkit, like the other queens curl around their kittens. She finds it amusing and it warms her heart.
Evergreenpaw liked kits. Sometimes she liked to imagine a future where she'd return to the nursery and watch her own little ones run around and play. But it was just that - a future. Not the present.

Even then, when she had free time, she'd visit the nursery and ask it's inhabitants politely - and awkwardly - if they needed anything. If they didn't, she'd leave and go find something else to do or find a spot in camp to think. If they did, she'd go get anything requested, and then proceed as if they didn't ask her for anything, because she was not of use anymore.

Some days, however, she liked to play with the kits, or at least watch them for a while. They were precious at times, silly at others, and sometimes they were even both silly and precious. It feels strange to imagine that maybe someone saw her like that in the past too.

She peeked into the nursery, just in time to see Emberkit's little dance and announcement about his rock family. Instantly, the question on the tip of her tongue disappeared and was replaced with a fond little gasp. It wass precious and silly, and her heart melted, unsure green gaze morphing into wide, joy-filled eyes.

"Y-Yeah! Your rock family... they need names! Do you want help naming them?" She asked, only stumbling on her words a few times. She wouldn't mind if she was told no, of course, she just wanted to hear what Emberkit came up with. After all, her originally objective had been abandoned, at least for the time being.


Rainbowkit watches their brother digdigdig. Like, so much digging! Rainbowkit thinks they heard you're supposed to dig for super special reasons only, so he figures this must be so important! " Why you diggin'? " They ask, eyes blinking widely as they watch Emberkit probably dig faster than any other cat ever ever has.

And then Emberkit does a happy dance, and Rainbowkit does a happy dance too because why should you ever not do a happy dance? They were lots of fun and meant you were happy which was the best thing ever! And Emberkit must've done something so good right now, but Rainbowkit didn't get it yet! Then, Rainbowkit would watch very politely and wonderingly as Emberkit drops rocks into the holes. His rock family. Rainbowkit gasps mostly cause that's one of their favorite sounds ever.

Your rock family, the cat they know is Tansy-something says. Rainbowkit wants a rock family too. " Can we shh-are? Share? " Rainbowkit asks their brother.

Rainbowkit wonders what cool names they'll come up with. " Names! " they squeak agreeingly. Rainbowkit would drag a paw across one of the rocks, deciding instantly. " Smooth. "

  • OOC:
  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 6 weeks old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.

☼—— Cats like his rock family! Alright! Yay! One of the other queens, the really really pretty one with the nice eyes, asks him what he's gonna name his rock family. Emberkit, still curled about his sparkly rocks in his new nest, ponders this. What should he name them? He could name them after their colors, like he's seen some queens do—like Gray for being gray color, or White for the sparkly shimmery white one, or Brown for the one that reminds him of the fur of the squirrel someone brought in one time! Or their size .... Big for his biggest rock, and Tiny for his littlest ..... or what they look like. Maybe Freckle for the one with the little chips in it, or Spiky for the one that prickles his pawpads.

Emberkit is beginning to think he'll never have a name for his rock family when help arrives! It's Evergreenpaw, who's visited a couple times in the short expanse of his life. He likes Evergreenpaw a lot, and he wants to be polite, so he chirps, "Hi, Eh-Ever-green-paw!" Her name is long and it takes him a minute to sound it out, but he gets there eventually, grinning a wide kitten-grin at her and Tansyshine. Rainbowkit is here too, dancing with him, and asking him to share. The golden tom scoots over in his little nest to make space, squeaking, "Yeah! Sh-Share them. Help us with n-names!" He calls brightly to the two cats who have inquired.

Rainbowkit christens the first one Smooth and Emberkit bobs his head in overenthusiastic agreement. Whee! But he has a lot of rocks and they all need names ..... The kit prods the one with the little spots and half-shouts, "Freckle! Like P-Papa." He is quite proud of himself! He knows both of his dads' whole names now. He's learning a lot.

  • ooc: ——
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 1 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

Beaming at the kitten's pronunciation of her name - it was a long one, and it had taken herself, Dandelionpaw, and Grasspaw a bit to get it right when they were Emberkit's age - Evergreenpaw purred. "Y-Yeah! That's my name! You got it right! Hooray!" Though she was not sure what to do when praised herself, others seemed to react well to it, and he had done a good job with it, so she decided that maybe it'd make him feel good about himself.

The first rock was named Smooth by Emberkit's littermate, Rainbowkit, and the second was named Freckle after their father. The apprentice pondered for a moment over names, before thinking closer to the second rock's name. "Maybe... maybe you could name them after cats you like? A rainbow is colorful, so maybe name one of the rocks Color? Rabbit's are fluffy, and... and even though rocks aren't, you could name one Fluffy? Um... The smallest one could be Tiny... M-maybe I'm not very good at this..."

Flattening her ears but still trying to seem cheerful, she hoped the kits would at least appreciate her attempt at helping, even if it wasn't the most masterful.


જ➶ Rocks? Rocks! The young kit peers around Tansyshine as he hears the commotion, eyes flicking back and forth. For a moment he doesn't understand till he sees Emberkit and their grouping of shiny and pretty things. "Rocks? Your rocks?" He asks quietly as he comes forward on a bumbling walk. He hasn't ever tried to get rocks before so this is a new endeavor for him. Rocks were just hard things. But these were pretty. Maybe he cam chew on one later. Truly he doesn't understand the significance of them to the other kit. He is still a bit hesitant and suddenly he moves back to stand beside Tansyshine. Peeking out at the others. He wants to play but they are naming the rocks and he doesn't find himself too interested in that. No, so instead he just watches from the background. Thinking really about how one would taste. Chewy? No, too hard. Crunchy? Maybe.

Maybe it was silly but having a rock named after himself by his excitable children was almost enough to make him want to cry, it could be the hormones still or it could be he was just a disaster and couldn't handle even this marginal little degree of compliment from his own kits without spilling over with tears. Sunfreckle wasn't sure which, but he smiled wide where he sat perched at a careful distance to keep an eye on them without hovering, it was hard to fight the impulse to just constantly stand over them but he had to pull back sometimes or they'd never get to enjoy themselves proper for their kithood; letting them be happy and free to wonder a little bit was the least he could do for how harrowing their birth had been. He'd not let them out of the nursery for days once he'd settled down at last; terrified that the strongest gust of wind would rip them away or one of them might trip and break something horrifically. Unreasonable panic and paranoia that had only just BARELY begun to settle down inside him.
A glance is stolen to Tansyshine, watery smile on his maw and a quiet nod in greeting before he went back to observing his two little explorers have their play. Evergreenpaw's approach was met with a careful stare, but rather than raise a paw to bother them or cause mischief she eagerly joined their nonsensical game and he relaxed just slightly. He recalled a long time ago losing his temper when Wildheart, then Wildpaw, had smacked one of his kits that had been pestering the apprentice and it was a relief to know he'd not have to deal with such with how gentle and careful the younger molly was behaving.
A brief look is sparred to Coalkit behind the other queen but his focus quickly returns back to his own.

Rabbitnose watches the kits play with a big smile. Everything feels okay, now. His family is safe and happy, there is no immediate threat looming over them wether it be natural or feline.

Watching them puts his heart at ease every time he sees them, and seeing his oldest litter grow so fast and become so strong fills him with pride.

He strides over to them to look at the rock family.

It's perfect.

"What a nice rock family!" He says. "I'll help pick names too!"

He was sure there were other things he could be doing, but this was totally more important. This was FAMILY BUSINESS.

Now. What to name a rock.......He looks at them and pushes his single braincell to think.....

"How about Crunkle."

What was a Crunkle??? Well. If rocks made sounds, that's the sound Rabbitnose thinks they would make.

Good thing Evergreenpaw and Tansyshine are here to give normal names.​
Tigerkit had been doing something, but she couldn't quite remember what it was now as her head popped up from where she was at hearing emberkit talk about his rock family.

Cats quickly gathered trying to help him name them, and she cocked her head to the side. Playing with rocks, and naming them... that actually sounded super fun!

The orange and brown Molly would become quite curious, coming forth to see a this family a bit better, if allowed. "Can.. I name one? Or are they all named? It's okay if they're named though!"

She didn't know the other kits tooo well yet, but she was intent on trying to. TansyShine was more than nice enough to help try to introduce her to the others, but she felt a bit nervous with the amount of others she would have to remember the names too. What if she messed them up? Would they be upset? A couple of the larger cats she didn't know if she knew yet, but she would learn, she was sure of it.

☼—— more cats show up to see his rock family and help him name them—emberkit's very happy, especially since he has a big rock family who need lots of names! evergreenpaw praises him for getting her name right—the kitten wiggles happily in place, eyes bright and adoring. she's so cool! emberkit decides to say so, wiggling forward from his rock next and trying to hug evergreenpaw's leg, mewling, "you're th-the coolest, eh-vergreenpaw!" after a moment he loosens his grip, prancing about his nest of rocks with his golden head held high.

"uh-huh! color, and fluffy, and t-t-tiny!" he points at three of the rocks in turn, cheerfully repeating the apprentice's suggestion. one of the other kits comes over, and emberkit nods energetically to coalkit, repeating, "uh-huh, rocks!" both of his dads show up, too, smiling and helping. today is a great day, emberkit decides instantly: he has a rock family, and a nest, and everyone is helping him name them and being nice! it's something that will mark the rest of his life—emberkit will have his tragedies, no doubt, but he will go through it with a smile on his face. somehow, to emberkit, the fruit the world holds out will never be bitter.

"dad!" he greets excitedly, mewing agreeably and jabbing another rock, "and crunkle!" he's lucky he has lotsa rocks, because everyone wants to name one! emberkit is happy though, because everyone loves his rock family lots. he nods enthusiastically to tigerkit, grinning unabashedly, "i still got some! an' i'm gonna get more. rock c-cl-clan!"

  • ooc: ——
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 1 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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Freckle is a brillaint name. Rainbowkit doesn't really know what a freckle is but it must be good because his dad was Sunfreckle, and his dad was also very good. Good things went with other good things! Like rainbows! and sunshines! He hopes Sunfreckle likes his rock very much.

They also think Emberkit knowing eh-ver-green-paw is very impressive. Rainbowkit didn't know that. They watch her think a lot, and they're glad she's putting as much thought into this as they were! Color is a good one. So is fluffy. So is tiny. Rainbowkit would nod agreeingly beside their brother.

Coalkit comes over, and Rainbowkit affirms, " Uh - huh. Our rocks! " And as Rabbitnose enters the nursery, not it meant that all of their family was here! Cat family and rock family. Rainbowkit wrinkles their nose, smiling. " What's crunkle? " they ask Rabbitnose. Emberkit doesn't question it, but questioning is good sometimes. If they learned what a crunkle was theyd be able to show the warriors how many words they knew soon.

  • OOC:
  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 6 weeks old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.