camp IT'S HAPPENING {Birth}

Jun 14, 2022
( ) Deersong had been, for a lack of a better term, grounded after her tree climbing adventure. But while the deputy had pouted she had obeyed, she was able to get one last adventure in before being ordered to remain safe in camp, and while it had been fun she figured one stressful day was enough for her family to endure.

So, today the molly had decided to take it easy, the kits were due any moment, and she could feel it in the way she felt their kicks and little movements. She softened cooed to her belly at night, whispering to them the wonders of clan life, all of the cats who were eager to meet them, of their father and how wonderful he was as well as how loved they already were.

Deersong reclined in front of the nursery, Squirrelpaw settled before her. The molly was working on grooming her adopted daughter's pelt as the pair watched Thistleback train both Quillpaw and Snowpaw on what she assumed were battle moves. The deputy had called out words of encouragement or praise every now and again when she suddenly jumped and frowned softly. Oh, that wasn't a very pleasant feeling, was it?

She would readjust, thinking nothing of it at first but then the pang came again, and she let out a tiny hiss of pain this time. Deersong would give Squirrelpaw one more lick upon her head before heaving herself to a sitting position and raising a paw to her belly, "What is it, my little gems?" She would murmur to her children before another pang, stronger and much more painful than the last shot through her body and she gasped before turning to Squirrelpaw, "Squirrel, I need you to go and get Dawnglare, I think these little munchkins are ready to meet Skyclan." Her voice was tight, yet the excitement that mingled with the pain on her face was easily seen.

Once her daughter had scampered off, Deer would struggle to her paws and meowed out, "Thistleback! It's time- OW!" The contractions were worsening, and coming with less and less time between them. The deputy did her best to take deep breaths to steady herself as she turned and tried to waddle her way into the nursery, hoping that the medicine cat or even Churro and Daisy would be here soon to help her.

"Let me at least get inside where it's warm, ok my little stars?"

@DAWNGLARE @ThistleBack @Snowpaw @squirrelpaw @Quillpaw

" very good. " he praises one of the boys, but his smile is artificial and his tail is flicking with annoyance. " if your opponent is sleeping, that should do just nicely " it’s a harsh set of words, especially given the fact that said move wasn’t done that badly. Thistleback was just being hard on them, he often was. He was giving them a taste of what Coyotepaw had dealt with, how he didn’t soften edges for anyone for anything. He cared about these boys, and this was how he showed it. This was the only way to make steel sturdy, you had to hammer it. " alright le-"

He’s cut off by Deersong’s urgent tone. Thistleback whips his chin toward his beloved, and a sting of anxiety prods his chest like a needle. Time would go agonizingly slow now, the prospect of complications had an absolute deadly grip of his scruff.

His claws unfurl instinctually, he feels his hackles dance. It’s the natural reaction to danger, and he looked more ready to fight than become a parent. He rushes to her side, and offers a shoulder to guide her into the den. " whatever you need. It’s yours. " he speaks through his teeth, because he can’t stand the thought of the pain she had to endure. It digs at his nerves like a mole, he cannot fathom it nor accept it but he wears it in his eyes. There is genuine fear, where there should be excitement. The muscles in his limbs tremor, it's adrenaline in the purest form.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
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Quillpaw certainly had to hand it to Blazestar;if the intent had been to make the chimera suffer, he'd certainly chosen the right way to do it. Working with Thistleback tested every lick of patience and self-control Quill had, from the ridiculously early mornings, to the intense training that Sharpeye had never given him.

There was a growl of frustration on his lips when he heard his mentors words, ears twitching backwards to pin against his skull as once again he tried to bite his tongue. Deerstep was watching them today, and the last thing he wanted was to have her looking at him the way Churro and Blaze and all the others had. Though, se wouldn't have been wrong for doing so. There was nothing good about Quill.

"I'm trying-"

Whatever acerbic response he'd been about to mutter toward the older tom was abruptly cut off by Deersteps cry of pain. Perhaps ironically so, considering just how much Quill claimed to dislike the guy, the boys reaction was almost identicle to Thistlebacks. The spikey fur along his shoulders bristled and every muscle in his body went stiff as if in anticipation of some kind of attack, but he knew there was no enemy to fight here. Just a queen going into labor.

Whatever stubborn defiance had been clinging to him seemed shaken right out as he took an uncertain step toward the pair, mismatched eyes flickering from Thistle to Deer with clear hesitation. "Is there..."The words died on his tongue, because what help could he offer? What help did he want to offer? Parents.Children. Pregnancy. Birth. He knew absolutely nothing about it, and even if he had none of this was his business.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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He had been curled up next to his adopted mother while she was grooming Squirrelpaw, so the moment Deersong jolted, so did he. Stagkit doesn't know what's going on, of course. All he knows is that the deputy was getting bigger and seemed sick. She'd get better though, because Dawnglare was a good medicine cat, right? StarClan had chosen him, and Stagkit had been told all about StarClan. He had been content to nap, and stay as far away as possible from Quillpaw, of course. He doesn't even quite understand why Nightlight, or rather, Thistleback, was teaching the apprentice how to fight more. Hadn't he already fought enough?

But Stagkit's mind returns to Deersong as she rises, saying some rather confusing things before waddling off toward the nursery. Dawnglare was on the way, and there was excitement in the air. Stagkit's eyes are wide and round as he trods clumsily after his mother, still entirely uncertain as to what exactly was happening. He finds himself waiting outside the nursery, uncertain if it was okay to go in. Would Dawnglare have room with Deersong and Thistleback in there? Stagkit certainly didn't want to get stepped on!
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The sound of Deersong's accented sing-song voice yelling for Dawnglare is what catches Fireflypaw's attention first. His nose flips over a stone, teeth crunching on a particularly yummy looking bug momentarily as he watched. Was it that important? Didn't they just poop the kids out and move on? Then, the yelp of pain makes Firefly flinch; standing up immediately.

"I'll go fetch him!" Fireflypaw quickly offers, standing up and nearly tripping over his paws in the process. He dashes off to the familiar den that smelled of herbs and blood, sapphire hues half-closed against the bright sun above. There's a hesitance in his step as he stands at the entrance to the oddity's den, pacing along the outside as he worked his courage up. He doesn't kill apprentices and eat their brains. I'm an apprentice! This is so stupid! Fireflypaw scolds himself, swallowing the lump in his throat before he called out to the prophet.

"Dawnglaaaare," He sang out to the tom, a wobbly grin upon his lips. "Witch lady says the kids are on the way! Whatever that means." He informs the medicine cat, tail flicking behind him. He waits for the shadow-like vines to creep up and pull him inside of the den. He waits for his last moments, for Dawnglare to suck his brain out of his head- but nothing comes. Just the healer's shadow shifting against the walls.

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Woe, woe. Rows and rows of woes and woes sting at bite at his eyes like a thousand little parasites. Down, down, down, the state of the sky seems to spiral. Development, one after another, and none of them were good. And soon, his woe would only worsen. One witch's litter had already been enough, no too— four too many. Something he couldn't have even dreamed of predicting as she, conniving miss, crawled her way past the camp's walls. Intentional? Surely it must've been, as if she expected something- a grandiose end to her reign brewed by none other than him. He hadn't really, hadn't prepared much? Should he have? And again, again, empty-pawed, devoid of proper backup, a last-resort that would have the sky prosper for seasons. A mistake, a mistake—

And... familiar chirp outside his den. Wails of frustration suddenly still at the chittering, and with a twitch of an ear... close, bright like sunshine, bright-eyed parasite. Executioner of will, sympathetic beast. With a warbling sniff, he rubs at his weeping face. Red-red eyes, they couldn't see him like this. And then, the news. The kids are on the way.

All over again, the flood returns, a tragic, tragic cry; for wasn't this just that? The epitome of tragedy? Ugly, ugly, the cries were ugly (as ugly a noise as a thing like him could make) and it echoes, screeching something sorrowful. What a day. A horrible, horrible day.

Defeated at last— the crying abruptly catching into no more than a shaking breath, he finally emerges. Tear-streaked face, pink eyes. He body sags with bitter defeat, and so do the flowers, wilting away as they sing their solemn choir. "Yessss, lovely," his acknowledgment is flat as it could be as he pushes past the pointed tom. A strained gaze tears toward the nursery, sunken and narrow, yet dutifully resigned with a dead-set stare. The first stick he spots in the clearing is decidedly the one, locked onto with a lazy eye and held within his jaw. His teeth ache to gnaw, gnaw, gnaw their frustration, and it just so happens, the thing is sturdy enough not to splinter. Good... for her.

He drags himself to the nursery with the intention to intimidate. To chill her soul with cool words and dripping venom, but instead, "T-take it," comes out snot-soaked and wallowing. The deepest of frowns and the dreariest of eyes, right there, sunken on his face. Less than enthused, dull pools in the gloom rake across her form. Fine enough, he supposes. Chervil root sits pretty in his den, if something goes awry; but for now, he couldn't be bothered. The kind words that had spilled freely with with coming of Blaise's little ones is gone now, an oasis near-completely dried up. He tries, truly- (for some god-forsaken reason. Was it because it only felt right? Because that's what he had done before?) but not a sound, not a thing can compel him to open his mouth.

[ honest dawn reaction ]
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( ) Once Thistleback was pressed against her side, Deersong found taking breaths to be at least a bit easier. Giving her mate a reassuring but painful smile, her expression spoke the words she could not; this would be worth it. For their kits, this was something she would endure a million times over.

Catching Quillpaw in the corner of her sight, the molly would call out to him, "A moss ball with water if you can, Youngblood. Please." Before slipping into the warmth of the nursery. Deersong would settle into her nest and that's when she would spot Stagkit, just outside of the entrance and looking in with a concerned expression. She would try to give him a smile as well as she endured another contraction before speaking, "Don't worry, Stagkit. Mama's gonna be just fine, you'll have siblings here soon; think you could find some gifts for them while you wait?"

She was panting now, the exhaustion beginning to hit her as she lay on her side and tried to focus on staying calm and breathing evenly. When Dawnglare finally appeared, he was in tears and the air-headed molly took that as the tom being emotional about the beauty of new life. Taking the stick she offered her, she would blink in gratitude to her medicine cat before the urge to push stole away her focus. Biting down on the stick and whimpering for Thistleback to come closer, the molly would bring their beloved kittens into the world.

Deersong lay in her nest, the molly absolutely exhausted after her kitting, but the smile that graced her delicate features shone brighter than the sun itself. Beside her belly were three healthy and beautiful kittens, all mewling in protest until their mother cooed and nuzzled them all gently to her belly so they could eat. "There there now my little gems, Mama's here. Papa's here to see?" She knew they couldn't actually see yet, but Deersong would look back at her mate; and it was as if she was falling in love with him all over again, "Look what we made, Chompers. Aren't they the most beautiful kits you've ever seen?"

Looking back down at the three bundles beside her, their little paws kneading her belly for more milk, Deersong knew at that moment that she would move mountains for them, she would lay down her life for them in a heartbeat and have no regrets about it. "We need to name them..." She would coo quietly, and her eyes would land on their firstborn; a pretty coat with blues and oranges and whites that reminded Deersong of the warm Full-Leaf days she used to spend with Billie and his family and how they all used to watch the sky turn those exact colors in the evening, "Eveningkit, for this one I think."

Deer would look to her mate for approval before pointing with her feathered paw to their second born; another daughter with blues and creams decorating her pelt, and a few tufts of fur on her chest and tail that remained spikey despite having just been cleaned, "Wanna name this one?"

She would wait to hear Thistlebacks' reply, smiling at the name he chose; Pricklekit. It was cute and so like him to choose a name like that. Finally, Her aqua gaze settled on the last of their litter, a son. His pelt was a cream color so pale Deersong almost thought it was white, but the longer she stared the more she could see that the true white was splashed onto his face. The queen couldn't help the giggle that left her over the state of his fur, and she would mentally apologize to him for inheriting her curls, she had been a matted mess as a kit too. "Palekit."

Once all the kits were named, the molly would turn and brush her muzzle against her mates as she meowed warmly, "Can you get Squirrelpaw and Stagkit, please? Time for them to meet their new siblings."

@PALEKIT @eveningkit @Pricklefern.

You guys are all clear to start RPing your characters at 3 moons old now!



He couldn't tell if Deersong actually needed it or weather she was just trying to keep him busy, but that didnt really matter to Quill, who was just happy for an excuse to leave the entire situation. As concerned as he was for the shecat, nothing about this situation had him relaxed or eager to be nearby, and he quickly nodded before padding off to do as she'd asked of him.

When he returned with the moss, he was quick to leave it with Thistle before making a hasty exit.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

By the time Blazestar is alerted to Deersong's kitting, she's already gone to the nursery to settle and prepare. His heart begins to thump as he nears the mouth of the den, remembering Little Wolf's birthing, the tang of blood --

But he notes the lack of such a fearsome scent in the air. Deersong is in pain, but she manages it with dignity, though Blazestar can see the look of stark terror on Thistleback's face. The Ragdoll touches his muzzle to the black and white warrior's shoulder in a brief show of support. "She'll be alright. She's strong, and your kits will be too," he murmurs.

His own son has gone to fetch Dawnglare. Blazestar tenses when the SkyClan medicine cat arrives -- there's something of that strange off-putting demeanor he'd worn when he'd discovered Little Wolf, but it's worse. Blazestar knows his arbitrary dislike for Deersong is powerful, but he prays briefly to StarClan that his sense of duty is stronger.

Sure enough, Dawnglare helps, though it seems he can barely stand to do so, and Deersong delivers three beautiful, healthy kits. He gives the parents a moment alone before ducking inside the nursery to give his deputy and her fierce mate his blessing. Three tiny bodies, but there's strength reflected in the way they latch and feed. Tears spring to his eyes -- he remembers, so vividly, the moment he'd held his firstborn son, had laid his tongue gently to rasp on each child's head.

"Congratulations," he says, voice low so as to not disturb the new family. "They look healthy and strong. And... beautiful." His purr is like the distant boom of thunder. "I'll leave you be, but let me know if you need anything."

Part of him wants to hunt down his son and give him a lick on the head, as he'd done when he'd first been born... perhaps he'll go do just that.

/ out

- ,,

"Want me to take a nap so you can actually do some damage.", he had said to Quillpaw moments before Deersong's voice broke up their battering of eachother and his focus shifted from the other apprentice to his mentor. Snowpaw had no idea where kits came from, well, he knew-sort of, but the experience of it was an entirely new and unwanted prospect so frankly he did the only thing he thought would be of any use at all. He ran. The blue tabby cleared out and went to fetch moss along with Quillpaw since everyone else was handling the heavy work and busy nonsense and he didn't want to see. He had no interest in it.
When he finally did trek his way back, dripping moss in his maw, he just barely overheard the names before shouldering into the den next to Blazestar on stiff limbs and with an expression of anxious curiousity. He had only one observation.
"Good for them, taking after their mom and not....well you know, you're pretty on the inside." He teased the monochrome tom, sharp teeth flashing in a smile as he dropped the moss.