it's hubris to try - sleet shower "prompt"

Aug 14, 2023

the sky cast a light grey, and where the sun could shine, it cast bright rays of patches against the frostbitten ground. hunting during this time was hard, but she had managed to catch a single morsel of prey. and of course she felt like fox dung over it. only a tiny bird that she barely could even catch.

she didn't even want to know what others caught, afraid of feeling even more bad about her measly prey. they spoke ahead of her, and of course, she stayed quiet, just listening. the air was still, the birds that usually sang growing even more quiet. was there a storm? she didn't know.

but, she was soon to find out- as suddenly cold and ting pebbles hit her. what the hell? her gaze glanced backwards to see no one, and ahead of her as they seemed to notice too. within seconds, the sleet best down upon the patrol, making her own fur bristle. "we g-gotta go b-back," she managed to get out, already turning around hesitant to leave the patrol though.




His jaws are frustratingly empty. When Nettlepaw had been assigned to the hunting patrol, along with his father, he had hoped to impress Shadestone somehow. Instead, the apprentice had failed his pounce, sending a mouse racing back into it's burrow before the blind tom had a chance to recover. It's a bitter feeling that burns upon his tongue. Eyes are narrowed into daggers, features set into a scowl. On the inside, he's practically screaming. Only the cold wind that blasts against his frame can pull the youth out of his brooding. Clan-mates on the patrol whom chattered were now silenced by the biting gales, as sleet rained down upon their heads. Lilacbird, who had gotten lucky with a catch (Nettlepaw is of course irritated by that), makes the call to retreat back to the safety of camp.

"But I haven't caught anything yet!" Nettlepaw can't help but snap at her. Last time he had been caught in a freezing rainstorm, he had almost gotten sick. He had spent two days in the medicine cat's den. I never want to feel that cold again. At the same time, he doesn't want to give up so easilly. He doesn't want to look weak in front of Shadestone. I can't let him see me give up, the apprentice reasons stubbornly to himself. "Come on! We have to keep going. Hazecloud needs all the prey we can catch." A real RiverClan warrior won't let a storm stop him from feeding his clan-mates!