pafp it's just a delusion - pebble hunting.

Aug 14, 2023

it was past sunhigh, yet before the sunset. long shadows crossed across the frosted ground, leaves turning black from death and wilting scattered the ground. patches of ice would make it quite slippery- and lilacbird couldn't help but hate the ice. the cold felt great, but the ice? it could go the hell away.

the lilac furred puffball sat near a frozen river she had smashed a hole through to collect some fish. she had a good hunt, three fish in a neat pile on the bank nearby her. at the current moment, she had found some pretty pebbles. she didn't have anyone to give them to, but she would find someone.


she was too nervous to approach someone anyways. but she was trying, she was getting better, but at the same time it was still nerve wracking to consider that she may make friends. she wanted to so badly. just to have someone to talk to.

her paws hovered over one in particular, a black and white one with little holes in it that looked like it was carved into an almost perfect circle. almost.

// please wait for @DARKWHISKER