pafp IT'S JUST IN REACH 𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 seeing the territory

Mar 3, 2024

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Dogbite has taken his apprentice to explore the territory today, and she could not be more excited. "So much to see, so much to see," singsongs Hollypaw, eagerly trotting along ahead of her mentor. His more lethargic pace, dogged and weary with moons and mourning, is not one that she cares to match. He needs never worry about his apprentice growing too tired to continue; her energy seems as boundless as her optimism.

Hollypaw stops for a moment, faux-pointed head snapping in a direction to the side of them. They've passed by here already, haven't they? He wracks his memory. "This way is... To the ThunderClan border?" A blink. "No, RiverClan! RiverClan, I'm certain of it!" He bounces a bit on his heels before turning his head away and bounding forward. Rapt attention shifts rapidly, from a place they've passed to the new which stretches out before. He hardly waits for a confirmation before shooting another question to his mentor. "And what lies this way, wise Dogbite?" There is not a trace of sarcasm in the blandishment, only eager curiosity. Snow-capped paws tread ever-forwards.

  • @Dogbite
  • 78595156_PHu3ouPV70uRxD0.png

  • HOLLYPAW ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, six moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionpaw & candorpaw, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Showing off Skyclan's territory never grew old to him, and Hollypaw's overzealous reaction felt like a reward. Her musical tune twittered about as she bounded ahead. Despite his tired gait, the scraggly feline couldn't help but smile.

Nodding in agreement, they called out to the smaller cat, impressed by his quick correction. "That's right—today we're going to see the Sandy Ravine, which is near the river."

Dogbite recalled their own time as a newcomer to the territory, sheepishly herding behind Blazestar or Orangestar with question after question. He had no intention of bringing his pupil any closer to Twolegplace than necessary, let alone Thunderclan or Windclan after the recent tense fiasco's with those groups. Just in case, there should be a patrol or two out right about now. Recalling said information eased his worries a touch.

Leading Hollypaw through a dense thicket of trees, he was happy to see it begin to thin as they approached a familiar patch of sandy grasses. Hopping over a stray root, the Lead decided to pick up their pace, catching up to Hollypaw's mottled side as they arrived at a fork in the trail. Indicating the direction of their destination and Twolegplace.

His question visibly causes Dogbite to pause. Heartbeat thrumming to life as thoughts of his nightly walks flashed.

"That's, um..." Familiar, sludging remorse trickled into their mind as the tabby cleared his throat. "This is the Sandy Ravine, and past it leads to Twolegplace." Gritting their fangs, he put on a faux air of calm. Hoping the strange behavior would be ignored. "Where our Daylight Clanmates go to rest at night." Gently, he aimed to tap the smaller cat's shoulder with his feathery tail, nodding off to the right as a silent indicator to move along.

Best we get out of here.

He wished to show Hollypaw more, but the fear of wandering too far from known safety felt risky. I'll keep us nicely in between both borders. Maybe we'll catch a peek of Sunningrocks.

Quickly, he led them away, trailing the rows of shrubbery, absorbed in his thoughts. Looks like the only somewhat safe bet would be closer to Thunderclan. Hmmm... Plus, it would be nicer near the water on such a hot day. Patches of pebbles and sand began to populate as the water's edge became viewable. Halting once more, they peered down at the youth with an inquisitive eye.

"Do you, by chance, know the significance of Riverclan's Sunningrocks?" Surely an elder or two had yammered about it, given that had been his own source of knowledge. If not, he was happy for the chance at a good tale, considering his apprentice's eagerness to learn and venture.

  • mobile post will edit!

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 35 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
Outlaw was no ordinary kittypet, fightin’, and huntin’ since he was a youngster, the kittypet focused more on the borders and laws these pine folk followed. It’d been an interestin’ discussion, honeyed words fallin’ past scarred lips, singin’ praise and hummin’ questionably at things that didn’t quite make sense. Still, Outlaw was one to poke at things, even if they became uncomfortable.

He ain’t gonna poke his nose where it shouldn’t be unless it revolved around his missin’ kin which he hadn’t seen since their younger days as naïve kits just waitin’ for their caretakers to feed ‘em on time for once — lazy fudgers.

Blinkin’, the obsidian tom carried on with the huntin’ patrol when Dogbite’s words carried through the forest, mangled ears perkin’ up in interest. Sunn’rock, eh? Interestin’ name, but it ain’t the strangest Outlaw had heard since comin’ here. Cockin’ an eyebrow, Outlaw tipped his imaginary hat in greetin’ to the two youngsters, lips curlin’ in a friendly grin. “Pardon my intrusion, couldn’t help but overhear about Sunn’rock. Afraid I ain’t too familiar with it, but with reckon you’d allow me the honor of listenin’ in.” Timbre a low, friendly hue, molten gaze crinklin’ not to hurt if the lead warrior disagreed and Outlaw will be on his merry way huntin’ with the rest of the huntin’ patrol.
thought speech

He'd already run Candorpaw ragged once- he wasn't going to do it again. Intensity was good in training, he believed- a strong will, steely stamina and all of the information you could possibly gather was fresh in your mind. But, well... he wasn't eager to shove his paranoia, overflowing, into Candorpaw's impressionable mind either ... and thus, there was where the balance struck. Daisyflight's dace was a light of inspiration in his memory- stern when she needed to be, and glittering with nettle-green appoval when he had earned it.

Anyway, shoving away those doubts- not this one, not this one, this one would not leave- he strode behind Dogbite, Hollypaw and Outlaw with purpose, with instructions given to Candorpaw that he should focus on the nearby scents he could gather. When the conversation moved to Sunningrocks, a tattered ear flicked in interest- with a crooked tail he beckoned Candorpaw closer. "B-better listen to this," he murmured, smile on his face.

Was he being a bad teacher, not saying it himself? But, well- he'd be swiping Dogbite's test otherwise, so... what he resolved to say was serious, despite the shaky voice that gave it. "Well- they're ThunderClan's Sunningrocks right now, aren't they?" RiverClan's originally, sure... but ThunderClan's by the tips of their claws.
penned by pin ✧
A newcomer seemed to spill out from the shrubbery, and Dogbite's ears flickered. This was a cat they hadn't gotten too familiar with, but Dogbite still recognized him from brief passings. "Of course, the more the merrier." He gave Outlaw a polite nod and 'mrrp' of interest as Twitchbolt and Candorpaw joined them.

Surprise lit the scarred Lead's mug at the patchwork feline's shaky retort. "Oh?" Then his expression dissolved into an understanding 'o' shape. A twinge of humility raced up Dogbite's back, and the tabby smiled sheepishly. Oops. Thankful for Twitchbolt's honest correction, he nodded gratefully. Their loner roots and impatience shone as radiant as the sun in that moment.

"That's right - it is owned by Thunderclan." Any cat would think, given his role, the white and cinnamon cat would have a solid memory of their neighbor's border. Thunderclan and Riverclan always went hackles up about the little basking spot. Not that he cared too much for the pine-scented group, but it was still a significant enough detail to feel embarrassed over.

Except his mind drew blanks, and his heated pelt grew sweltering. It seemed memory hadn't served him well in regards to old clan lore. Maybe the terrible lack of sleep he had endured could be the culprit. The lights strewn through Twolegplace had finally played tricks on his thoughts. It also could've been his bad habit of tuning out clan elders. Either way, he certainly hoped the slip was forgivable to Hollypaw, or his bad habits wouldn't rub off on the impressionable apprentice.

Shaking his tufted head, he attempted to move on from the blunder with a half-hearted cough. "Well, this is a good lesson in humility. Don't be ashamed to admit when you're wrong. It happens to even the wisest and oldest of us." Whiskers twitching, his good eye looked to his friend once more with an encouraging wink. "If old and wise Twitchbolt knows, I certainly trust his recounting before my own." There was a cheekiness to the scarred cat's meow, but it was lighthearted at best.

It was clear their companion was several moons his junior, but the opportunity to rile up the apprentices with some jesting was far too tempting. Albeit his attempt at humor was always blunt if not warm at heart. Happily he awaited for their student's answer with a welcoming head tilt.

  • shhh we'll pretend it was Dog and definitely not me forgetting nooo never OTL

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 35 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric