it's just one more reason to control myself ☁️ BADGERSTRIPE

Dec 21, 2023
BADGERSTRIPEa name she expected, given her appearance.
  • —— badgerkit badgerpaw BADGERSTRIPE
    named for her badger-like dorsal stripe.
    —— 13 MOONS
    created 12.21.23 ,, ages every 21st
    badgerstripe is a mirage of many colors, starting with a blue base dotted with shades of green and orange, finalized by the prominent black stripe for which she is named for, which spans from her forehead all the way to the tip of her tail. badgerstripe is small but burly, making up for her size with defined muscles and long fur. her features are soft and subtle, from her delicate face to the way her fluffy fur rounds all her edges. toyhouse
    voice claim — n/a
    SCENT— mango
    PHYSIQUE — small and burly
    —— HEALTH
    while physically healthy, badgerstripe is suffering from a plethora of negative emotions; guilt, regret, and anger. until she recovers, she is notably reclusive and aggressive towards others, friend or not.
    SCARS — n/a

    once lively and outgoing, badgerstrip has become remarkably reclusive in recent times following the wolf invasion on camp. riddled with guilt for her actions that left camp vulnerable and caused multiple deaths, badgerstripe has secluded away from others and has become irritable towards cats that approach her. a ticking time bomb, it's only a matter of time before she snaps.
    LIKES playing, climbing, sunsets
    DISLIKES stick-in-the-muds, tattle-tails, water
    FEARS wolves, abandonment, criticism
  • GEN 1. NPC xx NPC
    SIBLING TO — n/a (open in thunderclan's mass adopts)
    PARENT TO — none
    MENTORING — none
    MENTORED BY — burnstorm
    —— ADMIRES ???
    —— DISLIKES bigfang, ravenstrike
    —— FRIENDSHIPS lightflower, palefire, phloxdawn
    —— ENEMIES ???
    ORIENTATION — homoflexible ,, mono
    CRUSHES EASILY, FALLS IN LOVE EASILY — drawn to looks first, badgerstripe easily falls head over heels for pretty she-cats and effeminate toms at first sight. though she has yet to truly fall in love, she often mistakes her puppy crushes for just that.
    TRUSTS EASILY, BEFRIENDS EASILY — a social butterfly, badgerstripe seems to make friends everywhere she goes, so long as they match her personality and can put up with her high energy.
    MATE — none
    CRUSHING ON — tigerpaw

  • —— KITHOOD
    as the youngest of her siblings, badgerkit made up for her small size with a big personality. always a ray of sunshine, she seems to make friends everywhere she goes, most notably other kits that she would become apprentices with, and soon anticipate earning her warrior name with.
    most of badgerstripe's apprenticeship is focused more on makings friends and maintaining a social status than actually doing her duties or wanting to train. realizing that she's falling behind in progress due to her mentor's leniency, she is re-assigned a new mentor under burnstorm, a cat she finds to be too strict and 'boring', but soon learns to tolerate and work with.
    badgerstripe earned her warrior name alongside phloxdawn, palefire and lightflower. the new warriors, full of excitement, were eager to start their warrior lives, brainstorming what their first tasks could be. howlingstar, who overheard the conversation, assigned them to sit guard over camp for the night, to which the warriors reluctantly agree.

    around moonhigh on their first night as warriors, badgerstripe soon grew bored and irritable at the fact that they were spending their important night sitting guard, which she considered an 'apprentice duty'. so, after some convincing (and a poorly-meant insult), she convinces her friends to go out on a walk with her to celebrate their warrior ceremony, and so the four sneak out and leave their post. with camp left vulnerable, a pack of wolves that have been recently invading thunderclan's territory invades the camp, killing three cats. the four warriors arrive to scrutiny and scolding, and are left to their own guilt as punishment.

    since the wolf invasion, badgerstripe has become a shell of her former personality - once cheery and outgoing, the molly is now irritable and reclusive, refusing the company of even her closest friends.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce hendrerit congue metus, eget tristique velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla volutpat vehicula egestas. Donec ac orci risus. Nam ultricies, lacus pharetra vehicula tristique, enim dui vulputate justo, in pulvinar arcu tellus ultrices nisi. Ut interdum lacus varius, porta justo sed, hendrerit mauris. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
    —— THE END
    death lore if applicable
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies ornare nunc vel placerat. In dui lacus, interdum nec ligula non, vestibulum tincidunt ex. Mauris bibendum velit magna, vel pellentesque lorem blandit et. Mauris ullamcorper semper malesuada. Pellentesque vitae rhoncus arcu, id consectetur mauris. Suspendisse porttitor neque sagittis massa elementum, et volutpat nisl tempus. Curabitur in sodales tortor. Curabitur varius aliquam lorem pharetra placerat. Nullam eget consectetur nibh. Vestibulum volutpat nec sem sed dictum. Vestibulum tincidunt odio in neque mollis, ac cursus lectus finibus. Donec facilisis lacinia sapien, sit amet vehicula odio. Curabitur augue nisl, vulputate at lacinia a, posuere nec lacus. Proin vehicula mauris eget ornare bibendum.

Fusce tincidunt sapien rutrum felis finibus, eu sagittis quam maximus. Nunc cursus nisi eget risus vulputate, a congue mauris feugiat. Nulla vitae nisi ex. Nam at velit sem. Ut ornare auctor porta. Phasellus scelerisque maximus justo sit amet sagittis. Sed pulvinar odio porttitor nulla tempus lobortis. Pellentesque consectetur quam in erat interdum dapibus. Nullam sagittis dolor nec orci fermentum, vitae pharetra purus tempus. Pellentesque bibendum sed nisi vel rutrum. Nam gravida neque quis pretium tempor.

Integer fermentum vitae mauris ut malesuada. Aenean elementum diam vel sapien ornare, id euismod neque luctus. Duis quis laoreet arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur imperdiet aliquet quam, quis tincidunt dolor. Etiam ac suscipit libero. Mauris et velit blandit, lobortis sapien vel, sollicitudin risus. Sed varius, lorem eget accumsan sollicitudin, ex enim mattis urna, a mollis velit arcu non purus.
  • badgerkit badgerpaw BADGERSTRIPE
    ━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | 15 MOONS ,, ages every 21st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to n/asibling adopts here!
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
  • badger.png

  • speech is #FB8B24

[box=55%][justify][font=georgia]TEXT HERE.[/font][/justify]
[slide=CHARACTER INFORMATION — ♡][justify][size=18px][b][color=#FB8B24][s]badgerkit[/s] [s]badgerpaw[/s] BADGERSTRIPE[/color][/b][/size]
━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | [abbr=created 12.21.23 at 10 moons]15 MOONS ,, ages every 21st[/abbr]
━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to [i]n/a[/i]  — [url=][color=#FB8B24]sibling adopts here![/color][/url]
━━ MATE to [i]none[/i] | PARENT to [i]none[/i]
━━ MENTOR to [i]none[/i] | PREVIOUSLY MENTORED by [i][abbr=penned by jay]BURNSTORM[/abbr][/i][/justify]
[slide= ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗][img width=500px][/img]
[slide= ♡ — OUT OF CHARACTER][justify]speech is [color=#FB8B24]#FB8B24[/color][/justify]
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