── basically chose his own name
SCREECH for his loud entrance into the world; PAW for his rank as an apprentice.
— AMAB; He / Him
— Apprentice of ShadowClan
— 12 moons | Born 07.11.2023 and introed at 2 moons | Ages every 11th
— Penned by ABRI

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    A lithe, scruffy-furred feline, Screechpaw's fur appears basically void-like in shadowy black tones - save for splotches of orange that litter the left side of his body, predominantly featured above his left paw, and on his tail, like light breaking through branches. His green gaze almost always has a mischievous glint to its appearance - one of mismatched hues upon closer inspection. A sharp fang sticks out on the left side of his mouth.
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    The wailing cry that gifts his name should have been all the warning anyone needed about Screechpaw.

    A rebellious nature that he seems to have carried since birth, Forestshade's lax style of parenting simply opens the door for trouble even further. Not one to sit still for long, the kit would find a wonder for exploring the world outside of the camp, often found sneaking out of the nursery, and - if he's lucky - sneaking out of camp to view a world bigger than what he knows. When camp-bound, Screechkit would frequently be a terror amongst the kits, often playing tricks on others and rough-housing in their games. The tricks would be intentional - the rough-housing, not so much, but he played it as so, despite the twinge of guilt he felt at someone potentially getting hurt.

    As an apprentice, he'll be difficult to teach. With his mother's notable hunting skills and her tendency to cover for him, he carries a belief that he has inherited her same skills. He will simply not care about taking the time to learn the ways of a warrior, often slacking off on attending his lessons to wander the forest instead. He often finds himself under punishment because of this, but swears he knows how to hunt and fight anyway, so what's the point of attending lessons?

    Though the closest with Forestshade, with his rebellion at its peak, his relationship with his mother will be strained. Screech will often appear as he doesn't care for his mother, and will likely hold a love-hate relationship with his siblings. Deep down he does care about his family, but the tom often uses his deviance as a way to bury his emotions, and often struggles to express how he truly feels about those he cares about - something that more than likely stems from the way he was raised.

    — A mischievous glint in his eyes.
    — A crooked grin.
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    FORESTSHADE xx VULTUREMASK ; Littermate to Briarpaw, Sweetpaw | Half-nephew to Sunflowermask, Goldenstrike, Silverthorn

    Mentored by Chilledstar
    — Admires Forestshade
    — Likes Starlingheart, Magpiepaw, Halfshade†, Frostbite
    — Friends with Sprucepaw
    — 'Rivals' with Nettlepaw
    — Dislikes Orchidpaw, Wheatpaw, Singepaw
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    Screechpaw often finds himself on his own in his wandering but wouldn't mind taking a buddy or two with him, if he can find any! He is quick to hold grudges over pointless things, but those grudges find a tendency to falter quickly.​

    SOUNDS LIKE: To be determined.
    SMELLS LIKE: Mist and mud
    Speech is #FF3A00; Secondary color is #BA292F
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    The tom's loud entrance into the world bestows a name apt for the path he forges. The troublemaker of his unknowingly half-clan litter, Screechpaw is bound to be known for his curiosity-led escapes and poor attendance as he steps foot into apprenticeship.​

    • SHADOWCLAN KIT — [ JULY 2023 — SEPTEMBER 2023]
      I THOUGHT I COULDN'T BREATHE WITHOUT YOU ╱ Screechkit is born.
      WE'LL BE ALRIGHT ╱ Screechkit explores the camp and touches brambles.
      GARDEN OF SHADOWS ╱ Screechkit receives a gift from Magpiepaw and aims to listen to his story.
      SWEET LITTLE BUMBLE BEE ╱ Screechkit watches Sweetkit trip over a branch.
      SLOW DANCE INTO A MOSH PIT ╱ Screechkit makes his first escape attempt.
      MADE MY BED, BUT I CAN'T REST ╱ Screechkit observes a snake.
      STEALTH MISSION ╱ Screechkit plays hide and seek.
      AND I'VE BEEN PRAYING ╱ Screechkit tries to get Briarkit to play.
      ROSE UP FROM THE DEAD ╱ Screechkit greets Forestshade and tries to make her stay.
      HEART BEATS FAST ╱ Screechkit reacts to Halfshade's sickness and protests the idea of germs.
      WHY SHOULD I WORRY ╱ Screechkit observes Skunktail's strange prey.
      SQUISH SQUASH ╱ Screechkit loses Frostbite's hunting game.
      A MILDLY MEAN LITTLE BROTHER ╱ Screechkit bites Nettlekit.
      LIFE'S A DRAKE VIDEO ╱ Screechkit answers Pinekit's question.
      I'LL CHEW YOU ALL UP ╱ Screechkit makes his first catch.
      I PREDICT A RIOT ╱ Screechkit escapes from camp.
      AWKWARD ╱ Screechkit becomes Screechpaw, as named by Chilledstar.
      FIXED ON YOUR HAND OF GOLD ╱ Screechpaw builds his nest in the apprentice den.
      DEFEATED NIGHT ╱ Screechpaw observes unusual border activity.
      IT'S BLEEDING ME OUT ╱ Screechpaw takes part in a hunting patrol.
      LIVE AND LEARN ╱ Screechpaw goes to train with Chilledstar.
      ONLY YOU ╱ Screechpaw suggests leading a patrol.
      TELL ME IF ITS REAL ╱ Screechpaw attends his first gathering.
      I REMEMBERED AGAIN ╱ Screechpaw speaks with Frostbite.
      PULLING THE STRINGS ╱ Screechpaw offers to train with Ptarmiganpaw.
      I'M GOOD TO GO ╱ Screechpaw lies about his biggest catch to Newtpaw.
      WHERE'S WALDO ╱ Screechpaw offers to help find Halfkit and Tanglekit.
      SWAMP OF SORROWS ╱ Screechpaw attempts to reassure Frostbite that the missing kits will be found.
      HOLD IT LIKE A GRUDGE ╱ Screechpaw is assigned to a patrol.
      IT'S COLD, I MEAN, REALLY COLD ╱ Screechpaw is disappointed by the patrol to RiverClan.
      FOLLOW ME, SET ME FREE ╱ Screechpaw is scolded by Briarpaw.
      BECAUSE I WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE ╱ Screechpaw witnesses his mother's injury.
      IT CAME FROM THE DEPTHS ╱ Screechpaw is startled by Muddypaw.
      DEATH AN AFTER THOUGHT ╱ Screechpaw heeds Muddypaw's claims of seeing a ghost.
      UNEXPECTED VISITOR ╱ Screechpaw vouches for Skunktail's claim about bats.
      OUT OF THE BLUE, INTO THE BLACK ╱ Screechpaw finds fear in Granitepelt's trial.
      TAKE ME HOME ╱ Screechpaw reacts to having to share a mentor.
      WAITING FOR YOU ENDLESSLY ╱ Screechpaw interacts with a ThunderClan patrol.
      SWAM LIKE RATS ON FIRE ╱ Screechpaw interacts with a WindClan patrol.
      PERFECT, PERFECT, I'M PERFECT ╱ Screechpaw skips his lesson.
      HAVE A HOLLY JOLLY ╱ Screechpaw wakes to a gift left in his nest.
      COLLISION COURSE ╱ Screechpaw runs into Bonefang.
      WHERE'S MY MIND ╱ Screechpaw goes night hunting.
      IT'S NOT TRUE ╱ Screechpaw takes part in a patrol to WindClan.
      PULL UP IN THE '97 BENZ ╱ Screechpaw reacts to Forestshade becoming a lead warrior.
      SPIRIT OF THE SEA ╱ Screechpaw cuts into Briarpaw's discussion about parents.
      I AM SPEED ╱ Screechpaw races Briarpaw.
      WITNESSLESS ME ╱ Screechpaw discovers Nettlepaw's body.
      RIGHT HAND MAN ╱ Screechpaw snaps at Singepaw and his complaints.
      FIND YOUR VOICE ╱ Screechpaw is saved from getting hit by a monster by Sweetpaw.
      DRINK A COFFEE ╱ Screechpaw reacts to Minkpaw's escape attempt.

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