camp its just that easy | poking at old nest


Oct 4, 2023

It's early, a chill biting in the air. He hasn't really been called to do anything yet and so he has been debating and thinking of what to do with this little bit of free time. For him it is simple. He is changing out his bedding. When he became an apprentice he became nervous, he dragged his old nest from the nursery to the apprentice den for comfort but today as he woke up he realized that it was tinier than normal. Has he grown? Most likely and a sense of nerves hits him. He will have to let go of those times as a kit. He will have to move on and be proud and strong. Work hard as Lakemoon's apprentice. Yet here he sits poking at his old nest and not wanting to throw it out. A rough sigh pulls from his throat as he does so, thinking and debating. He is old enough to understand that he is no longer a true baby anymore. He can roam the territory now with his mentor or other older cat. He can practice battle moves, he can defend his clan. Maybe he is just feeling sentimental? "Hmm..." Did Carawaypaw easily toss her's aside? His brother?

Shaking himself he finally gets up, grasping the old nest in his jaws to take it out of camp.

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlepaw - tom / 3 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior / mentored by lakemoon


"hey bristlepaw! whatcha doin?" she hummed brightly upon her approach, voice tilting in curiosity. she didn't know what willowroot did with their nest, once her belongings were out of the nursery she had hardly looked back. but it appeared bristlepaw had been tasked with... doing whatever happened to the old nest.

she had been so wrapped up in her new training that she barely had spoken to the pale furred tom. she liked him, but usually nettlepaw wasn't far off from his brother. carawaypaw scanned the area quickly for the blind apprentice before turning back. "need any help with um... that? i've got some time to spare."

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  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, four moons
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities. she is currently apprenticed to nightfish.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The young apprentice blinks his stagnant gaze as he hears Carawaypaw. Dropping the old nest he fidgets a little, debating on what to say. He doesn't want to come off as overly caring but he doesn't feel like that is a bad thing either. "Um...I'm just...just getting rid of my old nest. I never changed it from...when I was in the nursery." He speaks softly as he looks down to the bedraggled thing. Lifting a paw he pokes at it again before he slides it closer to himself and frankly he isn't expecting her to say that she can help him. Normally he just does things on his own but at the moment he feels grateful for her help. "Thanks...I'm just going to dump it and find some...find some new moss for a better nest. Bigger." Apparently he needs something with a bit more wiggle room so that he isn't hanging off of it.

Nudging the nest he motions with his tail. "You can..." Irritation flashes across his face for a moment. Just spit it out. He shakes his head before going a different route. "Grab that side...please." Then he goes to grab the other side and direct the both of them out towards a place to get rid of it.

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlepaw - tom / 3 moons old / riverclan apprentice / aspiring warrior / mentored by lakemoon

Bristlepaw has been out of the nursery for a short while now, but it seems that only now the spike-furred feline has gotten the sense to throw out his old nest and make a new one. The bustling causes Velvetpaw to rouse from his own nest (though he would have woken soon anyway, judging from the sun outside and the chill in the air). His icy gaze lands on Bristlepaw's absence. He tamps any joy he feels back into his stomach; of course Bristlepaw would be back, but any time spent away from that kit was time well spent, he thinks. Unfortunately, Bristlepaw hasn't wandered far, and Velvetpaw can hear him from the mouth of the den. Too bad. But it's time to get up, anyway– maybe he'd see what the other tom was up to.

"Careful not t' put it too close t' mine," Velvetpaw drawls upon his entrance to the conversation, icy gaze glinting. "Y'wouldn't want rogue blood too close. Might give you nightmares." His facetious warning sounds like scales sliding against stone; the parry and riposte of the knife-point hatred he knows Bristlepaw harbors. But then, Velvetpaw isn't too fond of the cream-striped apprentice, either. There's nothing outrightly malicious about it, though. Velvetpaw wouldn't want to give him the satisfaction of a real threat– just an idea of one; a dare to overcome, or something.

"alright," carawaypaw hums brightly, shifting around to the side opposite of bristlepaw just as he had motioned. she is paused by an icy presence, velvetpaw enters the conversation like a frosted wind. her ears twitch warily. although the young apprentice hadn't been there to witness whatever had happened between the chimera and a pawful of other apprentices, word happened to travel fast in riverclan.

"there's rogue blood all over camp, i hardly think yours would be the type to warrant nightmares." voice clear yet casual, she fixes the older tom with an unimpressed look. everyone had their fur stood on end for the heritage of a cat who had grown with them. it was silly for them to treat him badly because of it, silly for velvetpaw to entertain their baseless taunts. "you gonna help too or just watch?"

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, four moons
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities. she is currently apprenticed to nightfish.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


bio ₊˚✧ ゚. resting in the nursery is something unusual for the big kitten, it's a rare occurrence wherein he's lying in the nursery rest to rest the nerves of his mother. just one day without fighting anyone please? her request lingers in his mind, has him spending the day with the sickly queen, worry and guilt reverberating through his body. spending most of the day in the den has him stamping his paws around, camp, although not straying far from the nursery, but time has him wandering further and further, to the general vicinity of the other dens.

the conflict that is seemingly between apprentices has his ears leaning back. the very mention of rogues, has him leery, with the attacks being one of the most difficult occurrences in his so-far short life, reminds him of being rooted to the camp ground while everything is torn and bloodied. the kitten regards velvetpaw with something startled, missing context.

he wants to be free of the confines of camp. his misplaced confidence in the aspiration of becoming an apprentice some days has him staring wistfully at the den, today, he can't help the ugly envy that rises in his chest and out his mouth, paying no heed to the tense atmosphere: "how many cats do you need for one nest?" bitekit grouses, watching the whole affair with something bitter behind his eyes. he seems to consider the opportunity to go somewhere with company other than his mother. "i can help." is quickly followed up with, paws itching to move but confined to camp.
Goldenkit sensed the opportunity as Bitekit did, to move around, to do something with the temperature's teeth angling up and prepared to bite. Days alternated between warm and cold, and the drearier ones seemed to move slower, unluckily. Though she was content to stay in Riverclan's camp now that they were home, she would've liked to glimpse the apprentice's den without being ushered out. A promise of what was to come for her when leafbare made the world tuck ever in on itself, the days shimmying into tight spaces.

Her head tilted as Bristlepaw explained how he'd kept his old nest. To her, moss was moss. It was strewn across the nursery plenty, and the older apprentices' nests seemed luxurious and big to her. Goldenkit clamped her jaws shut, fighting a chortle as she imagined how it would be for the tom to cry when the bedding was changed. The following, strange pang of guilt at thinking about Bristlepaw distressed was what led her to approach the cats gathered around the nest. There were already many helping paws, so she asked, "Can we decorate your new nest?"

There is a bit of a crowd growing around Bristlepaw, and it's enough to grab Bubblepaw's fleeting attention too. For a brief moment, the apprentice wonders if something could have happened to Bristlepaw or his nest, but realizes quickly its just clanmates trying to help. Or in the case of Velvetpaw- instigating. She doesn't quite understand the divide between those born to RiverClan and those who come from the River Colony, but decides to ignore the bickering as Carawaypaw offers to let him help too.

She figures there's enough help being offered here before Goldenkit pipes up with a suggestion. "That's a great idea!" Bubblepaw smiles widely at Goldenkit "Do you want to help me go find some decorations for Bristlepaw's nest?" Then, when she turns to Bitekit she offers: "You can come along too, Bitekit! How does that sound?" She decides not to make any suggestions in terms of what they might use to decorate Bristlepaw's nest, hoping to leave the creative freedom up to Goldenkit and Bitekit instead. Though she might push them in the directions of certain colors- ones that might compliment the apprentice better- she wants to leave the choice up to them.

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