it's not like you to sugarcoat - intro




The child spent most of her days daydreaming- pondering the future and wondering why things were the way they were. Spending time admiring the small things in life, and finding joy in anything she could. It seemed short lived as she stared up at thick clouds that rested above the camp, before an ear flicked as she heard words from an apprentice nearby.

"You're not even a real Riverclanner." The words ring hard, furrowing her brows at an apprentice that seemed to degrade another. She had been abandoned here at a young age, but she learned quickly. She was determined to prove herself, determined to fill the big paw steps of the 'real' riverclanners. So of course, the words hurt her as well. Shed shrug that off however pushing her frame up before pulling closer to the two. The fawn tortie felt more inclined to protect the other, to defend her clanmate.

"So what? Why does it matter so much where someone was born?" she growled out, putting a paw step in front of the apprentice being verbally abused. Sage green eyes burned with anger, peeling back lips in a hiss as she continued to speak. "I think ya have insecurity issues. Maybe you don't feel like yer enough, so yer taking it out on others. Do ya feel better making others feel small? Useless? This here apprentice is doin their damnedest, yet here ya are, tryin ta destroy em. I don't think Smokestar or any warrior would appreciate the way yer talkin right now."

Maplepaw wouldn't budge from in front of the other apprentice, her voice and demeanor was stern. She wasn't known to be hotheaded, but she was protective of her clanmates. And the apprentice was not just digging at the other, but her and anyone else who had so much as not been born. She could swim, she could fish, she could hunt- she could provide and protect. And she wasn't scared to prove it. Her head lifted confidently, surprisingly keeping her body relaxed despite the anger that rushed through her voice and eyes.

/// anyone is welcome to be the one who takes a jab at another apprentice. and anyone is welcome to be the one being told that they're not a real Riverclanner ❤️❤️

⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

He practically bristled at the words, claws unsheathing out of sheer panic that this repeated commentary was a leadup to something bigger. The further he was shoved to the side as an outsider, the more agitated her grew, the more he yearned to sit at Rookfang's feet and beg him to leave... He didn't want to be here where he was constantly ridiculed for the fox-hungry teeth that had chased him from his mother. How was it fair? He'd already lost the Night Sky and still... still he was punished...

Lips peeled back in a defensive snarl, Valepaw recoils as if he's been physically slapped and just as he opens his mouth to offer a hissing threat, a feather-furred molly appears beside him with a gentle touch and a stern voice.

His heather eyes blow wide, off-put by the kindness that had not otherwise been afforded to him when malicious, slashing words were thrown like claws at him. A handsome, soft pelt unmarred by external scars though he festered with oozing, invisible injury below the surface.

Her statements are a reminder of what clan-mates are supposed to be like, the kind he'd heard in stories. Champions of one another... a band of heroes amongst the leaves and blades of grass. She has a surprising, sneaky venom to her tone that isn't far different from his own spitting poison... he takes solace in knowing he is not evil for having that reaction to such blatant bait.

"Thank you," his voice is soft, only really intended for Maplepaw and not the cruel verbal combatant she was quickly and effectively handling. "The arbor novice is right," he supplies with a small huff of annoyance and support for his defender.​
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It seemed as though there were constantly more and more cats that held themselves being born within the clan they reside in over other's heads as if it deemed them better and Moonpaw couldn't help but be annoyed. She'd already spoken on the topic but it felt as though there would be no teaching these other cats that although loyalty mattered, blood did not. There were so many cats within the river-ran territory that didn't have "full clan" blood within them yet despite this there seemed to be more and more popping up that thought that made the cat.

Ears pricked and lips tugged down in a frown as Moonpaw heard the words being spoken, and she was ready to come to the defense of whoever it was that could need it to the best of her ability when she heard the voice of Maplepaw and saw the situation unfold. Eyes squint at the one who started all this, tail lashing for a moment before the apprentice came to sit beside Valepaw, offering a look of gratitude to Maplepaw for her defensive words. She wasn't Valepaw's protector by any means, but Moonpaw had grown to like the younger RiverClanner and she didn't enjoy seeing disrespect thrown anyone's way let alone any towards the younger generation of RiverClan.

"If you care so much about blood and birth maybe you should find others to reside with since I don't think you'll find anyone here who comes from "true RiverClanners" as you put it." She'd speak, ears flattening for just a moment. She couldn't think of a single cat born into RiverClan that had been born from a cat that had been born after the clan was formed.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || sister to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Ravensong.
    -- She/Her || 8 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling
die with memories , not dreams .
His muscles pulled uncomfortably at the situation, ears flat against his helm with an inquisitive expression, dulled, but troubled. If it had been anyone, then Dawnstorm would be the perfect definition of a non-RiverClanner, simply existing amongst their ranks like a confused ghost with unfinished business, not unlike his father who remained ink-tinged with tar-like a ferocious ghost seeking vengeance for those that had wronged them.

“RiverClanner.” He pipped unhelpfully, gaze unwavering at the apprentice. In his mismatched eyes, Valepaw was a RiverClanner, birthed outside the clan or not. Dawnstorm had no saying, for he remained simply existing, not quite a RiverClanner, and perhaps not quite someone from the Ripple Colony. He had no place, and admittedly, Dawnstorm was alright with that, content even to say that out loud, but this wasn’t a time or place. Something the clueless warrior could figure out on his own without simply questioning everything. “Outside or not. True.” He added, tail curling against the cold-bitten ground, bi-colored hues narrowed.
thought speech
A temper that raged like the blazing sun on a bad day. While he shoved himself into the cold waters each day with his mentor for even the most meager of fish there were those of his Clan free from the responsibility to do the same. While the tips of his fur crusted icy stripes down his body they frolicked and danced in the grassy plains of RiverClan with hardly a care in the world.

Today had been particularly frustrating as he had only managed to return with a single fish despite being out for half the day. Have more patience. Coyotecreek instructed, but how would that get this Clan fed any faster?

Watching the Drypaw, Valepaw, with fur barren of any salty spray had plucked the strings of his temper and before he could keep his mouth shut his jaws were snapping awful insults at the kitten. Not a real RiverClanner- Otterpaw has never said that before. Not to a Ripple cat, not to those ice-sodden kits that appeared earlier that season, not even to Robinpaw. It wasn't an insult that made sense to him; if someone lived in RiverClan, that made them RiverClan. Even though he was wholly unaware of the fact he was also bornbeyond the Clans, he knew this.

But something in him wanted Valepaw to feel hurt. To feel like nothing, and the words were too easy to say in that moment. In typical Otterpaw fashion he jumped to move on and either blame Valepaw for his anger or throw a half-tailed apology when Maplepaw jumped in to play hero. His eyes narrow, glaring into matching hues with a curl of his lip.

"You don't get to talk about whatever Smokestar feels with me. You don't know anything you're talking about." He spat, flickering between Dawnstorm and Moonpaw. "All of you SHUT UP! I didn't even mean it that way. You think this is about something as stupid as blood? Are you thick in the head? Before I was RUDELY interrupted by this chatter-mouth, I was gonna say real RiverClanners wouldn't be scared of the river. That's the whole point of our home!"

Otterpaw huffed and lowered his glare to the other chimera. "I'd say sorry but you don't even deserve it. Fight for yourself, runt." These cats weren't worth his time. They'd go belly-up against him in a fight anyway, he had much better things to do than argue with fish-brains.
