IT'S NOT MY TIME [ scalejaw ]

  • name ▹ scale. SCALEJAW
    ↳ scale was given to her for her body shape and sharp teeth. jaw was given when her bite strength and battle prowess became obvious.
    gender ▹ afab + she/her
    age ▹ 59 moons
    ↳ ages real time on the 13th of every month
    sexuality ▹ bisexual, masculine lean

    clan ▹ shadowclan
    rank ▹ warrior

    created on ▹ 9/12/23
    penned by ▹ @dallas

  • short description ▹ SH Black/LH blue smoke chimera.
    reference▹ click
    physique ▹ muscular, toned, and built for war. she doesn't stand above an average height, but she is powerful in her movements. graceful and earning of her stance, she appears regal and definitely not to be fucked with,
    notable features ▹ tufts of fur are settled upon her front shoulder, hips, and head. her ears are tufted all over, and her cheek tufts are long. they're imposing and make her look a bit bigger, all of which are tipped in a silvery gray. she wears a 'mask' around her eyes.
    scarring ▹ there is a scar that stretches from underneath her left eye, across her muzzle, and dips down her right cheek and jaw. there are numerous nicks and scars over her body, some of which are hidden by fur or have healed very small.
    eye details ▹ her eyes glow orange, deep in color and almost akin to molten gold.

    scent ▹ smells of marsh lilies and fresh air
    voice ▹

    demeanor ▹ she is usually very relaxed within camp. around friends, family, and often her clanmates, she is easy-going and soft-eyed. outside of camp or in battle, she's cold, ruthless, prideful. her chin would be raised and her eyes narrowed.
    accessories/items ▹ n/a

  • personality traits ▹
    ↳ positive ▹
    ↳ neutral ▹
    ↳ negative ▹

    alignment ▹ good, bad, ugly
    mbti type ▹ abcd, 'the something'
    hogwarts house ▹ harry pooter

    likes ▹ list, some, trivial, things, here, yay
    dislikes ▹ list, some, trivial, things, here, yay

    xtra notes ▹ write them here or delete this category~

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / married / crushing on ?? / widowed / whatever warrior cat relationship status would be??? :/

    partner(s)/mate ▹ name(s)
    parents ▹ blank x blank
    siblings ▹ list of names here
    offspring ▹ list of names here

    mentor ▹ name here
    apprentice(s) ▹ name(s) here

    friends ▹ name here
    enemies▹ name here

    relations notes ▹ addition info can be written in here. if some categories are not applicable to the character - just delete them~

  • interaction notes ▹ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,

    adept at ▹ list stuff they good at ;B
    inept at ▹ list stuff they bad at ;o

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◆◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◇◇◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◆◆◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◇◇◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◇◇​

  • ▹ bullet point free text about your character's past! be as brief or as longwinded as you desire. link threads if you want.
    ▹ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.
    ▹ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.

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I'm caught up in her design

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scalejaw x 53m x warrior x shadowclan — tags !

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————

[penned by dallas].

[box=65%][font=tahoma][color=#3d4450]—[/color][color=#525a69]—[/color][color=#6c7684]—[/color][color=#909aab]—[/color][color=#abb4c4]—[/color][color=#c3cbd9]—[/color]———————————[size=3][color=#cfa3ec]【 [/color][color=#6c52b0]she/her[/color] [color=#cfa3ec]|[/color] [color=#6c52b0]menacing[/color] [color=#cfa3ec] 】[/color][/size]——————————[color=#c3cbd9]—[/color][color=#abb4c4]—[/color][color=#909aab]—[/color][color=#6c7684]—[/color][color=#525a69]—[/color][color=#3d4450]—[/color][/font][/box][box=60%][justify][font=tahoma][color=#cfa3ec]【[/color][url=][color=#6c52b0]◈[/color][/url][color=#cfa3ec]】[/color] TEXT HERE

[fright][i][size=2][color=#cfa3ec][penned by [url=][color=#6c52b0]dallas[/color][/url]][/color][color=#313742].[/color][/size][/i][/fright][/font][/justify][/box]
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