private It's not the same ☾ Ferretpaw


heaven says " now spell ɿɘwꙅᴎɒ "
Jan 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Despite their tussle during Frightkit's tantrum, Fry's anger remained mostly directed at the fact that Ferretpaw still accepted being an apprentice instead of telling Sunstar to hang back a moon. I mean, it was just one more moon! She could wait a little longer! Frightkit was still rather miffed, but with most of her ire trained on Spotpaw and his disappearance, she'd stopped being solely angry with the brown-toned molly.

"Back from training? " Frightkit asks, skittering from her place by the nursery to greet the arriving older she-cat. "Sheep-paw said the apprentices were having a group spar today - did yah? " she asks, moonlight eyes aglow with an intense need to know. Slowly, slowly, her former denmates were getting farther and farther away from Frightkit. It was...painful to watch. It pissed her off and left her hollow, it made her miss Spotpaw even more and want to yell at those that remained all the worse for continuing to ignore her. She was determined, today at least, to get some quality time with her friends.

"Can you show me some moves? Please? "

//a tad rushed I'm so sorry! @ferretpaw

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None
Tunnelers were not meant for front-lining, it seems. The apprentices had sparred, and Ferretpaw, as small as she was, did much worse than she thought she would. She returns to camp seeming a little less upbeat than usual, letting her tail drag across the dead grass behind her.

But, despite her loss, a prideful smirk forms on the molly's face at the approach of Frightkit. Her favorite little twerp to bully! Except.. it seems like Frightkit isn't looking for a fight this time, not like usual. Ferretpaw debates starting one for her - reminding her why she doesn't view them as friends - but decides that perhaps she'll give the kitten a break, for once. After all.. Ferretpaw wouldn't miss out on the chance to talk about herself.

"Back from training? Oh, yeah. I made someone cry, so we had to come home early," she lied with a nonchalant flick of her tail. Frightkit didn't need to know how poorly she performed against the older, bigger apprentices. "Totally kicked butt. Did Sheeppaw tell you that, too?"

Ferretpaw's cheeky smirk grows into a toothy smile when Frightkit asks for a demonstration. "Oh yeah? You asking me to kick your butt, too?" she teases. She did learn one move today, and even if it was basic, what would a kit know? She could totally impress her with this one. "Alright, check this out then. Stand still."

With that, the apprentice begins to circle around Ferretpaw, casting occasional glances up at the sky. Should the kitten's eyes follow her, she would wait until the opportune moment, positioned with the sun shining behind her right into Frightkit's eyes, and leap forward with an extended swipe of her forepaw, batting her gently across her ears. "Didn't see that coming, huh? WindClanners use the sun to fight. I bet those tree-dwellers wouldn't think of that one!"
  • dhafz7m-a2116783-c1e6-44ba-b63a-0d11aae47207.png
    ferretkit FERRETPAW ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 6 MOONS,, ages every 31st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | ferretpaw is healthy.​
  • 80478082_2zXyCfbKQMdMTjo.png

  • speech is #d98b54