private IT'S NOT TRUE &. night hunt patrol

there has been an increase in seeing predators around because of the frogs. once again, the marshes have shown that they are not forgiving because now they're having to hunt while also keeping an extra eye out for predators. they still however had a clan to feed, and as long as they're careful, everyone would be fine. this would be fine. with a twitch of their ears, they keep their voice low as they speak, nodding to three cats in a different direction.

"nightwhisper. ferndance. orchidbloom. go that way. keep quiet and hunt well. we will meet back here when we are finished."

they twitch their tail.

"sharpshadow, eerienight. you're both with me. use those pelts of yours and blind in well. do your best to not attract any predators. stars know how many are lurking after the same prey we are."

this was just a simple night patrol. the soft rain picked up and it made it harder to pick up scents but... there were frogs everywhere. it couldn't have been hard to hunt in this.

// just a simple night patrol! roll to hunt! 1-3 means nothing! 4-7 means one decent one! 8-10 means one very good or two decent ones!

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

I don't mind if the world spins faster

There was concern for how much predator sightings have been seen, making Nightwhisper to believe it would be best if she push more onto Bonepaw's defensive training incase he was face with one of them, yet hopefully that would not happen. For the safety of her own apprentice, she dared not even take him on the patrol for his own safety, he only just turned old enough to leave camp. One golden eye look to her leader with a nod before flicking her feather tail towards Orchidbloom and Ferndance as the group slipped away. Her ears perked forward listening to the croaks of frogs but also attempting to pick up anything else.

A frog hopped into her view and the young warrior quickly pounced onto it, swiftly ending the creatures life before turning to face her two comrades with a slight smile on her maw. Thank the stars for these successful hunts that none in the clan goes hungry. Especially with Frostbite's little ones on the way, and Lilacfur's brood these hunts were truly a blessing.

Definitely rolled an 8, shhhh ))
He felt most at home at times like this, without sunlight poking holes into the shadows and highlighting each imperfect plane of his face. Its uncomfortable at the gathering, being hunched together with the rest of his Clan as a chosen representative of the frog - munchers, but irony bites its way along his neck as he slinks through the darkness, like an ugly tick that's been stuck to him since apprenticeship. Sharpshadow can ignore the inherent judgement held in Chilledstar's unnerving blues, like this. He can ignore the warriors around him, likely wondering what he was doing here, what rat poisoned their leader enough to make him a Lead Warrior.

It's just... her and the moon, if she wants it to be.

She tries not to bristle when the leader speaks up. The moon just barely outlines an ear flicking in acknowledgement. Use those pelts of yours to blend in well. Obviously. Obviously. Was Chilledstar looking at him now? Gauging if they'd made a mistake, that day?

Stars know how many are lurking after the same prey we are. Of course, because ShadowClan couldn't ever have anything that was good, and purely good.

Alongside Chilledstar and Eerienight, she turns her attention to distant frog call, seperating it from the chirping of crickets and idle swarming of the rest of Newleaf's ugly gifts. Frogs could be annoying, but when there were so many around—

A snapping of jaws.

—It was harder not to catch something, really. She glances in the direction of her patrol mates, frog in maw.

✧ . The sun gives way to darkness again in a means the warrior is named after, a friend to mark the day’s end as tired light descends from the sky. He’s always preferred starlight over daylight, but the comfort of ever-shadowed night surrounding his form as the patrol treks onward doesn’t ease rounded eyes darting, or bat-ears standing tall. They aren’t the only ones enjoying the surplus of frogs around here.

Void-shaded gaze shifts at Chilledstar’s voice, a motion to split off that leaves him and Sharpshadow with them in a shaded trifecta. Use your pelts, they advise, as if still convinced the two of them are apprentices still rather than a warrior, than a lead warrior. Still, he gives a silent nod, before parting his jaws.

And really, he doesn’t need to stray far. As lanky limbs stride toward frog song, he remembers a time when he’d rather be elsewhere, when hunting didn’t pique his interest in the way it had his fellow apprentices, all eager to try for themselves when he would rather… Watch. Listen. Perhaps he still would rather watch the frogs hop along, would rather listen to their croaking tune, but one can’t deny the meals their presence bestows upon the clan.

Claws hook into one — a small being, though a meal all the same. One fit for ShadowClan’s youngest, those getting their first taste of frog. Yes, it will be perfect for them. Eerienight moves to pick up the frog with his teeth when another, bigger than the last, crosses his path. His head twists, and white fangs sink into the living until it’s no more. Two catches then. It would suffice.

The tom collects his catches between his maw, a star-glinted gaze looking back to his patrol mates.​
  • 74597010_gbJle40pG2JetDM.png
    EERIENIGHT AMAB. He / Him. Warrior of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A spindly black tom with unblinking, dark brown eyes.
    ✧ . ??? x ???
    ✧ . Mentored by Spectermask
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
Orchidbloom likes hunting at night. What they don't like is having to leave Raggedbite's side, all content and curled up with him. They promise a quick return, a swipe of their tongue on his cheek, and then they had followed. It's drizzling, and it makes their fur feel all heavy... But its okay. Tonight would be good.

They split, Chilledstar requests it. Orchid only nods lightly and then they're off, not sticking around for their leader to converse with the two they had specifically requested with them. The rain never bothered her anyways, trained well by Forestshade, it was nothing but a slight hinder to her hunt. They raise their chin, a deep breath and they're on the prowl immediately, hunters crouch perfectly poised. It's not hard to find a trail, with all of the frog eggs that had been popping up due to their recent weather.

Orchid's catch is effortless and graceful, a leap and a quick killing bite and its dead before her paws. A plump frog, good enough to feed two or three kits... Well, she didn't know their appetites- could be more, could be less... But regardless, she had caught something, and she looks up to scan over the ones she split off with. They catch Nightwhisper with a frog. Hopefully Ferndance catches something...

Tonight, it seems they would all return with something. Blessings be to Shadowclan, perhaps their misfortune is turning around...?

  • // rolled an 8
  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    demi-girl ,, she/they ,, 13 months
    warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    smells like lilies and iris'
    chibi by I-IALCY0N ,, penned by chuff
they lift their head with a squint towards the other two on their specific group within the patrol. their ears twitched as they looked at the catches with a nod of approval. they had no doubt in their of their abilities, but they cannot help that they are a bit on edge. forestshade reported that there was... more scent markers of predators and if anyone would know it, she would. she's got a great nose and if she was concerned about it, them chilledstar would be too. more and more, these frogs are causing more problems but they're trying to be somewhat positive about it all. they are well fed, after all, and stars know how long its been since that's happened within shadowclan. probably never, if they're being honest.

they shake their head as they crouch down, sniffing the air, blinking the raindrops from their eyes. they're focused, and mostly unmoving. a rather large frog leaps and they still don't move. their claws gently prick into the mud before they rush forward and pounce. a swift kill, and a quick thanks to the stars leave them with a very good catch. it will feed plenty. the kits will be happy with it. they lift their head with the frog in their jaws.


they muffle, as they drop the frog.

"eerienight. i think I heard more frogs this way."

they speak as they jerk their head in the direction of croaking. they just needed one more for the frog hunt to be a success. that's it. just one more. they pad off in the direction, nose twitching as the rain picks up again. it's raining even more, and the clouds block the stars and the moon. for any other cat, it may be hard to even hunt in these conditions but the marshes are not exactly easy to hunt in the first place. they're not as wet as the river, but they're wet and muddy nonetheless. hunting like this always makes them dirty, mucked up and dripping wet from their fur. now would be no different.

as they creep close to the ground, their ears twitch as they sound of sticks crunching make them turn in the direction.

"eerienight? sharpshadow?"

no answer.

"nightwhisper? ferndance? orchidbloom..?"

still no answer. they must be hearing things. all these cats are way too smart to step on a twig in the midst of hunting. it can't be them. they're just paranoid. shaking their head they continue on, bunching their muscles as they pounce on a frog, the sound of its dying croak somewhat music to the leader's ears. and it would have remained that way had it not been for the sound that hit them next.

they turn their head, eyes wide as a growl sounds from beside them. they look down at the dead frog in their paws, before turning back to the direction of the growl. shit. just a single fox length away, stands an angry fox. a hungry fox. they swallow thickly and look around before their lip pulls back in a snarl. they don't care how many damned frogs are around here, no doubt freaked now by the fox anyways, they're not giving up their prey. they hiss, fluffing up their fur, claws digging protectively into the frog as their eyes narrowed.

"no fucking way. back up!"

they snarl. it doesn't seem to care about anything chilledstar is doing. it wants the frog that they have, and it's not going to go down without a fight. chilledstar might have felt bad for it if they didn't feel the threat looming. the poor thing was skinny, and nearby, though they hadn't known it, was fox kits waiting for their mama to come back with something to eat. it was desperate, in all sense of the word, and that's the only reason it was willing to fight so hard. chilledstar, however, did not care. they had their own clan to feed, and they're taking every single bit of prey they can get to make sure they eat well.

everything happens in a blur, truly. there is a roar of thunder that shakes the air, and with a flash of lightening crackling across the sky the fox rushes forward. teeth snapping, and claws batting, as they kick the frog out of the way and move to dodge some of the moves. they barely are missed by claws, but jaws clench around their scruff and they're tossed roughly off to the side, hitting the ground with a thud. there's a moment where they can barely even breathe, the wind being knocked right out of them. with a loud gasp, they stand back up, growling in pain as their front limb barely moves. fuck. whatever the fuck happened, it hurt. they shake their head, breathing heavily before running to grab their frog, only to be met with more hits. they get their own in, blood and fur coating their claws before they're knocked away again. they move to spin to try and get out of the way from jaws, and claws find their flesh, ripping them open. it's enough to make them stammer, blinking a few times as they look down at their bleeding stomach.

they laugh out a bitter huff, blood trickling down their jaw before they sway, and collapse to the ground. they can't think. everything is getting colder, paws shaking as they try and stand up. don't do that, little one. a voice says and they wince. right. they're dying again. they can feel their life slipping away but something feels different. why does something feel different? their gaze blurs in and out, beginning to darken as they watch the fox take their catch, and skitter off. they try to speak, but nothing comes out but a weak cough. stupid. stupid. idiotic.

they know. they know. but could they really be blamed? they don't know how long this will last. they just want their clan to be okay. why can't their clan just be okay? they can't stay awake any longer. they're too cold. everything is too cold.

"chilledstar. wake up."

a voice says and they wince. what? dead again? why aren't they surprised. and why do they feel so numb about it?

"you messed up this time. two lives. that's how many we have to take to heal you."

"that bad?"

their stomach hurts. how come they still feel the pain here?

"we aren't finished healing you. just hold on a second. it won't take long. did you really think you could fight a fox alone?"

"no. just wanted to feed everyone. i caught that frog. it was mine."

"hmph. don't do things so recklessly. we give you lives not to be reckless with."

"you think i wanted to be reckless!? we've been starving for fucking moons! this is the first moon in stars know how long that i don't have go skip meals for the sake of the queens and kits within our camp! that we don't have warriors passing out from empty stomachs! i'll be damned if i just let a fucking fox take my meal from me! call me whatever the fuck you want, but i would do it again, and again and again! my clan deserves to eat."

they huff.

"just let me go back. nothing to talk about anymore."

//tldr: two lives taken from them! they're have a dislocated shoulder, and minor bite marks on their scruff but otherwise they've been healed by starclan!!

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Sharpshadow meets Eerienight's gaze, twin frogs hanging from their mouths. With some satisfaction, she notes that hers is just a little bit bigger— not like that mattered. Chilledstar joins the two of them then, and Sharpshadow's satisfaction quickly runs dry. His ears flatten to his skull, but again, that isn't so uncommon.

More frogs this way, they say, and they're padding off before he can remember to smile and nod. It's not as if the Clan Leader needed permission for anything.

The warrior follows them in due time, eyes just barely able to make out the haze of the moon shining on Chilledstar's midnight coat. He's too busy looking for prey to notice the shake of their head, or nervous twitching of the whiskers. At one point, he turns, claws unsheathed, prepared to pounce on another unsuspecting toad, but it seems like her ears are playing tricks on her. The damned things never seemed to shut up. It became a bit of a game, whether that croak was coming from here or there or elsewhere... Or maybe she just needed some sleep.

He lifts his head. " Chilledstar? " Where she had seen them last, instead looms a larger, more canid shadow. Even where the moon does not light its form, she sees a sense of wildness that Chilledstar wouldn't ever let cross their face. Her hackles rise. A hiss that couldn't be from it says to back up. It dwarfs the form of the one who had said it. Sharpshadow startles.

Some irony it is, for thunder to crack in that moment, briefly illuminating the planes of a gnarly snout and ragged, red fur. Just in time to highlight snapping teeth and jaws fastening around a dark scruff. Sharpshadow is startled into action. A morose face is allowed to break into wild - eyed panic. A proper fight does not happen. Chilledstar is battered as if they had never stood a chance, and alone, against a fox, who truly did?

She's rushing, rushing forward, and by now their leader has already gone still. Too late, too late, too late. " CHILLEDSTAR! " his crow is unbecoming, wrenching from her throat with the fierceness of someone who could not handle seeing their leader die again. Frog - brained, nonsensical, star - blessed damn idiot, Sharpshadow needs them to live so they would not be another in a long list of ShadowClan's former leaders.

He whirls to face the fox, but the snivelling thing doesn't even care to fight the rest of them. It clasps at Chilledstar's toad as if there weren't a million more waiting around the corner that it wouldn't have to kill for. " Eerienight! " with ferocity, both his voice and neck strain. Surely he must be behind, surely. " Help them! Make sure they wake up! " The others would come running on their own. And she— she doesn't give orders, but fear drives her to it, apparently. Anger drives her to it. She doesn't care if the beast heard his yowling. She wanted it to, so that even if its belly was warmed with its catch, its mind would not be sound. Without another word, and recklessly, she knows it, she dives after it. To see it leave. To see it hurt.

Prey had not been keen to jump into the she-cat's muzzle that day... the first sign that something had been wrong with the journey from the start. The frogs had detected something wrong with the air before Ferndance had, their swamp-green hides disappearing into the murky waters of ShadowClan's marshes before the cinnamon tabby had even seen them hop. Only hindsight could make such a thing suspicious, otherwise, it was typical karmic luck of living amidst the territory. Empty-pawed, Ferndance moved back toward the patrol, preparing a grandiose tale about why the usually prolific hunter found herself without evidence of the title. 'A fox stole my kill' had been an excuse that crossed her mind, but the strong canid stench on the air followed by the taste of copper on her tongue made such a thing an accidental reality. Freezing, the cinnamon tabby was reminded of a time seven moons ago, and sunk her claws into the soft soil. She was not vulnerable anymore, she could fight back if it went for her, except... CHILLEDSTAR! The cry pierced the air like an eagle's shriek and relief filled her heart - it had chosen someone who could come back, 'I only wish Sprucepaw could say the same.'

Bounding towards the call, Ferndance pushed through the horsetails, the whites of her eyes showing as her languid gaze settled upon the unmoving corpse before her. Their injuries were similar to the apprentice's, but the shock did not find the cinnamon tabby, only numbness, but it propelled the cinnamon tabby forward with a clarity often absent from her spacey head. With Sharpshadow long gone, Ferndance shuffled to Chilledstar's side, brushing up against their lifeless body and purring to try and put them at ease when they did come around. Her emerald gaze tracked the horizon, purrs growing more like the rattle of a snake's tail as she anticipated a set of yellow teeth smiling at her through the underbrush. Foxes had taken too many ShadowClanners, she had half the mind to shatter any fox's grin should it even look at her funny. 'It's nature doing what nature does... but... it still feels wrong. They hurt Roosterstrut's feelings, and they've hurt mine.' Her tail wrapped around her barren side. "Death is a dream only you can wake up from... so rise and shine..." she murmured quietly to the black and white leader.