border ITS NOT TRUE &. shadowclan patrol


they hated this border. it smells of filth. it stinks. and they hate it. they hate windclanners, and the only reason they have not led a full on raid on their camp, and territory, was the fact that shadowclan was weak right now. on the brink of starving to death due to the horrible wintery landscape leaving less prey than they usually had and if they're being honest? they never had that much prey to begin with. the loyalists of sootstar may have been driven away with her death, but they do not trust any windclanner. why would they? sunstride had only shown kindness and followed through with it for his own reasons. everything came with a price, and they had a feeling it would come time, soon, for them to pay it. they hated that.

"alright. tell me, screechpaw. applepaw. what does windclan's scent smell like to you?"

// @APPLEPAW @SNIPE @Skunktail @Swanpaw @Briarpaw. @SCREECHPAW

If he looked down inside inside, Rattleheart found that he couldn't truly blame Chilledstar for despising Windclan's border. Their group as a whole had caused Shadowclan so much pain and strife over time, though perhaps - surprisingly - not as much as Shadowclan seemed to inflict upon itself. After all, why was it that Granitepelt had seemed so willing and eager to pledge himself to Sootstar? To work for her over the clan that he had lived in for countless moons, even going so far as to steal kits? The tunneler wasn't sure, but it did strike him with a vague sense of unease whenever the topic of Shadowclan came up. He wasn't sure how he really felt about them, just glad that their kits had been returned to them, in the end.

He found himself emerging from a tunnel nearby when the strengthened scent of Shadowclan struck him, curiosity driving him as he settled on Windclan's side of the border. There wasn't any disdain in his eyes as he looked the group over, just dipping his head forward in an effort to not interrupt beyond a simple greeting. "Hello, Shadowclan." Rattleheart saw no reason to pick a fight, seeing as they hadn't crossed over from their side of things. In the back of his mind, he even found himself wondering if Smogmaw's returned kits had been made into apprentices just yet. Pinkpaw would probably be delighted if they had, considering the temporary friendship she had struck up with them during their time in Windclan.

Screechpaw doesn’t think it’s much of a secret that border patrols are among his favorite of tasks. Though, there’s not much about being an apprentice that he does like, is there? Training is boring and unnecessary in his two-toned eyes, and chores are no good either. But patrols — border patrols — give him the opportunity to stretch his legs, quelling the itch to wander, if only for a moment. He likes patrols.

He liked being able to play I Spy with Sprucepaw too, when they were paired up on them — a memory brought up as his gaze darts from waning tree to waning tree as they walk toward the moorish border. Their game has to wait now, an indefinite pause held over it. Briefly, the tom wonders what cool things she can spot up in the stars, wonders what their next round could’ve held.

His stride slows, falling back in line with the other apprentices, “ Any of you want to play I Spy? “ he asks, glinting gaze looking to his training partner, to his sister and her own training buddy. He doubts any of them want to — stars, Briarpaw might even swat at him for suggesting the game — but it doesn’t hurt to ask, right? It would give them something to do, will heading to this border. He likes patrols, but trekking to the one shared with WindClan is probably the worst of them all.

As Chilledstar comes to a stop up ahead, sun-splotched paws do too, ears twitching at his mentor’s question. “ Gross, “ he offers with a flick of his tail. He doesn’t need to part his jaws to tell the leader that, but does so anyway, taking in the unfortunate scent. “ Like sad dirt and grass.

Though, maybe it’s just the patrol that nears on the opposing side of the border that he’s catching the scent of. Screechpaw blinks in greeting to the brown cat, a frown threatening to pull at the corners at his maw.​
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack
༄༄ Dirt-dusted and carrying a mouse that she’d managed to snag in the tunnels, Scorchstreak steps from darkness into daylight to join her brother at the border with the marshland clan. Her tail lashes once, a signal for Pinkpaw to pause as the warrior strides closer. If ShadowClan plans to attack, then she should put more distance between the other warriors and her apprentice. If any of them want to harm Pinkpaw, then they will have to go through both tunnelers first. But the other clan does not move to strike, and so the calico motions Pinkpaw forth as she sets her catch on the ground before her paws. "Chilledstar," she dips her head to the leader opposite the border, although Rattleheart has already greeted them as well.

"Are Laurelkit and Halfkit doing alright?" She remembers walking the tunnels with Rattleheart and the two kits, Halfkit complaining and begging them not to return her to her clan. She had thought it a simple kit’s stubbornness, but as she looks at ShadowClan now—perhaps it is more than that. WindClan may be troubled in the winter months, but it is clear that their neighbors are suffering from an even greater lack of prey. Her teeth clench together at the idea that those kits could be better off anywhere except with their own family; they should never have been taken, no matter their clan’s situation. Sootstar was wrong, and Sunstride had proven that.

Fiery eyes flicker to the apprentice who stands beside Chilledstar when he says that they smell gross. It is the truth, plain and simple; while moor runners often smell of heather, Scorchstreak knows that her own pelt, laden with damp dirt, smells less than pleasant. Still, it could be taken as an insult, especially from a cat who smells of stagnant water. Dipping her head low once again to retrieve the prey she’d set down, Scorchstreak leans in to murmur into her apprentice’s ear. "Do not pay attention to their insults, alright? They aren’t worth starting an argument over." Her golden gaze sweeps over the enemy patrol once again, and she takes her catch in her mouth once again. And if she flaunts the mouse a bit, who is to stop her?

// apprentice tag @PINKPAW
Pinkpaw is scampering after Scorchstreak, something that she does, like, a lot, but she doesn't mind it so much anymore... Scorchstreak is cool, and so is Rattleheart. ShadowClan... not so much. Pinkpaw doesn't remember a ton from ShadowClan but she remembers hating it and that was enough for her! It was home to super smelly cats living in an even smellier territory — which did make sense. It's unfortunate that it worked that way, though.

She pauses when she's told to, eyes pricking atop her head as she wonders what she was stopping for. Pinkpaw would crane her head at the ShadowClan cats in the meantime then, wondering if any of them looked particularly evil. She didn't think so... Not any more evil than the name ShadowClan already kinda implies, anyways...

Pinkpaw skips forward when she's allowed to, tail waving in a friendly hello! Apparently, this is Chilledstar themselves! Now that she knows... she can totally tell. " Hiii! I'm Pinkpaw! " she introduces herself, cause that's the very polite thing to do! When Scorchstreak mentions one of her bestest friends ever Halfkit, she perks. " Ooh, oh, yeah! Is Halfkit okay? Is she Larkpaw – I mean, Halfpaw yet? " Amongst the patrol, would she see her? Or her mentor, maybe? She doesn't really think so... She sees a kinda Halfkit looking apprentice, but she had a really ugly scowl on her face... Halfkit would never look so grumpy.

Chilledstar is asking their apprentice (apprentices?) what WindClan smells like. Pinkpaw thinks that's a really hard question, she'd just say, like... good, which is why she's COMPLETELY shocked when the dark ShadowClan apprentice says gross Like sad dirt and grass.. " How can dirt and grass be sad? " she asks, incredulous, and it's then that Scorchstreak tells her not to pay attention to their insults. Pinkpaw hadn't thought it was an insult before, she just thought this ShadowClan apprentice had like, the worst nose ever... but now that she knows it's an insult, she's SO mad, actually. " Maybe you're talking about mud, which I know your camp has A LOT OF, by the way ... " she huffs. It can't be an argument if she just says things that are totally facts, right?

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with sunburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​
Being on a border patrol felt like slipping into an old nest. So familiar and comfortable that it was almost uncomfortble. The tunnels had been like meeting an old friend as he padded through the darkness, turning carefully with the curve of the earth. Mismatched eyes glanced toward the maw of the tunnel as he heard voices above ground. He poked his muzzle out first and smiled as he heard Pinkpaw's loud conversation with the ShadowClanners.

"I'd say it's been pretty sad, all things considering..." Heathermoon's maw pulled down in a grimace before returning to his crooked smile. "We're working on making it happier, I think."