private it's not your fault 〰 rumblerain

The sun-warmed wooden planks that marked the border of their yard serve only as an illusion of boundary... every day they climb over the top and leap out into gravel pathways on their journey towards lush forests and a life of adventure. Today is no different... except that they do not drag Spicepaw along on this particular trip- it's mostly meant as a wind down after an exhausting day of doing warrior stuff... hunting and patrolling was not something that required no energy... And with the precedent of behavior from their clan-mates that said their kind were unwelcome, it often felt like thankless effort.

Plodding through the crackling stone-laden alleys, Edenberry draws in the fresh scent of the sky-kissed stones, the scent of kicked up dust and mingling scents... Some border on the familiar, neighbors they see regularly, Twoleg dog-pets they see wander these areas, and others are entirely foreign... strays with no place to call home, wanderers lost to the twisting, turning mazes of streets they don't recognize.

It's to be expected then, that in their casual galivanting they might stumble across something different... something out of the ordinary, even if it enough to bring a familiar bell in the back of their head. Tilting their head this way and that in curious examination of a pale pelt whose ends narrow towards darkness, the night-time kittypet can't help but search their memory for why it seems recognizable. All up until they are close enough to catch a whiff of them, of course-

"OH!" A friendly smile draws across their face as if painted there effortlessly, a bobbed-tail giving a tiny wave of delight in lieu of a proper tail-flick. "Thought you seemed familiar... You end up finding shelter okay?" They sit down with paws tucked neatly, close to their body as they blink smile-squinted eyes at the other feline. "I haven't seen any dogs this way lately- I hope you haven't had any trouble."

Swiveling their ears to be sure, they hope they haven't summoned such a possibility by simply mentioning the possibility of its existence. Their smile drops to a small frown for only a moment, to be quickly replaced when they don't detect any malicious incomers by noise alone. "I don't think I caught your name last time...? Are you... gonna be staying around here for long?"

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 12 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
An exclamation startles Rumblerain from their tracking, short fur standing on end. It promptly lies flat once more, recognising the excitable feline who had greeted the DuskClanners upon their arrival to the Twolegplace. They search their memory, futile, for this friendly stranger's name, as they fire off question after question and kind sentiment that is almost overwhelming in the face of Rumblerain's own still-spinning mind and the long-rinsed blood on their claws.

A humourless smile touches the edge of their pale maw, not filtering upwards to pale eyes, but those same pale eyes flick over their friendly visitor. The chance that they would recognise Rumblerain from the slimy marshes of ShadowClan if they were present is slim, but not entirely absent.

"We're in the dog den. It's empty, if you want to thank that friend of yours from us." They confirm, silently thanking StarClan. The kittypet warriors are friendly to a fault, aren't they? Recommending an empty dog den in good faith. It would have been their own fault if they'd taken the advice and it had turned out to be false, but Rumblerain is glad it has provided a shelter over their heads. "We're probably here for another couple of moons, but we'll see ... but I'm Raindrop. Yours?"

They sigh with such a full body slump that you'd think they were hearing good news about a friend rather than a rag-tag group of strangers. "Oh good..." Personally, they would've done much the same if Hazelbeam hadn't all but scooped them off the gravel-dusty path and offered them her house to stay in- how she managed to convince her Twoleg to take in an ugly, stick-legged kit like Eden(paw at the time) was beyond them. It had been an entrancing display of winding between tall limbs and a series of gentle chirps. The suggestion to offer thanks is something they'll have to pocket for later- make sure their clan-mates knew those random alley cats they helped were doing alright.

Staying there for a couple moons was a far longer stint than they'd expected and in some round about way made them temporary neighbors. It'd be more than likely they'd run into each other expeditions between home and SkyClan so it's nice to have a name to match with a face. "Ah! Raindrop..."

Their head bobs in acknowledgement, wondering if they're named for the droplet-like marks that drip below their eyes. "Edenberry by day, just Eden by night," they smile with a cheesy grin, recalling Candorkit's infatuation with the suggestion they led some crazy double life. "I live just over that way," they explain, turning to point with their nose before they become increasingly aware of how awkward it is to make friends that have not known you since kit-size. "You uh... guys finding enough to eat? I know the alley cats sometimes eat like... rats and... birds and maybe the occasional fence-squirrel. Bet there's some random piles of this gritty hard foodstuffs that Twolegs leave out if you look around for it enough.."

They actually aren't sure why they do that... now that they think about it... It's rarely in yards where they see a cat comfortably roosted in a windowsill.

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
Edenberry by day, just Eden by night. Rumblerain's whiskers twitch, faintly amused by the introduction they've earned themself. A kittypet warrior then, for sure. They study the green-eyed cat before them, all friendly disposition and concern for the incognito DuskClanners. How kind, albeit odd. With attention drawn to it by the question their stomach gives a pang, and one of their ears twitch back just slightly. Rumblerain is hungry, but not hungry enough to chance the eyes and clawless paws of Twolegs.

"It's very different hunting here; my kin live far out that way. Near ... Highstones, I think you Clan cats call it?" Their tongue darts out, and pale nose wrinkles as if unsure of the term, but the half-masked glint in their eyes makes this flimsy ruse clear. Of course they knew what Highstones was called. As if shaking themself from their thoughts Rumblerain blinks, ears angling forward towards the other bicoloured feline. A touch of mirth crosses their maw. "Do you have to be back before you lose your warrior name to the night, or would you like to join me on a hunt? I was tracking a promising mouse. You can tell me more about your Clan if you do so quietly ... I'll listen."

The mention of Highstones is a bit surprising, if only because it is a great distance from the sprawling village of Twoleg nests that litter this place.... It's beyond even Fourtrees, which is the furthest Edenberry's ever managed to delve into the territories, a place reserved for StarClan and their mediators. Dawnglare and Fireflypaw had been there countless times probably... Orangestar too, if her nine lives were to be believed as authentic. They stifle the urge to gawk in surprise, instead blinking a few times while struggling to piece together how to address that. "That's kinda far," they remark, plainly, tilting their head at the nervous draw of tongue over pale lips. Hmm..

It hardly seems to matter... especially if they plan on going back... though the question of how they managed to get all the way over here remains at the back of their mind. Their newfound friend is quick to offer redirection, distraction, a bid at companionship they desperately crave. It's nice... to be treated kindly for once, to be offered a chance at some time spent in quiet quality. Auburn dusted fur is all but forgotten, an identity shed without the sun. "I could be a warrior a bit longer," they humor, the corners of their lips curling into a mischievous smile, as if they are sharing in some sort of secret.

Plodding closer to stand much nearer, the black-banded feline casts an excited glance towards the nebulous dark where prey might have wandered. "I've got moons of knowledge to share, if you don't mind my gabbing- do my best to be quiet about it and get you something to eat for entertaining me."

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​