private it's okay to not be okay - crow


skyclans therapist TM
Apr 24, 2023
retro sick//

ill make a cup of coffee for your head

It was hard for the Maine coon during the summer. The heat was really getting to her, her maw open and seeming to pant as she pulled her way through the camp from patrols. But she just needed to rest, and she'd offer herself up when it's a bit cooler.

The sun was high, and there was little breeze in the humid air. Fluffy white clouds were scattered, and she hoped the rain would come soon, her form moving to lay down, her clouded pelt drifting over her sides and her chin resting on her paws.

Watching the clan move about and do their duties was fun sometimes, and her green gaze drifted to the kits outside the nursery playing.

Just a small rest before going to help out, she decided, her eyelids drifting just a bit.


  • text
  • She / Her - 17 moons - Skyclan Warrior - Therapist (TM) - No injuries.... yet :3
  • [information on interactions. Can copy/paste from tags to make easier to look at]

He had noticed Flowercloud panting while the pair had been on a patrol together. Well, Silversmoke had been on the patrol and he was his apprentice it just so happened that Flowercloud was on the same patrol. Because he was an apprentice he couldn't leave as quickly as Flowercloud had, needing to talk to Silversmoke to see if he should train after or he was done for the day. Thankfully, Silversmoke allowed him his freedom. When he returned to camp he saw Flowercloud resting. It was then he remembered what his mother had done for him when he was hot.

The tom would go off to grab some moss and pad towards the elders den where a stream ran to soak the moss in. Soon he would return to Flowercloud with wet moss in his maw and loom over her head. Droplets would fall on her before he bit down so a steady stream of water would fall on her. Perhaps it would have been best that he'd given her a fair warning before she had water doused on her head. he would then drop the wet moss beside her. If she tilted her head to look at him then he would blink and mew, "Better?"
The amber cat was lulling herself to sleep, her breaths steady and her thoughts clearing. The void of sleep filled her head quickly, despite the uncomfortable heat. It would've been rest, Maybe even deeper, until water dripped then dumped on her head. Her eyes shot open, her breaths quickened in the surprise of the moment. At first, she questioned the skies she had seen that felt just a few minutes prior, asking herself if it raining already?

Her vision and thoughts that had begun bleeding together were quickly snapped into place as Crowpaw, recently named, would be standing above her with wet moss. He meant no harm, instead helping the molly with the heat. And she wished she would've had thought of something like that, a purr emitting from her throat and a grin reaching her previously shocked face. "Yes, darling, I do appreciate it! Thank you! Where did you learn that?" She asked, gently, purely curious.

The water that dripped down her skull felt soothing to the heat, the cooling sending a new found energy through her. She didn't have a lot of interaction with water, being a skyclanner and not a riverclanner. But there were still tricks others used it seems.