just for your love, give you the world
Jun 10, 2023

drowsykit was bored. most cats knew that when she was bored, she managed to find yet another place to sleep, and simply drifted off into dreamland without a second thought. it was kind of funny, because despite how much she slept, she was still always exhausted. as if on cue, she yawned with a gentle flick of her ear before she perked up. she knew exactly who she would go see. besides, she knew this cat wouldn't be upset about her overwhelming sleepiness.

"lulu! hi!"

upon spotting her brother, she picked up her pace, nearly tripping over her own paws but barely managing to catch herself before she pressed her cheek against his with a smile. her head tilted when she pulled away from him, before she yawned rather loudly.

"hey, let's play a game! let's go confuse the warriors about who we are! i'll be you, and you can be me! I think I make a pretty good lupinekit."

she giggled, straightening herself to be the same as her brother. she couldn't copy everything but not from lack of trying.

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In a nursery as crowded as Skyclan's, it was rare for Lupinekit to ever find himself truly alone. He batted at an old moss ball, likely the remnant of some game played and forgotten about earlier that morning, feeling bored. It was lucky for him that loneliness was but a temporary problem, as the sound of familiar paws scampered towards him. Drowsykit was awake!

Lupinekit made a cheerful little chirp as he pressed his cheek to hers and brought a paw up to pat down some of her bedhead. "Thank stars you're awake, it's been soooo boring," he sighed dramatically, though his tail wiggled excitedly at the prospect of a new game to play.

Lupinekit nodded along as she explained her idea. Skyclanners seemed to have a hard time keeping track of who was who of the dark-colored triplets, it'd be even funnier if they made it more confusing to everyone. "Ooh, fun! Here goes,"he rolled onto his back and twisted long limbs into a comical position, mimicking his sister's unique sleeping habit. He pitched his voice up to a nasal drawl, sounding not much like Drowsykit at all but giggling all the same, "I'm Drowsykit anddd I like to sleeep and I think Lupinekit is totally the coolesttt and... what else?"



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drowsykit giggled at lupine's efforts before she just straightened herself, standing on the tips of her toes to try snd seem taller. her fur slightly fluffed up but it was oddly still slick and clean as lupinekit often was.

"uhm! my name is lupinekit! i am very strong and i like to protect my little runt of a sister at all costs! and crowkit, too! no one is allowed to mess with them!"

she pauses with a blink.

"how'd i do? i think I make a pretty swell lupinekit."

she insisted, circling around her brother. her brain seemed to swish with the thoughts of being called lupinekit, another giggle leaving her. somehow it never bothered her that much... except maybe the name part. otherwise, she isn't sure why she felt so much comfort being mistaken for her brothers. oh well. maybe that was a problem for tomorrow.

( tags ) Lupinekit made a dramatic gasp, half play-acting and half in legitimate offense that Drowsykit said that he would call her a runt, even as a joke.

"Heyyy... you wouldn't call Drowsykit a runt!" 'Drowsy' mewled, still flopped on the floor. "You're a nice brother," he assured, a bit miffed. He followed her circling with bright eyes, giddiness unhampered by the brief offense to his character. He sprung up suddenly towards the other kitten with a playful growl, attempting to pin her long twitching tail beneath bicolored paws. "Say something nice about your sister! Or I'm-uhhh, or I'm gonna chew on your tail!"