camp It's out of the darkness that we learn to see || kit intro


In darkness blooms the spider lily
Nov 10, 2022

It was a fine morning, the air was cool and the sky was clear, and Spiderbloom was at the mouth of the nursery peering out over the camp. The kits were excited to leave the nursery.... Now looked like a good time for them to explore without getting in the way.... In the back of her mind she thought of Sootstars announcement, how an attack was practically imminent.

The thought of her kits dying in another unexpected attack froze her blood.

But.... She couldn't keep them cooped up in the nursery forever. They would get restless and cause trouble.... So it was time to let them explore.

"Come on, kits!" She called softly to her children. "Go say hello to everyone!"

She would be watching, making sure they didn't get hurt.

She pushed her fears of an attack down, it was born of trauma. Everything would be fine. Today would be a good day, her kits would have fun and make friends... Or enemies, who knows.

That would give her the incentive to teach them what to do with their enemies, at least.

Gravelsnap hasn’t visited Spiderbloom or her kits in the nursery since hearing that the she-cat finally gave birth to his uncle’s brood. He hates the nursery, hates the kits there, doesn’t have a single good memory of it. But upon hearing Spiderbloom’s voice—is she his aunt, now? Is that how it works? He doesn’t know, but he’ll still call the kits his family. There’s not much family he sees frequently anymore, now that he’s caught up in the duties of being a warrior.

The barest hint of a smile crosses his muzzle as he pads over, hazel gaze flirting across the four kits. He doesn’t like kits. But for once, he doesn’t feel ice prickling at his chest, claws raking down his back, when he looks at these four. No, these are his blood, his family.

The tom crouches as well as he can, attempting not to be too frightening. "Hello, little creatures," he greets them all with a flat voice. His eel-black tail flickers gently behind him, another attempt to seem inviting, rather than seeming as though he’s barely holding back a grimace. What is he supposed to say to children this young? "I’m Gravelsnap. Your cousin." How much has Spiderbloom already told them about him, if anything? He doesn’t really care, so long as they remember his name.
There is always one child a little more reluctant to venture beyond the nest, and that one is usually Juniperkit. He dreams of the world beyond quite often, filled with terrible monsters and incredible beasts. From what he's heard of the stories queens tell kits in the nursery, there isn't much for Juniperkit to like. It hasn't yet dawned on him that the stories of kitnappings and untimely deaths are supposed to be cautionary tales--not to be taken literally. He is afraid, not fearful. He doesn't like things that he doesn't understand, so he is committed to figuring out everything there is to know about everything.

Shadowy creatures probably won't whisk him away at night. It was one of the first tall tales which he determined to test its truth by waking up when everyone else had drifted off to sleep. He actually liked camp best when he viewed it through the nursery's opening, darkness blanketing everything in a peaceful shadow, the stars twinkling like a thousand eyes in the night sky. Eventually he graduated to sneaking a little beyond the threshold, if only to see the stars a little clearer. Juniperkit tested boundaries carefully and quietly, drawing as little attention to himself at possible.

Today, he lingers close to Spiderbloom and takes up his customary position between her front paws. She seems nervous so he decides not to go too far just in case. Juniperkit watches Gravelsnap curiously as the older cat approaches. "Hi," he replies with a smile. "Cool name. I'm Juniperkit." Gravelsnap seems nice enough, but the child has no idea what a cousin is supposed to be. A relative, maybe? There isn't much about the other cat's appearance that resembles Spiderbloom, though. Juniper looks quizzically to his mother before looking back to his so-called cousin for an explanation.​
periwinklepaw | 09 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
A frequent visitor to the nursery even when not assigned duties there, it is no surprise that periwinklepaw is quick to come over at the sight of spiderbloom introducing the newest brood. Clear blue gaze is warm and kind - unbridled fondness in his gaze. The worry that spiderbloom might blame him for his mothers actions haunts the edges of is mind, but he steadfastly ignores that nagging feeling to brush up against gravelsnap with a teasing grin. "Th-thought you d-didn't like kits," he says jokingly, though he understands. Family is always different after all. Special. Giving the queen a respectful nod, he turns his attention on the first spritely kit to introduce themselves a warm smile on his face. "N-nice to meet you j-j-j-juniper-kit he says, struggling a bit to get the words out, "I'm p-peri-winklep-paw,"

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Nearby, Tigerfrost looms, a powerful shadow with eyes that glowed like wildfire. He peers curiously upon the new kits with his customary expression of unreadable stone. It was good that Spiderbloom had lived through the birthing, along with her litter. Still, the Lead Warrior could not help the sensation of bitterness that swelled within his heart at the thought that these youths would grow up without their father. RiverClan knew no boundaries to their cruelty, and to shelter a murderer who had taken a mate and a father... he hopes there is no place to be found in StarClan for those vipers. And... with another war looming over their heads like some foul storm cloud, he can only hope that Spiderbloom's kits will be well protected from any harm. Tigerfrost would not put it past RiverClan to slaughter the youths for no other reason than malice.

For now, the tom says nothing, merely observes in broody silence,
( 𓆩⟡𓆪 ) Scorpionkit does not bear the same hesitance her brother does, bounding from the nursery on legs that have barely ceased their wobbling, a tiny bundle of energy barreling through camp. Her mother said to go say hello to everyone. Everyone is a lot of cats, so Scorpionkit raises her voice high to meet them all. "Hello! Hello hello!" she chirps, squeaky and loud. Her first two targets have been spotted: a pair of apprentices. She skids to a stop in front of Gravelsnap as Periwinklepaw comes to take their place beside him.

After a moment of consideration, the kit narrowing her eyes at her "cousin" (whatever that means), she seems to come to a conclusion. "Cool name," she finally agrees with her brother. "Gravel - snap!" Scorpionkit accents the word with a snap of her teeth, grinning wide. "Not as cool as mine, though! Scorpy-scorpion ~ ♪ ! Gonna sting ya!" That's what scorpions do, her mama told her. She cackles a bit, shooting a little glance at the not-cousin with the strange broken up words. He seems quieter, like her brother. She didn't miss the little nod he gave to her mother, and she returns it in kind, an exaggerated full-body dip of her head. "Nice t' meetcha, nice t' meetcha!" Scorpionkit crows in echo of the not-cousin's words.
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even if she bore any reluctance to leaving the nursery, scorpionkit didn't. the shaded kit would follow closely on her sister's heels. she was acting equally brave, puffing out her chest. hollykit took a moment to take the camp in, everything seemed so much bigger when she wasn't just seeing it by poking her head through the thick growth of gorse.

she was taking it all in, peacefully, until yelling berates her small ears. hollykit snapped her head to scorpionkit who offered a greeting to everyone, all at the same time. "scorpionkit! my ears gonna fall off," she huffed, eyebrows furrowed and mouth weighed down in a frown. the object of her scolding was moving on quick though, she turned to the apprentice and warrior pair. "hello... periwinklepaw," her echo was slow in fear of messing up the older cat's name. she had never heard that word, periwinkle. was it a bug like her sister's name? or maybe a berry? did he look like a periwinkle?

gravelsnap, crouched to their level, said he was their cousin. she shared a quizzical glance with her littermates. what was a cousin? she knew there were leaders, deputies, medicine cats, and so on. but she had never heard of the cousin rank. while juniperkit and scorpionkit complimented the cousin's name, she gave him a long stare. "how did you earn 'cousin', did starclan choose you?" she asked, face blank with curiosity as she blinked up at the monochrome moor-runner.

His friend brushes up against him—a touch that he allows, that he even smiles at. Thought you didn’t like kits, says Periwinklepaw, and Gravelsnap doesn’t even notice their stuttering as they speak. "I don’t," he grunts. These kits are the exception, because they’re blood. They’re his uncle’s kits, and Juniperfrost may not have been his favorite cat, he was loyal and capable. He didn’t deserve to die to the claws of a traitor. And these kits will grow to be WindClan warriors, loyal like their father, resilient like their mother.

The first kit introduces himself as Juniperkit, and Gravelsnap sucks in a sharp breath, glancing up at Spiderbloom. She’d named one of her kits after their father, and he can understand why. The little ball of fur is practically the spitting image of his father. "It’s good to meet you, Juniperkit." The kit’s sister, seemingly much less subdued than the blue-furred kit, speaks up in a chirping voice to compliment his name. "Scorpionkit. That’s a good name," Gravelsnap says in return, a smile tugging at the corner of his maw. The next kit, also spiky-furred but noticeably not as loud as her sister, asks whether he was assigned their cousin by StarClan, of all things.

It’s quickly apparent to him that these kits have no idea what a cousin is, and he rolls his eyes with a tiny sigh. Oh, yeah. He remembers another reason he dislikes kits so much. They’re painfully stupid, unaware of the world and how it works. It was a mistake, he supposes, to assume that the kits would already know what a cousin is. Still, he explains with an excessive amount of patience: "A cousin means that our parents are siblings, just like you all. We’re… family." The last word is said with a glance to Spiderbloom—he isn’t sure how much about Juniperfrost the new mother wants to share with her kits.
There's apprehension in every inch of Nightingalepaw. The way her ears fold back with Spiderbloom's encouragement - the tumbling of little bodies causing her tail to curl tighter and tighter to her body. She's not fearful of Spiderbloom, not entirely at least, but rather any accusation that can be flung her way. Most of her urges to escape the situation before she's even acknowledged. After all, no one would question the silver apprentice if she suddenly decided de-ticking the elders a fun activity.

But - Nightingalepaw sees her brother, sees how the point smiles and introduces himself to the kittens without fear or worry. She swallows thickly as she tries to tread a similar path to Periwinklepaw, nearing the group and glancing over each of the little ones in turn. They're cute, spunky even... and a little dumb, though she holds that thought desperately close to her chest. "Nice t'meet you..." she starts, heaving in a shaky breath. She attempts a smile, however it's lopsided and underused. "'m Peri's sister - Nightingale," paw doesn't slip out as easily, another shallower breath slipping in through her nose as she staves off the mild pain in her chest. "Paw. Nightingalepaw."

Long behind his siblings, tail dragging and steps slow and awkward; Littlekit approached the cats greeting them with an open mouthed smile that showed his tiny teeth and a wrinkled nose. "You all smell bad." Was the first thing he said, warbling shrill voice an almost shriek. Of the other kits of his litter he was abnormally tiny, his fur was patchy in places and solid white though the faint darkening of his extremeties from ear tips to paws showed that color was gradually forming in place. Until then he looked like a wad of cotton rolling along, scruffy and unkempt and barely able to untangle his own limbs from one another as he scampered; a gangly mess of a kit.
Gravelsnap was their cousin apparently, as the tom explained and he found himself already losing interest in listening. The concept of a cousin was strange-did that mean they were related? Cause their parents had siblings? How weird! Family was weird! Up until a moment ago he only thought his mother and siblings existed but now there was more cats and some shared blood and that was freaky! Super freaky!
"N-ni-nice to m-me-meet you t-too!" Littlekit cheered out, mimicking both Perwinklepaw's stutter and Nightingalepaw's wavering. "I'm L-L-L-LITTLEKIT!"

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periwinklepaw | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
The black-masked boy is taken entirely off guard by littlekits approach, and he can only blink for a moment at the chaos the young boy brings. The first words out of his mouth are rather insulting, and he's qick to follow it up by mocking peri's speech. But - he cannot help but burst into laughter - a light, melodical sound, and one that is rare to hear. He takes no offense to the patchy-pelted kit's mimicking, instead finding it rather adorable - he can tell that it's not meanspirited after all. "s-s-sorry, maybe m-me and g-g-gravels-nap sh-should've taken a bath first then," he says, gasping between words as he tries to reign in his giggles. Oh to be that little again - though he doesn't think he was ever that rude.