camp IT'S RAINING SOMEWHERE ELSE - determination


Feb 20, 2023
Soon, Howlingstar was going to call her name during a meeting and name her Larkpaw and everyone was going to see how pathetic she was - she was going to fall and hurt herself during the ceremony, it was going to be a whole ordeal and everyone would laugh and she'd be held back and be a kitten forever because she wouldn't even be able to get her apprentice name correctly!

She'd love to be a kit forever, but she wants to be useful too.

Larkkit needed to change, and she needed to do it soon!

Blue eyes locked onto the camp's opening, and she nodded. "I'm gonna be an apprentice, and then I'm gonna go out of camp! I won't be scared anymore!" She paused, and then she shivered. "W-wait... is it... scary outside camp?"




Lichenpaw catches sight of Larkkit by the camp's entrance -- he's never seen her out that far -- and he finds himself a bit intrigued. The timid kit is one of Wrenflutter's, he knows, the same litter that Dogbait is being raised with. He can't say he's all that familiar with them, despite their upcoming apprenticeship. He'll be sharing a den with them before long. Curious about his soon-to-be denmate, Lichenpaw draws closer, listens to Larkkit's squeak of declaration. He doesn't speak until she seems to lose her confidence, voices a hesitant question. Is it... scary outside camp? "Well uh, maybe a little scary, heh, but you'll be an -- a, uh, a big brave apprentice, yeah?" He responds, then takes in her reaction for a moment -- he may have snuck up on her a bit, whoops. He's getting a bit too good at this stealth thing.

Lichenpaw gets an idea, then. The kit's fearfulness is one he knows well, though his was less inherent, more the parting gift of the life of a far-too-young survivalist. Still, though, he can relate. He speaks once again, blue eyes locked on Larkkit with a sense of sympathetic scrutiny. "Um, but if you do get scared... well I'll -- I'll let you in on a little secret," He leans closer, voice lowering conspiratorially. "Even the strongest warriors do too! I um, I also get scared. Sometimes. Being brave just means, um -- " He hesitates a moment, searches for the words. He needs to say this right, it's important. "Means you face the scary stuff, y'know?" And she's doing that right now, making her bold declaration of apprenticehood.

With this he pulls away, satisfied. He hopes it'll be reassuring to the kit. If she can find the bravery to face all the things that scares her (and oh, he knows it's hard, he finds himself fearful of everyone he meets) then he has confidence that she can become a good warrior one day. "So, um, you'll be alright, I think, little lark," he concludes, grin bright and lopsided.


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  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
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Shinekit’s own apprenticeship was still a ways off (if one were to ask the boy, he would say a moon and change felt like forever), but the living flame was still consumed by excitement. He wanted to explore the outside so badly that the tiny tomcat had attempted more than once to see firsthand what all the excitement was about (something which caused the queens to give him no small amount of grief).

It was unfathomable to him that any kit could be afraid of what lay beyond the camp’s exit, so when the living shaft of sunlight overhead Larkkit’s consternation, he felt compelled to offer his support. Of course the cat had no actual experience to draw on, so he would rely on more creative methods to lift his peer’s spirits.

“I can help you!” The boisterous boy began, skidding to a halt beside the duo. “y’know, I’m gonna be a really great apprentice. So if you get scared and don’t want to hunt or whatever, I’ll do it for you! Double work would be nothing for me.” That’s what friends were for, right? Doing their stuff for them to make them feel better! “‘course, if you don’t want to be scared, I can help with that too! I’ll take you out on patrol when we’re both apprentices. I’ll protect you and fight all the monsters and stuff while you get used to being outside and all that.” A flame-tinted chest puffed up with pride. While it came from a place of genuine care for someone he considered a friend (as he did with all of Thunderclan), perhaps a child wasn’t properly equipped to ease nerves like these.