it's still raining ✘ hunting

Land hunting wasn't his favorite frankly, he preferred fishing as most RiverClanner did but having too many of them crowding the shoreline would certainly make the task harder than necessary and if the forest had prey as well it was worth checking out. Leafbare had taught him the struggle of not having food, while normally they could afford to be picky he found his habits born of the cold were hard to shake and he even still chewed bark in his idleness on occasion despite the freshkill pile being full. Something about it kept the reminder there, sharp, reflective. Smokethroat gives a sigh he realizes is too heavy and audible and glances to the rest of the patrol in response, "Right, let's be mindful of the two-leg traps and spread out but not too far. Dovepaw, you can stick with me." He had no apprentice to guide still, so he might as well keep track of their younger patrol member on his own. Besides, he missed guiding another, teaching, eventually the kits in the nursery would be old enough he could have an apprentice again but he was still torn. Did he even want to train one of Buckgait's children? He didn't know, they had proper RiverClan blood and a loyal father so perhaps it would not be the worst thing. The dark tom turned, tail flicking to signal for the younger cat to follow and he made his way along the well worn path of this area with his body low and ears flicked upward.
"How has your training been going, Dovepaw?" He knew they had an interested in medicine, knew there was an odd animosity between them and Ravenpaw now but not much else really; it could all be chalked up to childish jealousy and hurt feelings or there might be something more, but it was none of Smokethroat's business.

-Prior to wire accident. Ya'll can use dice if you like in the discord!
Hunting Patrol Tags - @hazecloud & @Sneezefur. & @dovepaw.
sneezefur | 28 months | demi-boy | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #50c878
Unlike many of his clanmates, though sneezefur does not dislike the river, he is much more comfortable on land. He'd spent much of his childhood drifting between the streets of the twolegplace and the woods - it is a familiar terrain. Stick figure feline drifts listlessly behind the patrol, silent and focused on the task at hand. Hunting is an important task, even with prey becoming more plentiful, and he is not foolish enough to waste a chance such as this. Ears keep sharp as her crooked maw parts to scent the air - testing and tasting for any sign of woodland prey.