

Twilightkit / Twilightpaw / Twilight-

↳ Named for his grandmother
— Apprentice of Shadowclan
— Trans male (AFAB), he/him; Undecided sexuality
Briarstar x Amber, brother to Starlingpaw, Slitherpaw, Ravenpaw, Marrowpaw, Lilacpaw, Teaselpaw, Pitchstar, & TBD
— 8 moons, ages every 8th

SH chocolate rosette tabby with low white and heterochromia Rather striking in appearance, Twilightpaw sports a warm, ruddy pelt littered with dark rosettes. A few splashes of white interrupt his chocolate-dipped fur - his chin, a splash along his cheek, a locket along his throat, and white front toes all stand out in stark contrast. Short in length, Twilightpaw's coat only barely retains his mother's familiar spikes, most notably around his tail and chest. While at this age his proportions are not entirely even, as he continues to grow Twilightpaw's frame will be considered rather average, if not slightly tall. Left eye green and right eye blue, his gaze remains steady, if not somewhat dulled these days.
↳ Carrying cinnamon, dilute, solid, and longhair


( + ) Adaptable, patient ( / ) Nonchalant, private ( - ) Noncommittal, aimless When he was younger, Twilightpaw was not exactly outgoing, but was still vibrant in his own way, exchanging friendly barbs and pranks with others. Now, however, his shine has dulled, and though he's still the same cat he used to be, there are some noticeable differences to those who knew him before. He holds himself a little further away than before, and his friendly nature is more an act than something genuine. More aimless than he used to be, Twilightpaw hardly applies himself anymore, often relegating himself to simply watching the world pass by around him. Despite these differences, however, his old self still shines through in some ways - Twilightpaw still finds himself 'going with the flow,' in that he prefers to follow the lead of others rather than lead the charge. Open to change, he rarely fully commits himself to one option; in fact, it's hard to get him to commit to anything at all, and Twilightpaw much prefers running from and deflecting problems rather than actually facing them.
Mannerisms: Pokes his tongue out when deep in thought, avid people-watcher, takes his time choosing his words when fully engaged
— Might start fights | Will end fights | Will flee | Will show mercy
— (Will) excel at diplomacy, climbing, (will) be average at hunting, fighting


— While Twilightpaw tries not to let himself get too bothered by the words of others, eventually he'll reach his breaking point and lash out in a fit of uncharacteristic anger, letting out all of his pent-up emotions and unresolved grief in the process
— In the aftermath of his hurt, Twilightpaw will make a greater effort to regulate his emotions, and will begin to lean on some close friends for support in a way that he hasn't even before Briarstar's death. Twilightpaw will come to the conclusion that it's better to hold his loved ones close than push them away for fear of losing them, and will become clingy to those he is close with
— As he gets closer to becoming a warrior, he will increasingly deal with the idea of legacy, and at some point Twilightpaw will be unable to continue ignoring the way it stings when others recognize him for his family members first and foremost. He'll want to be known as his own person, and Twilightpaw will begin training in earnest, for once putting in effort in an attempt to stand out
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