It's the fire in my veins // Dustpaw


Heal your frays
Aug 12, 2023


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- As the first song from the morning birds began echoing throughout camp, Mothfur known that the sun would soon follow... The tom didn't so much as sleep last night, trying to figure out what would be his first lesson as a newly appointed mentor. He only just met the poor fellow who was appointed as his apprentice the day before, thinking of what the youngling would probably enjoy after knowing what their first introduction was like... Leaning his choices on the vibe he got from the apprentice. Mothfur meant to ask his mentor, Roeflame, for advise but didn't want to disturb the she-cat as she was probably sleeping around this time. He shook his head in agitation, and promised himself that he would wait to wake his apprentice for their first lesson after the sun shined above the tree line- Or somewhat near it...

And he waited till the sun shown itself scatterly in the tree line... At least it was somewhat "above" the tree line, the male thought. He got up from his moss mix of a nest, the one that was evident that someone who was restless was trying to sleep there. He gave a long stretch out of it, yawning and flicking his tail at the strain in his muscles. He began stalking out of the warrior den toward the apprentice den, his steps quiet, as if no one was really there. The tom paused a moment to shake out his sleep deprived fur before continuing along his path. He wanted to make sure his second impression was at least decent, even though his attitude wouldn't meet his looks.

He peered into the den and loathed at the scent the den gave off. He believed it was from the apprentices who didn't seem to know how to properly bathe themselves yet. "Dustpaw..... Dustpaw" the tom whispered at the dens entrance to no avail. He scoffed, irritation raced onto his face as he tried not to disturb the young cats as he made his way to his apprentice. However, some young cats made it hard for him by spreading themselves over their nests and devouring the space inbetween rows of nests. He raised an eyebrow to a cat who snored quite loudly before turning to Dustpaw. "Dustpaw!" The tom hissed quietly, pawing at the young cat "Time for your first lesson... I'll wait outside the den, don't be long."

Private thread with @DUSTPAW
જ➶ For her it was a struggle to try and get up in the morning. She always twists and turns in her nest. Limbs outstretched and body half cocked in a semicircle. The molly has always been a wild sleeper, prone to pushing against others. Or even trying to get all up in their personal space. For that she finds herself apologizing a lot and even now as she sleeps she is all over the place. Like a furry snake. Her maw is wide open, a bit of drool leaking from her muzzle. That is until she hears the voice of her mentor which jolts her awake and has her coughing a bit. Her maw scrunches up a little and she rolls over before shaking herself a little, ears pulled back against snow dusted skill she blinks her gaze a couple times. "Oh geez, coming Mothfur." She whispers softly so as not to wake any of her other sleeping denmates before she lightly steps over sleeping forms and makes her way out of the den. The sun makes her squint a little before she sits down and tries to give her chest a few licks. Sometime to try and wake herself up. Shaking her head to clear it of the fog of sleep she narrows her gaze even more before finally bounding over to Mothfur with a bright smile upon her muzzle. Really she is excited about her lesson.

It's been eventful that much for certain, some good and some terrible not so much. Still she needs to look towards the future and honing her skills just in case anything happens. She's got to be the best warrior Thunderclan has ever had. She's got to be able to protect at least someone. "I'm totally ready for whatever you got for me today, promise!" Her tail sways back and forth as she hopes to be able to go out into the territory today. Maybe work on some hunting stuff and bring back pawfuls of prey.


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- While waiting for his apprentice to exit the den, Mothfur began thinking back to his first lesson. He remembered the joy of being taught the basics of hunting and thought that Dustpaw might enjoy doing the same thing. However, everyone was different.... He knew that some apprentices preferred the basics of sparring rather then hunting.

Seeing Dustpaw now exit the apprentice den, Mothfur got up from his place of sitting to meet up with the young she-cat. "Awesome. We'll start with hunting first and then come back to eat... Thats if we catch anything first," he responded with a soft chuckle. He was glad that his apprentice seemed to be excited for today, but it was hard for him to show his gratitude. Now turning around to stalk toward the camps entrance, Mothfur flicked his tail in a way to ask her to follow. Some would call this "Tail-Talk", he hoped that she would catch onto his signals quickly.


Now stopping in a densely wooded area, close to the great sycamore, Mothfur turned toward his apprentice. Their walk, to his preferred training spot of the day, was mostly quiet with a yawn thrown here and there by the tom. He took a seat, ears steadily ignoring the squirrels that disturbed the quiet by dancing throughout the trees. "Can you smell anything nearby? Preferably something on the ground." He joked, but stood quiet, allowing his apprentice to focus.