it's time for a CLASS TRIAL ☾✩☽ prank

Her dreams are restless, but not overbearing. She could sleep through unease now far better than she once did, was it a sign of healing or dettachment? It was hard to say. Moonpaw felt very much distanced from the world, every pawstep held weight yet she still felt as though she were floating above and watching overhead like the moon of her very name. The worst part was it wasn't a bad feeling, she didn't feel any negativity associated with her sudden disinterest in those around her, but she also didn't feel very positive on it. If the world was black and white she was a muted grey, blurred inbetween and unabashedly dismissive. Curling tighter into her nest she pulled her long tail over her nose, let the heat of her breath bounce back from her fur to her muzzle and wash over her face like the faint trickling of sunlight that was beginning to worm its way into the den. The tortie point stifled a yawn, stretched out her limbs and rolled to the side only to jerk upward in alarm as sharp pain riddled her side; her panic immediately assumed a snake had gotten in, drawn by the warm bodies, but she fumbled back from the moss and bracken to see that no such thing was there. A curious paw dipped down to push and spread the nesting, her entire body leaning forward as blue eyes squinted in the still dimly lit den to find the perpetraitor; thorns. Sharp, curved thorns, the edges broken clean from whatever bramble or vine they had been clearly born from. She had just cleaned her nesting the other day and she was certain with almost absolute 100% assurance she had not missed any bits in her bedding. Someone had put this here...
Moonpaw sits back, feels her eyes watering and forces the welling emotion back down. No. It's what they wanted. Whoever did this wanted a reaction and the surprised yelp was all she would give them. Who could possibly have done this then? Her eyes narrow, she turns to examine her fellow apprentices either still dozing or rousing themselves or perhaps her startled awakening had done it for them. "Who..." She starts, but then her eyes settle on the orange and blue patched pelt of Mousepaw and instantly she is filled with indignation. "Did you put thorns in my nest, Mousepaw?!"

Not a pafp but accusing @MOUSEPAW ! -Anyone can be the real prankster.
Mousepaw had felt constrained for too long. Emberstar's death and ThunderClan's run-in with the dogs had eclipsed her desire to be herself, outspoken and fun-loving and different than all the other apprentices. But now, it's newleaf. The sun warms her fluffy tortie-and-white pelt when she leaves camp now. She feels secure, feels like she can speak without judgment, without repression.

Does that mean she had put the thorns in Moonpaw's nest? The mostly-white she-cat grooms themselves casually, watching through slitted bright-green eyes as Moonpaw stretches. Her denmate's shriek causes her to look up with wide, innocent eyes, concern on her face. "What the heck? What happened?" She asks. Moonpaw ignores her -- what's new? She finds the culprit soon enough, anyway. Thorns.

And Moonpaw accuses her of doing it! Absolutely ridiculous. Mousepaw smiles at her, but it's smug. "Why would I waste my time doing that, Moonpaw? It's so rude to accuse innocent cats of things like that." She drags her tongue against a white forepaw, brushing it languidly against her tufted cheeks. "Maybe you deserved having thorns in your nest... so whoever did it, did us all a favor."


Shallowpaw was not sure if he ever would understand why his denmates liked to bickering with each other so much, for such immature things as well. Didn't they had better things to do like training to become a good warrior one day?. After recent events that had happened in the clan Shallowpaw had started to feel disheartened by some of the things he had seen which would not have bothered him in the past. He was trying so hard to achieve his goal to adapt to this clans rules and tradition to become this warrior he desired so much to be one day. To walk down the right path. However, while he put down double of the hard work then most of his clanmates did he was still so far behind his results being nothing as rewarding as those who only put down half of the work. He felt like he was getting nowhere, and under the meantime someone had enough time to spare to do something as distasteless like putting thorns in one of thier clanmates nests. What quality did that cat even have to become a warrior one day?. Doing something so rogue like.

Deserved it. What could Moonpaw possibly have done to deserve something as cruel as this?. Shallowpaw could think of some couple of cats in the clan who would deserve something like this but not could he think of one reason to why Moonpaw should have to fall victim to a rogue scheme like this. It made no sense to him whatsoever. Shallowpaw narrowed his orbs at Mousepaw tasteless comment. Up until now he had simply been watching not having had any intention to speak up. He would rather have let this be but now because of what Mousepaw had said he couldn't.

" No she does not." His words slipt out with ease as he finally stood up from his nest eyes colder then usual. Because she was an outcast?. " It's cruel." He continued without any regret thinking his words was the truth. Putting thorns in another cats nest was a cruel thing to do with the intention to hurt. A cat like that should return back to the nursery because they clearly hadn't matured enough yet to understand how to take care of another clanmates well-being.

Making his way over to Moonpaw now he didn't even wasted one look at Mousepaw as he stopt in front of the victim to this distasteful joke. He would blink his eyes at them before staring down at the nest full of thorns. " You can take my nest." he suggested and then tomorrow morning they could get ride of this thorn filled nest and make a new one for her.


Sparkpaw was having a nice sleep.... He has been tired, so it was quick to come to him. He loved sleeping. It was so nice. Just him and whatever his brain concocted for him to dream.

But his slumber was ruined! Startled awake by Moonpaws own startled fumbling! He let out a surprised yell as he flailed.



Puffed up, he looked around. No dog.. No snake.... No... No anything. Okay. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay.... Nothing's wrong....Back to sleep..." He said with relief, and then plopped back down to go back to sleep.


".......... Actually. What even happened....?" He asked, opening his eyes again to look at his fellow apprentices.

What caused this ruckus..... He had to know. During his awakening, he had missed the whole thing.....
Cloudypaw blinked in surprise as she heard the accusation from across the den, glancing over with wide eyes. It would have never even occurred to her that someone would do that. Her mind would have gone to any other explanation before that one. Though, she couldn't quite think of any way the thorns would have gotten there if they hadn't been put there. But still.

Mousepaw's response left her even more aghast. All doubt instantly left her that Moonpaw was right, there was no reason for such a nasty response otherwise. "You shouldn't say that." Was all she could manage to mutter out timidly, almost too quiet to be heard from the other side of the den.

Her denmates were all so bold.

Shallowpaw, at least, seemed nice. He told off Mousepaw and offered Moonpaw his own nest to replace her own. Cloudypaw felt a touch guilty for not doing as much herself, but she doubted she would sleep a wink if she didn't at least have her own nest.​