private it's time you have a pink cloud summer - blazestar


skyclans therapist TM
Apr 24, 2023

flowercloud had struggled for a while, keeping to herself besides the occasional talk with others. she had nearly died. she had gotten close to the point she saw spiderpaw. was it hallucinations? the bright air, the healthy apprentice free of mangled scars- she didn't want to believe that it was a hallucination.

but, she'd always pull through, she wasn't the only one that struggled. she had to break through the thick ice of a wall that had lay in front of her. clawing painfully through it, cold against paws. and she had finally done it, she had finally done it. and no one had to be proud of her. she was proud for herself and she was proud of her clan.

she wished others could take care of themselves, she wished others would cast the optimism for themselves sometimes and tell themselves that. but not everyone was fortunate of those thoughts, so she was eager to help them.

especially now since everyone had recovered from the sickness that surged through them. the sickness was nothing to be positive about, but breaking through it's painful grasp was what really mattered.

when she had first gotten caught in it's thick claws, ripping through her in a fortnite, blazestar had risked his life helping her. she vaguely remembered the orange tom pressing against her to get her to dawnglare, trying to keep her going on shaky limbs.

when she had caught sights on him, the cloud of a warrior would cast a grin in greeting. "hey, I wanted to check up on you, blazestar." she wasn't sure if the tom had taken the time to even check up on himself. "and say thank you with a clear head for helping me." her words slid off her tongue as easy as a droplet of water on a leaf.


Flowercloud.” Blazestar returns the fluffy warrior’s easy smile with one of his own, a purr rumbling behind his teeth. The yellowcough has gone from her body, and it shows—her fur is shiny again, her eyes clear with her usual optimism in every bouncing step. He remembers how she’d fallen in camp, the dust in her fur and the way her eyes had rolled to the back of her head—remembers her heft as he’d gone to help lift her to her paws, to get her into the medicine cats’ den. “I’m glad to see you feeling so much better. You had us all worried.

The Ragdoll flicks his tail, inviting Flowercloud to lounge beside him. “I’m doing well. Bobbie keeps me in check these days,” he says, smiling ruefully. “Here, share this vole with me. I’m not as hungry as I thought I was.” He pushes it toward the amber-hued she-cat, tucking his paws under his chest as he settles in place.

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  • Love
Reactions: flowercloud.

there was always a calm air about blaze star. collected as if there was not a worry in the world. he was an amazing leader, gentle yet he'd put his foot down when he needed to for the safety of his clan. he was strong but he'd been a leader for a long time.

he spoke of how the clan was worried about her, and she softly shook her head. a part of her wanted to tell him not to worry about her, she was going to be fine. there were more important cats to stress about- but she stopped herself before her mouth could even open. "I'm too stubborn," she started with a whole hearted chuckle. "but I was terrified myself. about how everyone else was fairing. I knew I'd be okay." lies. she didn't know if she'd be okay. but her body did not show any notion of thinking otherwise.

she remembered Bobbie and blazestar were one of a pair now, but even then- "I couldn't help but just make sure, plus it doesn't hurt to have company." she's settle down across from him, taking the offer gladly to join him. cold months were here and sharing prey was better than not.

"how are you otherwise?"

Flowercloud’s mouth opens to protest Blazestar’s concerns, but she closes it with a sheepish admittance that she’s too stubborn, and the great golden leader laughs with his belly. “You are,” he playfully admonishes. “You can’t take care of others if you aren’t taking care of yourself, you know. Trust me—I had to learn that, too.” A shadow flits over his eyes, though he retains his easy smile. He thinks of the mess he’d been after he’d lost his daughter, thinks of moons spent wasting away in his den until his mass had been reduced to ribs beneath yellow-tinged fluff. He’d been no use to his kits then, and no use to his Clan, though Flowercloud’s responsibilities are not so heavy.

The Ragdoll purrs as she continues. “I always enjoy your company. You know that.” She asks how he’s been otherwise, and Blazestar cocks his head, considering. His nest, once long-abandoned, is full of warmth and sweet-scented lilac fur. His son is capable and quick-thinking, had helped the Clan immensely while Dawnglare had been ill. His daughter is healthy, with strong and rambunctious kits that he knows will be credits to his Clan.

I’m… I’m well,” he says, as if surprised. “StarClan has been good to me, and to SkyClan.” He leans closer, his blue gaze softening. “And besides this sickness—how are you otherwise?” His ears flick toward the amber-hued she-cat. “Are you getting used to being in the warriors’ den again?

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  • Sad
Reactions: flowercloud.

"That's something I tell others all the time, yet I can only most of the time follow it," she said sheepishly shaking her head. "I at least take walks to relax my mind a bit." she shrugged a bit with a soft smile. She took care of most of her physical needs, but mental needs? That needed a lot of work. "I just know, I'm not the only one struggling- and I'm usually able to make others have a good time. That's what matters to me." Her words were more confident this time around, lifting her head a bit as if she was proud of herself. That was what her mental health really craved- making others feel better.

"I enjoy your presence as well- you help make wonderful conversations, and even if you have a lot of things you need to do; you make time for your clanmates," she purred, smile still holding against golden fur. She'd move her tail around her paws, thinking. Shed never ask for another leader. There will be a time, sadly, that Blazestar would not be here. She didn't want to even think about that. Those days would be dreary and dark, but soon she knew the clan would endure and pull together as always.

He acted surprised as she asked how he was. Was that a question not often given to the tom? She hoped not, but she always worried about others. There was a lot embedded deep within ones shoulders, and sometimes they needed to release it; just as she did when he returned the question. "I'm glad to hear everything is well, Blazestar," she responded genuinely. Shed lean down to take a small bite before nudging it towards him with her darkened nose. Slowly chewing while she thought.

"I missed the warriors den. I missed talking to clanmates, missed the stars, and the trees. And now it's cold, I don't have to worry about the heat- I can work a lot harder." And she had been, as if making up for the fact that she struggled during the summer. Anything she absolutely could to just- do something and keep her mind off of the things.

She cleared her throat, looking at the ground. "I-" she wondered if she should tell him, but, she wanted to. "While I was sick, I, well I saw Spiderpaw. Looking healthier than ever, telling me about how much gossip she hears up in starclan. I don't know if it was delusions, but it was nice." The apprentices mangled body was no longer. And to tell somebody, anybody- it was her own relief off her shoulders.