sensitive topics IT’S HARD TO GET AROUND [fox attack!]

ꕀꕀ The season of new life has brought an abundance of prey, something that the clan needs desperately given its growing size. Many litters grace the nursery, and with a couple more on the way it is imperative that each RiverClanner is able to catch prey for more than just themselves. The best way to do so is, of course, to catch fish from the river’s water, now that it’s warmed enough to be a source of plump, perfect prey once more. Sandpaw’s patrol has come to a stop near the river’s edge, settling down to fish, and they seem to be successful in their endeavors so far—the tortoiseshell tom has already caught one rather large fish, a catch to be proud of. But his attention is not fully on fishing. Their surroundings may be secure, with the river so close and the border so far away, but the threat of predators is also increased with the abundance of prey. Remaining aware of his surroundings could save a clanmate’s life during these times, Sandpaw thinks.

And it just so happens that he’s correct. His ears swivel toward a sudden sound, something moving that seems a bit too large to be a cat or any larger prey. The rest of the patrol doesn’t seem to notice, likely because they’re focusing on actually fishing, but Sandpaw can’t just brush off something like this. What if it’s a twoleg, or some other threat, and he’s the clan’s first line of defense? Rising to his paws, the young tom speaks up. "Hey, somethin’ big’s movin’-"

He doesn’t get the chance to finish his warning. In between one breath and the next, the sound of something large crashing through the reeds grows louder and louder. Then the creature is right on top of them, and its jaws are split wide open, aimed straight for Sandpaw. The apprentice manages to leap off to one side, narrowly dodging a bite that could have been fatal. "Shit!" He shouts, his fur bristling as he faces down the fox alongside his clanmates. It’s a stupid idea, he knows, thinking that he can face something like a fox. He can’t even beat Cicadapaw in a fight—against a true threat, he doesn’t even stand a chance.

❀ With prey abundant once more predators are also more likely, be mindful as you traverse the territory as foxes, badgers and even roaming dogs may be around any corner...
Please refrain from killing the fox or driving it away until my next post <3

Riverclan wasn't safe from the dangers the forest cats faced even if they were less likely to run into them, she's seen foxes before great red fuzzy creatures with long snouts and sharp fangs. They weren't to be messed around with, they were formidable and just as much of survivors as they were - she likes to see their positive traits when she can after all her brother embodied their name and strength. Their stench is musky and heavy, she doesn't recognize it at first she'd been so focused scouring the shallows searching for the flash of scales but there's something that feels horribly off. That scent wasn't right, her hackles raise and finally does she turn around towards Sandpaw and a glowering predator in the shade of the foliage that bursts out as soon as she sees it muscular body prowl closer. It's such a beautiful day to perfect for a situation like this. Sandpaw's meows make her leap into action she runs from the shallows a yowl erupting from her. "GET BACK!" it's yowled as much at Sandpaw as it is at the fox. He's too young to be facing it's jaws, it could kill the most formidable of Riverclans warriors if it got a good bite - an apprentice didn't stand a chance.

A large paw swipes out, claws extended she attempts to batter it's muzzle, if successful her claws would slice its nose. They needed to drive it away, to make it understand that they were not easy prey. It shouldn't be as desperate as predators in leafbare, it should turn tail if they're lucky to scour for food without sharp claws and a drive to protect not just themselves but the others they stood flank to flank with.

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  • XBxPudf.png
    Tigersplash She/He, Warrior of Riverclan, 17 moons
    A chocolate/cinnamon chimera she-cat with high white and amber eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​

There was no killing a fox, especially not single-handedly... Ferngill knew it well. The scar branded across his reddened eye betrayed that knowledge; it had been a burst of stupidity that had barrelled him into facing one, an ill-judged disaster. Lying in the dark, recovering from the sting, only half of his vision slowly returning... Ferngill had vowed he would never face one alone, again.

Nor would he allow anyone else to.

Sandpaw's yelp spurred Ferngill into immediate action. Immediately, instinctual fear misted his single verdant eye- a sickening shock that sprawled through his body, fur prickling, every cell screaming at him to run, to remember what happened last time. But he was a better cat, thronged by a patrol- he was a stronger fighter, a lead warrior- and an apprentice was in danger. That initial supernova of fear emboldened itself, reverted into the starlight of determination. Determination twisted upon Ferngill's face, and the fiery tom leapt forward to bear his claws in aid.

With Tigersplash's help, a clawful-slap to the muzzle, Ferngill engaged with it. He burst forward, using his small size and relative speed to bound past it, to fasten snarling jaws around one of its back legs. He was no longer stupid enough to think a sweeping kick would take a large, slathering predator out- but by surrounding it, they could show it that this was not a fight it wanted to continue, that easy prey was elsewhere.
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Troutsnout had her attention on the rivers, her frame leaning back to prevent the sun from casting her shadow on the water below. She hears Sandpaw's concern statement but her mind doesn't fully register it, as she was on a completely different dimension. All she cared about was having a successful hunt so her clan could eat without worrying for their next meal, it's until she hears the vulgar language screech from Sandpaw's lips. The fish that she was about to pounce on races away after seeing her shadow as she whips around, a vibrant red coat lunging out from the brushes and elongated fangs dripping saliva in hunger. Shit! Newleaf brought life yet also brought dangers to her clan. "Focus on dodging the attacks and striking while its focused on someone!"

The tall feline lets out a hiss and a yell, hoping to get the canine's attention on her. She's bigger than most of her clanmates gathered around, he would surely want something bigger and plentiful. Her ears are pinned back as her long, wavy coat was puffed up to enhance her appearance to seem larger and more threatening. If her attempts to drag the fox's attention onto her, she would race on the opposite to bring it's focus away from the river and back to where it came from, her curved claws flashing in attempt to claw at the eyes to harm its vision.


I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — She had caught a fish of her own and she had been prepared to catch another until Sandpaw speak up mentioning something big was moving. Beepaw frowns for a moment angling both of her large ears forward to heed the rest of his warning but its interrupted by the russet blur that lunges at the apprentice and misses, the bicolored molly quick to rise to her paws. Her fur already rising with claws unsheathed ready to take on the predator though it makes her wonder why it bothers them and she casts her mismatched gaze to the fish that had been caught. Perhaps its hoping to steal an easy meal but she doesn't dwell on the thought when more of the patrol begin to strike at the fox in hopes of getting rid of it. She knows that she must be careful and that a fox could easily take down an apprentice if they're not cautious enough, her ears lay flat against her skull.

A low growl emits from her throat and lips drawn back into a silent snarl, Beepaw lunges forward in an attempt to rake her claws across the fox's side only to move out of the way from snapping jaws. The last thing she wanted is to gain an injury and add onto the patients that Moonpaw's currently caring for, her feathery tail lashes behind her. She reaches once more for the fox but instead of clawing it once more would try to fasten her jaws onto its tail and bite down as hard as she could while snarling under her breath.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
ꕀꕀ His clanmates are quick to respond, and when Tigersplash cries out for him to get back, the tom obeys. Blood sprays from claw marks across the beast’s nose, and it twists as Ferngill lunges for its leg. It seems to grow more agitated with each cat that joins in, twisting and snapping in confusion. Sandpaw is content to watch the warriors drive off the threat—he’s only an apprentice. But then Beepaw bites down on the fox’s tail, and suddenly it doesn’t feel as good to be out of harm’s way anymore. She’s… she’s fighting the fox, and he’s just standing here frozen like some kind of kit. He’s almost a warrior; with his clanmates at his side, surely he can help drive away a fox. It doesn’t even seem to be putting up much of a fight. Sandpaw braced himself and charged forth, but it seems that his own claw swipe across the fox’s shoulder is the final straw.

The fox’s head swings toward him, and for a heartbeat yellow eyes lock with enraged amber. It doesn’t give him a chance to react. Teeth sink into his face, and Sandpaw’s vision goes dark with pain. He’s caught for a heartbeat within the fox’s jaws, and his own pale paws sink into the fur of its neck, claws scrabbling for purchase in an attempt to make it release him. He can’t even tell if he’s drawing blood—is the wet, sticky warmth coating his paws the fox’s blood, or his own? He can taste the iron tang of blood across his tongue, and it isn’t stopping…

(The fox is surrounded now, faced with prey that is no longer an unsuspecting, easy target. Claws have left several wounds across its body, each of them weeping blood. It is clearly losing this fight. With one final snapping bite directed toward whichever cat is still pelting it with blows, the fox whirls around and takes off. Its bushy tail, bloodied and bitten, the last any of the cats see of it before it disappears into the expanse of RiverClan’s territory.)

The beast retreats, and in its wake it leaves few signs that it was ever there in the first place. There is, of course, the site of battle—the dirt is kicked up and scrabbled at, and blood droplets litter the surrounding area. But perhaps the most notable evidence of its passing is the heap of pale sandy fur, curled onto his side and trembling. A small puddle of blood spreads from under Sandpaw’s face, crimson dripping down onto white petals torn from the apprentice’s pelt. His breathing is ragged, adrenaline wearing off and leaving behind only a cold sense of dread. His eyes are squeezed shut, but he can feel the searing pain across the left side of his face. It’s surely not a great thing that his first thought isn’t of his clanmates or their safety, but of his own face. He’s bleeding, somewhere. From his face. What if the bite wounds heal into a horrible, ugly patchwork of scars across his face? What if he looks wrong?

The sound of someone making their way toward him knocks Sandpaw free of his stupor, and he attempts to look up at them from his position. The fur across his face is heavily stained with crimson, and when he opens his eye that’s all he can see for a moment. "Whuh…" His paws scrape against the ground, but he’s too lightheaded to actually stand. Instead, the boy wobbles until he slumps onto his haunches. His flanks heave with effort, pain lancing through every inch of his face. "Owww…."
Everything was going well— too well. Tigersplash's claws connected with the muzzle of the canine, Ferngill on the hind legs with Beepaw taking a flank attack. The other apprentice had attacked the side and bit into a tail, and within a moment everything went wrong. A glint of fangs reap across the air and collide with Sandpaw, a grip on the apprentice's face and a metallic aroma filled the surroundings. She had to do something and fast, she couldn't hesitate. Her lips purse together as she races forward, slamming her entire weight into the fox in attempt to make it stumble backwards and slash her claws at it. Sandpaw is dropped abruptly and a bite snaps toward her which she manages to be slightly out of reach of, a loud guttural growl erupting from her.

Troutsnout quickly moves to the apprentice's side, a white paw gently touching his cheek to slightly turn his face towards her. "You're okay, Sandpaw." She gently comforts as she helps him to his haunches, standing there for a moment as he stabilizes himself. "I'm going to go get Moonpaw, okay?" The spotted warrior would meow, glancing at the others gathered as she turns on her heels and sprinting to camp.

Once she's reached camp, the warrior would retrieve @Moonpaw as she gives the medicine apprentice a quick backstory of the fox being on the territory as she guides the apprentice to the scene.

OOC text

There's confidence in numbers, her clanmates are besides her fighting with all their fury - this mongrel will be sent packing with it's tail between their legs and they'd come home with a good story to frighten the kids with. She's confident, her claws tear through the flesh of it's nose and she feels jubilation in her chest at the way it flinches and yelps it hellish yap! Everything was going fine - until it wasn't. It finds a gap between the cats that tear into it and it's jaws snap towards the first feline it laid it's ravenous gaze on. There's so little time for reaction, things move in slow motion and she lets out a frightened yowl as she watches it's sharp fangs bury themselves into Sandpaw's face. Not even a half moon ago he'd been decorating himself, been looking his best and now his face may be permanently scarred, if the blood loss doesn't whisk him to the stars.

She's taken aback, she can't will herself to move but she sees it drops him - it's jaws snap at another and soon it's gone leaving nothing more then it's scent and damage that was already done. It leaves them with a nasty memory. The large warrior stumbles over to the apprentice, Troutsnout is the first to try to soothe him but she's turning to leave running briskly back to camp to bring back Moonpaw. He's made himself sit up and she comes to sit besides him Her large poofy tail laying against his spine trying to offer some comfort "Easy, easy" her voice soothes in a murmur, she prays Troutsnout will return quick. "I know it hurts but I promise Moonpaw's gonna fix ya up good as new" she remembers when her sister had her tail chomped off moons ago - she'd never seen so much blood. She's glad that Sandpaw isn't bleeding like the river after the snow metled but it's still bad.

"Just hang in there Sandpaw"


Numbers swarmed the fox, but not fast enough- its head whirled around, ivory fangs flashing to scrape at the flesh on Sandpaw's face. Ferngill's heart lurched with the familiarity of it, as if he was watching a young version of himself fall victim again to slathering jaws. He chomped down harder, blood beginning to pool across his tongue- with the aching force of his jaw, he willed the fox away, away.

With Tigersplash, Beepaw and Troutsnout in battle too, they managed to prove themselves tough prey, not worth the blood- a bushy tail turned and ran, and Ferngill almost lurched forward to chase it- but he took a moment to think, and concern for Sandpaw usurped it. They would make sure it was gone, later. Troutsnout volunteered to go and find Moonpaw, which earned a quick nod from Ferngill- to Beepaw, a verdant eye fell then. "Stay close, Beepaw," he told her, the lack of brightness in his expression betraying his seriousness.

The scar across Ferngill's eye prickled as he made his way to Sandpaw's side- a pit swirled in his stomach. He gave Tigersplash a thankful look, a gentle nod, before looking to Sandpaw. "Everything'll be alright." Breathing his shaky but earnest assurance, Ferngill's lone eye lingered in the middle-distance, waiting for the white-flash fur of their healer to start closing in. He meant every word- even if this damage to Sandpaw's face was permanent... it would all be fine.
penned by pin

Foxes were something that Moonpaw had thankfully never had an interaction with, but she knew of those that had. When Troutsnout came to the camp speaking of a fox attack and Sandpaw she had quickly gathered all she could think to need, bundle of herbs carefully wrapped up within damp moss as she wrapped a paw with cobwebs and made her way out to follow alongside the warrior.

When she neared the scene and the scent of blood reached nostrils the white moggie moved forward quicker before bundle dropped at her feet and she moved towards Sandpaw, ears pinned to her head for a moment before she passed along dandelion leaves to the apprentice, "Chew on these, don't swallow them." She'd instruct quickly to the cream feline before paws shuffled and moved moss. "You gotta look my way so I can help okay? It's gonna hurt but the leaves should help with that." At least a little, she could only hope that they would help quickly.

If willing to look at her, quickly Moonpaw would begin to do her job, and if unwilling she'd shuffle to where she could work, not accepting a no from the younger apprentice for fear of him somehow bleeding out. When everything was said and done - whether it be with or without struggle - hopefully Sandpaw would have a clean wound, moss used to clean up blood the best she could while in the territory before a paste of marigold was made and placed carefully where an eye used to be. Luckily Sandpaw wouldn't be able to see the look of shock that would come from the medicine cat apprentice's face as she saw the damage before cobwebs wrapped around face to keep the poultice in place. Bites along the other's neck could be dealt with later when he wasn't in danger of passing out from blood loss.

An exhale of air would leave nostrils before she'd look to the rest of the patrol quickly, scanning them over for obvious wounds before she looked away. "Help bring Sandpaw back to camp, he's too big to lean on me if need-be." She'd speak as she stood up once more, tail flicking behind her as soon as she had done so. "I'll follow along, and if anyone else is wounded I need to see you when we get back to make sure there's no infections." Fox bites were nasty things after all.
  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
ꕀꕀ One of the warriors tells him it will be okay, and through the haze of pain and fear Sandpaw can’t tell who it is at first. Whoever it is, they’re a liar. Nothing is okay at all—but he doesn’t have the presence of mind to argue. Tigersplash offers her comfort, as does Ferngill, but they’re all wrong. Dazed, he nods once in response to Troutsnout’s next words. Moonpaw will help…

Wait. No.
Moonpaw can’t see him like this. No one should see this at all. But in only a few heartbeats the healer arrives—or maybe it’s longer than that. His groggy mind doesn’t comprehend the way that time passes, flowing past him like a leaf caught in the river’s current. The pale figure that shifts in front of him would be shoved away, if he could only find his balance well enough to do so. But as it is, a few leaves are held out to him, and he obeys the other apprentice’s order to chew on them. His jaw aches as it works, but even worse than the flash of pain is the taste. A sharp, cutting bitterness coats his tongue, and the tom gags once before continuing to chew. If he weren’t so tired, he’d shoot Moonpaw a withering glare just for making him put something so awful in his mouth. As it is, though, Sandpaw has no choice but to continue fighting down the urge to spit it all out, and continues chewing. He isn’t some unruly patient who wants to make her life miserable—but when the pale she-cat asks him to turn his face to her, he refuses.

He doesn’t want to. He can’t. He can’t face any of his clanmates like this, with one eye dulled of its shine and the other gone entirely. So Sandpaw keeps his head turned away from Moonpaw even as she works around him, stubbornly praying that no one will notice the gaping wound that now mats his face. When she’s done, someone moves closer to help him back to camp, and the dappled tom leans on their shoulder, fighting the clumsiness of his own paws and the way that the world tilts off-balance. The idea of going back to camp, of facing his clanmates, is a terrible one. And not to mention…

Cicadapaw. He can’t face the other apprentice now, because Cicadapaw may have finally become a bearable sight, but now Sandpaw’s face has been ruined instead. And what will Cicadapaw say, what mockery will he have, when he hears the utterly ridiculous reason for Sandpaw’s injury? What if the other apprentice doesn’t want to spar with him anymore? What if he doesn’t want to look at him anymore? Sandpaw tries to plant his paws in the dirt, claws scraping in an attempt to stop himself from moving more. "No, wait. I don’t wanna go back," he protests, shaking his head as panic begins to fill his tone. "Just… just fix it here. Can’t you fix it here?"

It seems that Bubblepaw- though she ran as quick as she could- has missed all of the action when she comes crashing onto the scene. Bubblepaw has never faced a predator, let alone a fox, but she wonders briefly what could have become of Sandpaw if others hadn't come to his rescue. The silver molly stands frozen for a long moment, stunned by the aftermath of the attack. She stutters for a moment while trying to find a way to lend her paws to help. Bubblepaw is flustered.

She finds her voice when her eyes land on Moonpaw. Bubblepaw swiftly trots over to the medicine cat, and asks: "What do you need help with, Moonpaw?" She figures that the warriors are better candidates to help Sandpaw back to camp, but her gaze still snaps to him when he protests. Her brow furrows for a moment, but quickly unfurrows again when Bubblepaw realizes he might think she's judging him. "Moonpaw is right," Bubblepaw replies to Sandpaw's pleading with a frown that is full of pity "You really should go back to camp."
✦ ★ ✦