i've already lost it all | loner joining


show me the world outside
Mar 11, 2023
i believed in gods and monsters too

Survival does something to the mind. It makes it into a feral creature that will do anything just to stay afloat. Wildcat had been metaphorically drowning for a few too many moons now, sitting just close enough to the surface to gulp air down before being thrown back into the rapids. Her name was a very good reflection of her current state, she had a wickedly alert and wild look in her eyes, and her brown striped fur had missed more than a few good grooming sessions, and finally the winter had left the molly with jutted out ribs and a gaunt face. Yet she kept moving. She had pushed herself to just keep walking for maybe eleven moons now, running from the past and failing to find a future. Under the lack of any fat were muscles used to endurance, and yet still tired of it.

It was sometimes easier to say where Wildcat hadn't been rather than were she had been. She especially felt that she had probably encountered every single tree and bush that one cat could. This notion was one of attempted self comfort, that maybe even if she hasn't found what's she has been looking for, maybe, just maybe it still has been worth it. It hadn't been, but that wasn't a thought that could be addressed less it destroyed the hardened molly.

Wildcat's nose lifted to the sky as she padded along the forest floor. Something about this place seemed off... there was a smell that felt just nearly familiar. Not familiar like she had smelled this scent before, but familiar in she knew what made a similar smell. It was the smell of pelts mingling together and an attempt to scare off wanderers, like herself, at least that's what her old colony would use a scent marker for. Her head tilted to the side as she scanned the forest, ears pinned to her scalp in caution. A small growl came from her throat as she wanted to scold herself for being so bright-eyed at the idea of another colony. Couldn't she be satisficed with what happened at the last one, "You lost everything you idiot..." she tried to let the the thought guide her actions, but the prospects of finding slightly safer place to sleep at night were too much.

Her paw was placed on the other side of the scent marker. Trespassing. It was one way to make an impression, hopefully these cats were the ones that take pity on half starved wanderers. But, if they weren't she hoped they would at least be slow. Her feet slowly and methodically made their way through the scrub, waiting to be taken to the cat in charge of this place.

then i found out they're all impostors just like you

her patrol spread, eveningpaw navigated the trees. the strong branches were becoming increasingly easier to traverse, but white paws still slipped from time to time. especially when it rained, she was beginning to discover that slippery wood and soft paws were not friends. luckily, the clouds were dry and she could focus better on moving than a quick death.

she barely even noticed a flash of unfamiliar fur across the border, with skyclan's revolving door she barely even knew if this cat was someone they knew. pale blue eyes watched from above, the steps were too tentative to be from someone who lived here. she hopped down to a lower branch again and again until she was close enough to the ground to get a better look, too scared of getting kidnapped by a silver box to descend all the way to the ground. "hey there! you lost?" eve hummed, her head dipped slightly below the branch she crouched on so she could greet the russet molly with a friendly smile.

Since his son's eyes had been maimed by rogues near their border, Blazestar has been even more on edge than usual. He expects the forest -- nay, the world -- has turned against his Clan arbitrarily, and his temper is up the moment he scents a Twolegplace rogue on his territory. Eveningpaw hangs from the trees, friendly in spite of the potential thread. Blazestar's eyes flash with anger at the newcomer, but his tone is cold rather than outright aggressive. "Surely you recognize this territory has been marked," he says, looking down on the rogue she-cat with empty eyes. "This is SkyClan territory. I am the leader, Blazestar."

He fights the urge to bristle. He has no proof this she-cat had been one of the ones to attack his son, and he has made the mistake of accusing wrongly before. He forces his fur to lay flat, his voice to remain calm, and says, "Have you been here before?"

// apprentice tag @Coyotepaw



Perhaps Shardpaw was too naive for their own good as they came to abrupt pause from hearing Eveningpaw and Blazestar's voices filled with hostility, curious ears perked as they scampered towards the scene while flickering from the two and the rogue that decided to tresspass onto their border and... oh boy they looked a mess which made the young apprentice wince a bit, and instead of carrying the same hostility the newly appointed apprentice beamed at Wildcat. "Helloooo, what is your name and why do you look a mess?" the dilute tortied asked in a friendly tone, their tail swishing a bit before they paused a bit and giggled a bit.

"Sorry!! I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Shardpaw. Who are you?" they quickly placed in before Wildcat could even answer their first question, their eyes flickering towards Blazestar and Eveningpaw, still having no realization that this was no time to be nice.
Angry at all the things I can't change
With all that has been happening throughout skyclan thus far in the form of maiming rogues and twolegs stealing cats, Coyotepaw commends Blazestar's efforts to remain cool in the face of this trespasser. A true testament to his fair nature. He could only imagine how a trespassing cat would be handled amongst the moors of windclan. The poor molly more than likely would have been shredded to pulp before getting a proper word out. Just another reason he was thankful to be back within the safety of the pines rather than living on exposed hills. His tail flicks stiffly. Frosty green eyes are watchful for even the slightest breath taken out of place as his mentor addresses the wanderer. Although his sister and Shardpaw relinquish friendly conversation, Coyotepaw remains apprehensive and silent. Waiting for orders to be given should Blazestar instruct them.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Tawny and white paws moved across the grass towards the scent of something new and that of Blazestar. There was also Eveningpaw and Shardpaw, and the curious nature of the young warrior for the best of them quite quickly. They had been out for a hunt or just some time away from camp really when they noticed the scents mingling together. The young cat popped up from a nearby fern bush and looked over with rounded eyes. A cat stood there with Blazestar questioning if she had been here before and of course Shardpaw was introducing themselves.

Banansplash padded up beside the other side of Blazestar and looked up at her leader with a cheeky smile before turning her attention to that of the stray cat. This cat seeemed like they weren't doing well in terms of health and they looked skinny like they havent' eaten in a while. Hopefully Blazestar would allow this cat to join despite the tension in the clan.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
i believed in gods and monsters too
With so much effort put into the placing of her paws she didn't even hear the rustling of trees above her. She had always been willing to take advantage of different heights, it's just alleyways didn't really have all that many trees, so the idea to look up for other cats, well it just hadn't crossed her mind. With her head in the dirt, the sound of a voice calling to her caught her off guard. A small squeak of fear followed by the ruffling of her fur were the evidence of shock, as her eyes jumped around the trees trying to find the possible threat. They found their mark and the fear in her eyes was quickly made blank as she locked eyes with the cat in the tree.

Wildcat felt something was off when the cat she spotted in the tree was smiling. Not only that but the words she had said were ones of... kindness... or maybe it just wasn't hostility? Either one of those options was a strange occurrence. Her fur laid back flat as she recomposed herself, "I don't get lost." She didn't snap this at the apprentice, but the way Wildcat spoke had never been gentle, and to the seemingly friendly apprentice it may be taken as a hostile response.

However, before she could try any more questions she was once again startled. As a tom appeared overhead. Now was when her heart started beating a little faster, messing up now could be the end of her. Even with the surprise of a new cat, Wildcat's face doesn't change. She instead stares into the empty eyes of Blazestar, "You are right, I knew it was marked," she paused to grin "You are also the cat I wanted to talk to." She held her grin, to her it was a mask, she hoped to the tom that now stared down at her it would be a sign that she was trustworthy. She nearly betrayed the mask when she was asked if she had ever been in the territory before, it puzzled her. Why would it matter? "This is my first time near anything like this... what did you call it? Skyclan? I tend to wander and I ended up here." She had dropped the grin and instead gave the information with efficiency, she was a little surprised she didn't have to lie, but was thankful. Anything that could give a bad impression would probably be ignored for the sake of things.

Like clockwork it seemed three other cats appeared, all young looking and much stronger than her. "There is a couple of you guys, huh? Can't imagine you would want one more?" she dared her real intentions "And my name is Wildcat." she said back at Shardpaw. Wildcat hoped the leader of this place shared his troops same nature, because if so, it seemed like they already liked her.

then i found out they're all impostors just like you "speech"
Blazestar's tail tip twitches as the she-cat confirms she's never been to their territory. She says he is the cat she wanted to talk to, and he nods stiffly for her to continue. Though her way of speaking is strange and harsh, the rogue -- who identifies herself as Wildcat -- asks in a backhanded way to join SkyClan.

The Ragdoll thinks immediately of saying no, on impulse. He's remembering the scarlet seeping from Fireflypaw's eyes, the acrid scent of Twolegplace rolling off the fleeing cowards in waves. But Wildcat had not harmed his son... and she is not behaving threateningly.

And their ranks are thin.

Blazestar sighs. "Wildcat, what have you heard of SkyClan?" He meets her gaze steadily. "We are one of five Clans in this forest. We compete with the other four for resources, for territory, for rights to live in peace among ourselves."

He glances to Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Shardpaw, and Banansplash before continuing. "These are all apprentices in training to become warriors. We all do our part to ensure the Clan thrives. We share the prey we hunt with one another and defend our borders with our lives. If you are to join us, you will be granted that same protection, but you will be expected to put the Clan first, always." Can a rogue learn such a thing? He still doesn't have an answer to that. "After hearing this, what are your thoughts?"

i believed in gods and monsters too
Wildcat watched intently as the leader of this troop seemed to be weighing her question. She appreciated the thought behind Blazestar's answer, it showed intelligence, that was a trait she could appreciate. She doesn't break Blazestar's gaze as he asks her about what she knows about this clan's business "I don't know anything about your clans." She did want to ask why they wouldn't all just find territory not so close to each other, but questioning established systems probably wasn't going to make the seemingly skeptical leader trust her more. So, instead she listened patiently as she was introduced to the wide eyes that stared at her, and then she was asked for her thoughts on the matter "I've lived with other cats like this before, whether that instills confidence or breaks it is up to you. I am a strong cat and think I could be proved useful in your clan, Blazestar. " Her head was tilted up with a confidence masking anxiety. There was hope that Blazestar liked a bold cat, because that's all she knew how to be.

then i found out they're all impostors just like you
Blazestar manages a tired smile at her response. He dips his head to her. "Very well. I'm not one to turn away an eager set of paws. Welcome to SkyClan." He gestures with the thick gold band of his tail for Wildcat to follow him and his other cats. "We'll show you to our camp, and you can begin to shadow one of the warriors."

// out

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