camp ive always been bad at naming things // intro



Why did apprentices always get stuck with the boring tasks? Antpaw had been replacing the old bedding from the apprentice's den for what felt like forever. Couldn't she be doing something more useful right now, like learning how to fight or hunt? She hadn't gone out for training, or any patrols yet today, and she was getting quite antsy. "Just a little more. You've got this," she whispered to herself, trying to keep her focus. She wanted to strike up a conversation with someone else so bad, but she knew it would be too distracting. So, for now, she was uncharacteristically quiet.

She dipped in and out of the apprentice den, trying to get everything done as quickly as possible. Admittedly, she wasn't doing a great job, but she just wanted this to be over with. She'd deal with a lecture from a warrior later; she was used to it anyway. After a few more minutes, she figured it was complete enough. Was there enough bedding in there? for sure. But it would be a stretch to call it well-done. "Good enough," she mumbled to herself. She'd get better at it as she went, Antpaw figured. She was a relatively new apprentice, so she was still learning. (At least, that was the excuse she was going with.)

She tried to flick the moss off of her paws, realizing too late that she flung a chunk of it directly into another clanmate's face. "Oh no! I'm so sorry!" She quickly ran over to them, hoping to apologize for her mistake. If she wasn't going to get yelled at before, she was definitely expecting it now.

// takes place before the wolves. also if anyone else wants their character to have been on cleaning duty with her, feel free!!

"speech" / tags
Though the news of wolves and deer had been troubling, Softpaw didn't let their appearance on ThunderClan territory get in the way of her apprentice duties in the camp. It would only be a matter of time before she was released from apprentice probation and allowed to start proper training out in the wilds, so it was for the best if she kept her cool and appreciated nest-changing while she still could.

Antpaw and Softpaw had been told to change out the bedding, and while Antpaw seemed content with 'good enough' in her work, Softpaw was a tad more meticulous - though the two apprentices had split the work, there were times when Softpaw put a bit more care into what Antpaw had left in her wake. Despite this, Softpaw had been about to speak up and compliment Antpaw's will to get the task done, before she was interrupted by Antpaw smacking a chunk of moss into one of their Clanmates.

"Oh my," Softpaw gasped, hurrying over to Antpaw's side.
Contrary to Antpaw's opinions on their current task, Adderpaw couldn't be more thrilled than to be tasked with bedding duty. A notorious clean freak (that perhaps can only be noticed by clanmates of his in passing looks of intrigue and confusion as to what he may be cleaning at that moment), the stripped apprentice could be seen cleaning even the corners of camp if he had the time between his insect searching, or sitting with his paws beneath him and tail tucked under front paws as he observed (judged) his fellow ThunderClanners and their actions and words. Small and slightly rounded ears perked up as the black and white she-cat's words hit them, folding back as stole a glance at the other apprentice. Antpaw. She seemed to share his bug fascination, which was highly irritating for Adderpaw as he knew she would do her own little excursions for them. He tried his best to keep his bug hunting spot hidden... but it was right next to the apprentice den. He wasn't exactly the brightest star in the sky when it came to things like that. Otherwise, she seemed nice enough -- not like he cared. He just happened to live with her.

And Softpaw too. He had almost forgotten about the pink-eyed apprentice due to all of them proficiently and silently completing their tasks (which he appreciated), but he didn't really know her enough to have an opinion on her. But from encounters he's held with her, she seems to be too optimistic and energetic for his liking. Why couldn't other cats keep their nerves and excitement to themselves? He had just huffed out a small chuckle to himself at the thought of both of these jumping apprentices trying to stand completely still, tails stuck straight in place and vibrating with excitement to pry open their jaws and say the first thing past their teeth -- when his vision was blocked. And just like he had been thinking for them, Adderpaw ended up reflecting the very same posture, except his pelt was fluffing up slightly as he attempted to keep his cool.

"Antpaw. Just, stay there, please. I can handle this myself," mousebrain! He hissed in his mind as her apology easily melted into empty words for him, batting away the moss on his face, features reflecting the look of sharp claws as he stared down (well, he was looking up to her) the apprentice. A sigh emitted from him as Softpaw made her way over as well, and he let his tail trash angrily as he debated his words. But was he truly thinking about those words? "You're so unobservant," his tone is monotone, yet it was basically as though he had spat it out to lash out at the apprentice with the intention behind it. He stood before her, waiting for her to make it up in some other way than just apologizing, but what else could she do? He supposed he'd just have to find out as his paw began to lightly tap the flattened soil beneath them.​
Antlerpaw hadn't been helping with the nests- she had been making sure some of the gorse walls were strong, her tail twitching as she listened to the normal hubble of camp. Her ears twitched as Adderpaw shouted, stepping away from the wall with a soft mumble of apology to her task-mate as she hurried to the scene. Orange eyes swept between Softpaw, Antpaw, and Adderpaw, the tenseness of the situation slowly roaring to a cacophany, it felt like.

Words were spat, and perhaps against Antlerpaw's better judgement, she moved to step between them. She wasn't big at all, but Antlerpaw had stood against worst enemies. Her mother's claws searched her flesh. She inhaled sharply, pressing her tongue against her teeth, a low rumble of a growl coming out of her mouth. "It was an accident." Antlerpaw stated sharply, her tail flicking behind her. I hope his stupid face gets stained green. She was nearly shocked at the thought before she spoke again, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"And she apologized. Do your eyes hurt?" It was almost mocking, if it wasn't for Antlerpaw's softer nature, her words slightly worried. It was almost laughable, that question coming from someone who's eyes had nearly been torn out of her head just a couple moons ago.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
It's clumsy at best, trying to distinguish the muddy parts of the walls where light filters through a little more easily... it's not a significant change in hue and so, she largely has to rely on the sound of her sister's paws, twitching her ears this way and that to find them. Envy sits uncomfortably in her belly, wishing she were fortunate enough to do more than hand over sticks or whatever loose debris was on the ground to try and reinforce things but... it wasn't Antlerpaw's fault.

She reaches to offer another piece of patching when a quiet apology is whisked her way, followed by the immediate and speedy retreat of a warm pelt from her side- she was going to investigate the shouting and Doepaw wasn't particularly confident she could finish their task alone. Trailing after the disappearing form of soft browns, the molly found her tail tucked between her legs as if she were the one in trouble instead.

Why was it that everyone was so harsh about mistakes...? Skyclaw, she remembers with an abysmal wallowing, had been rude enough to suggest she just 'look up' when she'd run into someone and now... whatever this was. "Uhm... I can uh... get Gentlestorm," she offers meekly from nearby, swishing her tail nervously and eager to be of an excuse to escape already. Plus... plus then she could see Sunshinepaw! And Bravepaw... and the other apprentices in the medicine cat's den.

"If... you're actually hurt... and not just being crabby..."
. ° ✦ The medicine den was starting to grow boring with each passing day now that he knew his freedom was so close. In a few sunrises he would be out of the den (though thrown right into punishment) and back to the throes of his denmates. Scarred limbs stretch and shift before he successfully sneaks his way out of his nest and toward his friends. (Of course all of his fellow apprentices are his friends, whether they're aware or not).

"HI DOEPAW!! HIII ANTLERPAW!!" He greeted the two sisters first with unharnessed excitement just seeing them. There's something going on here that he's missed, something about Adderpaw and Antpaw that he didn't get to see.

"ADDERPAW!! You look like you're mad. Did you accidentally eat some moss?" Happened to the best of them, Bravepaw thought.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes.