i've been working on a unified theory / halfshade


the sorrowful dreamer.
Jan 15, 2023

Today was.... well, it was bitterly cold. Like most days in this wretched season. Appleheart shivered briefly as he sat outside the warrior's den, taking in the sights and the smells of camp. Something about it was simply... so calming. Even though they did not have much prey, and stress seemed high among clanmates, the camp was calming. Simply because he knew it so well.

Sweeping his tail in front of his paws, Appleheart decided to take a small break before getting with the day earnestly. Once that was done, he decided to have a chat with the cat he was looking for. The chocolate rosetted tabby. They managed to find her. Somehow. "Halfshade! Got a moment?" His tone was calm, and Appleheart had a smile on his face.

/ @Halfshade

"My time is quite the commodity, dear, but I can perhaps spare a few for you~"
The bicolor molly was midstretch, back arches and paws out to click her claws along the smooth stone at the edge of camp she had cleared of snow to rest upon, but she had patrol soon and would need to stop indulging in comfort to prepare for it eventually. A brisk chat with a clanmate would certainly help so she flicked her tail in a loop around her paws as she sat up to make room for Appleheart to join her atop her stony throne.
Whatever the other needed she couldn't even begin to fathom, but she liked chatting up her clanmates for the most part. Some of them were terribly boring or no fun such as a large majority of the authority figures; but the rest were tolerable. She found Flickerfire foolish if not amusing, Smogmaw was a delight even at his worst and Starlingheart had an endearing charm to her that the torbie found cute. The rest of them were not much to talk of but the apprentices, with the exception of Granitepaw's snotty behavior and Poppypaw's loud mouth, were alright too. Really, there were probably worst cats to starve to death with than the ones she had been living with for so many moons. Sometimes she wondered why she stayed, certainly wasn't loyalty, perhaps it was a sense of vanity in some regard but nonetheless...the other warrior had her ears and focus for the time and she blinked both mismatched eyes at him curiously.
"What can I do for you?"

Uh... Well, perhaps Appleheart should have expected that response. That was part of, no, it was mainly the reason why he wanted to talk to her. And it's not like he could exactly blame her for getting comfortable, either. They turned their head, their pointed ears flicking as they rubbed a paw against it. In all honesty, she was probably doing it to help herself. Not that there was anything inherently wrong with that... but, well, anyway, it was time for Appleheart to play peacekeeper. Hopefully.

He had studied her facial features, and the way she spoke and acted. Gears in the rosetted tabby's head were turning; he was creatingmental notes for himself to study when he got back to his neat. He offered a bright, cheery smile. "Oh! Nothing much, really. I just wanted to check up on you, see how you were doing."

"How sweet of you~" And terribly nosy as well, she'd been perfectly fine as of late minus the usual trials that leaf-bare brought; the lack of prey and the shivering cold. She didn't have much to say on the matter because complaining didn't fill her stomach anymore than it would bring newleaf any quicker.
She missed the flowers, the dry patches of warm sun-filtered ground she could stretch out across that would not leave her soaked and chilled to the bone from snow; the flowers and bird song that were not the many carrion eaters. It seemed that the season was stretching endlessly and it left her patience drawing thin with every passing moon. One day she would simply walk away and never look back but for now she coped.
"I'm quite well, nothing to report! How about you, dear? Handling yourself alright in this weather?" Given they had the time to pester her with pleasantries she imagined Appleheart was doing just as fine as she was which was to say: tolerably okay.