I'VE GOT LEECHES // dawnglare


Keeper of Stories
Oct 22, 2022

'Oh you stubborn lion you- You're going to make me go grey.' Her laughter is warm, a light in the darkness. He swears he can feel the phantom touch of her cheek against his own, lavender and sunlight filling his senses merely through memory alone. Green and Blue eyes stare at him, small teeth pricking out from a curly grey maw with her smile.

'But my love, you have been grey since the day I met you.' He narrowly dodges a playful cuff to his ear, mildly startled at the lack of pain before Nora pushes him over. Flowers, there's flowers under their paws, glowing a soft white, just as she'd always described to him. 'I miss you, I miss you every day.' She tells him, flopping down onto her back beside him. 'You...you did the right thing though. We did the right thing.' Morningbird frowns, eyes flickering from her to the bright sky above them, awash with more stars than he's ever seen in his life.

"I did the right thing...but I can't stay here Nora. You know that, I am not done.' He gets to his paws, shaking off flower petals from his fur. She merely turns over, laying in a more proper manner for speaking with him. 'You aren't...Morningbird.' The name sounds awkward on her tongue, he'd never had the chance to hear her say it in life. 'I wonder if I'll ever get used to these two part names, perhaps...you could ask that nice young man, oh what was his name...well maybe you can ask him what he would've named me? If I made it?' She gives a wave of her paw, gesturing her intentions as she always did.

'Blazestar, I'll ask him when I find my way back. I promise.'

'Good, now get going! You have a visitor!'

Morningbird had to be carried into the medicine den, the burrow filled with the forms of not only Skyclan's sick, but those injured by Windclan's foolishness. Soon it would be too full for even Dawnglare's chaotic 'organization' to be of use, though he doubted that the medicine cat was worrying about where everything would go, rather if all of it was there. Blearily, he opens his eyes to a rather bright sight, to the point where he cannot tell if it is morning or evening. The snow had often times reflected more light into the dens as of late after all.

"DawAH-SHI-" Something is pressed onto his wounds, presumably to clean them, and his search for the medicine cat is closed rather quickly as his name cuts off into a half curse from the sting. He expects no less from the tom, but its not exactly the best thing to be shocked awake to hours after one nearly took a straight shot to Starclan. The old tom gritted his teeth, tongue making curses only Mother Herself would know in place of anything too loud, anything that may further disturb the peace of Dawnglare's domain.

Though, it couldn't stop one of his back paws from twitching out at nothing like a thumping rabbit.

header by lleafeons on DA, fancy via chérie​
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Dawnglare had been all too busy in the midst to see what had happened. It was only a familiar body he'd seen. Not the sort of familiar anything should ever yearn to be. The face and pale coat of his attacker. A lowlife; freckled tom spinning across the clearing, and brittle-toothed form standing not so far. Was WindClan so pathetic as to approach a sack of flesh and fur? Or had the fool approached himself, blinded by dreams of glory, dying a martyr. The both of them were fools, no matter what.

And he dreaded having anyone within his den at this moment. His order destroyed, flipped upside down in their desperate search for catmint. His store was still abundant, though. And strangely, he noticed more sprigs of lavender missing than anything. Drawn to the scent, he supposed... driven by the war-blackened minds. Yes, despite the discomfort, it had to be done, he had to brought. For the chill could not bite him too harshly, and already, he was not so far from dust. Without a body to curl up within (moon-baked, littered with starlight), this cold would not be good for him. Dawnglare supposes reassurance could be found in the state the patient lies in. Too weak for stealing, he supposed? Part of him held not a desire to heal, if only to maintain the lack of ability to steal.

But a duty is a duty, and his is god-given. Marigold, chewed into a pulp, is pressed to the elder's wounds, replied to with a tiresome outburst. Dawnglare narrows his eyes, lips pulled back in a grimace. Dramatic. "Please, it cannot be so bad." A heavy mind drags attention back to the own cuts at his chest, staining pale fur an unfamiliar pink. Hardly bad enough to warrant immediate attention, but he shuffles uncomfortably all the same. Soon, soon, he would find out. His lips crease in a frown. "Stop moving," he growls. Wide-eyed, his gaze flickers to the storm threatening to brew by his patient's feet. His heart leaps in his chest, fearful that his den would be sent into further disarray.