i've got my eye on you // open & hunting patrol


New member
Jul 14, 2023


Clovernose stuck his nose up to the air, a candid smile on his maw and a pep in his step that would rival that of a kit at their apprentice ceremony. The rest of his patrol, which he had been unfortunately put in charge of to allocate members for as well as to lead, were hunting for their own fish and land-bound animals. He, however, was on the trail of a pesky hare. The rabbit had managed to get into a thorny thicket, and he was just waiting for the bugger to come out again.

He was mulling over ways to catch it when it's wiggling, sniveling little nose from the thorn-bush. He snapped to alert, lowering his form to the ground and waiting ever patiently for the hare to leave it's safe space. His tail was on the verge of lashing back and forth, but he held it together. The rabbit glanced around a few times before timidly making it's way into the open. He waited for it to get around eight or nine paces from any form of cover before stalking forward on low-set paws.

The rabbit was unawares until Clovernose had his jaws around it's neck, stifling the scream the rather average sized mammal attempted to emit. He hovered over his catch with an accomplished expression on his face. A rustle from the bushes behind him indicated a visitor, and from his perspective he was quite sure it was one of his patrol mates coming to see what the muffled scream had been about.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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At least this way she could get some work done...

Clovernose darted off just out of sight... not unusual for a hunting patrol but it would be bothersome if she got caught straying too far from her clan-mates. Not wanting to risk the ire of her king, the cat with dark paws moved through the growth as the distant sound of a small scream alerted her of a likely success. Land prey... not most RiverClan cats' strength but it was a blessing when they found their footing on the drying summer grass. Pushing aside some stubborn leaves that broke her line of sight from the pale furred warrior, it was with great relief that the awkward, strangled cry was not from him and rather a catch most impressive.

WindClan would be sour with the loss of a fat rabbit like this one...

"An excellent catch," they meowed, moving their gaze from the hare back towards bright green eyes. "Land prey your strong suit? Or just a lucky day?" They meant no insult to his skills but had realized quite quickly this was one of the few warriors she didn't know very well. Might as well take the chance to learn something.​

Clovernose glanced at the other, a smile apparent on his face as he lifted an eyebrow at the question. "It's what I grew up hunting. I've never been a fan of fishing," He said, but the feeling that he needed to explain himself farther raised its head and he continued: "but I'm not a drypaw. I actually enjoy swimming quite a bit!" He glanced at the other with a shy tilt of his eyes and very slightly backwards shifted ears.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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"Perhaps you should be a WindClan warrior catching hares like that." It was meant as a joke, albeit her tone held no humor within it. A brief twitch of her lips was the only inclination of her banter, giving a tentative sniff of the hare that lay by Clovernose's paws. Below the heavy iron-clang scent of blood, she could briefly scent a tang of heather and peat below it. "Wonder if WindClan lost it over here. I'm surprised they didn't chase it over the bridge, given how often they cross over borders as if they don't mean anything." She remembers the scuffle from Smokethroat and Weaselclaw over a similar situation, causing the now deputy to lose his own eye over it. Ivory whiskers twitch, meeting the gaze of him and Lichentail. "A good catch indeed. I prefer fish—but I'm undoubtedly sure someone will dig into it." She nods to Clovernose with approval, her tail practically curling if Cicadastar caught a glimpse of it. She wondered if he'd be disgusted or thrilled at the sight of it.
"Fishing has become a specialty of mine, but I do enjoy a bit of land hunting myself from time to time." Evergreen eyes then drift to Lichentail, her shaded tail swaying behind her. "What about you, Lichentail?"