i've had time to bloom | no backspace challenge


how rare and beautiful it is to even exist
Apr 15, 2023
[i thought we could have a bit of fun with a no backspace challenge! the only rule is that you cannot use the backspace when writing your post >:)! if you make a mistake then just keep going. the resulting replies are quite fun!]

For as much time as Chamomilepaw spends daydreaming you would think him to be rather eserved and quiet. And for the most part that is true. The fawn ticked tabby keeps to hiself himself the majority of the day. But on the are rae ugh RARE occation occasion his youthfulness overtakes him and he allows himself to act out freely. Today is one of those rare days. After wrapping up a patrol with Hawkfrost wait... HawkSHIVER ... Cham finds himself bounding and hopping around camp, his soft sage green eyes focused on a fluttering butterfly that is managing to stay just out of the apprentice's reach. A happy chuckle espaces escapes his maw as he chases after the floating insect, not caring whether or not he is attracting the attention of ote other ThunderClanners.
  • Haha
❪ TAGS ❫ — Hakshiver cannot help the flood of embarrassment that washes over him ipon seeing his apprentice playing around with a battBUTTERFLY in the middle of camp. Surely he was old enough to have outgrown playing with flattering GFFLITTERING insects, but it seems that isn't the case today. Chamomilepaw was the warrior's first apprentice and was therefore an extension of himself and his ability to teach. If Hawkshiver wanted to avoid anything, it would be coming off as soft.

He hesitates to put a damper on the boy's fun just yet, instead watching from the sidelines throw narrowed blue hues.
( ) Feathers clung to her muzzle as she ffglanced up drom her meal. An amisde chuckle was comig from someone in the camp, and it tdidnt take long for her ot spoit who it was coming from. Cam chamol cham paw was chasing after a butteryfly. The corners of her maw pulled back as she smiled warmly,, recalling the times when hasing after flying insecrs was one of her favorite passtimes. She clanged fown at the remains of the bird that she was eating, dedating on joinignt the apprentice in his fhase but she still had quite a bit of her prey left. Instead of joinign, she woudl call out to ihm. "Go on! caahtch it Chamolmoilepaw!" Mybe if he was still schains ti when she wasf fisn finished she would join him in the chase...


Chamomilepaw is barely younger than him, Lichenpaw know, but he still finds some amusement in watching the other apprentice chase after butterfly like a kit. He wouldn't be caught doing such a thing, surely. Lichenpaw's too old for such a thing, even though it does look a little fun. Chamomilepaw should be too old for it, but well, they don'y quite have it in them to brgrudge him his fun. So they skeep their distance, watching with tail flicking idly as he chases after the fluttering insect. "Having -- heh -- having fun?" He asks, tone genuine despite his laughter, the smile on his facin coming surprisingly easy.


  • // barely any typos lets gooooooo
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png

Berryheart was never one to believe that indulgence could be embarrassing. Always had he been the type to value lucxurious freedoms, and that included a butterfly chase to past the time. The medicine cat himself often chose to indulge in a long nap, or a relaxing bout of nest weaving... gathering flowers for his nest, or the freshest and most verdant moss he could track down. Most of it revolv Most of his pastimes revolves around sleep, it seemed... but he could not help how content he felt with the joys of relaxation.

Though he had not shifted from his lounging position, the swivel ovf his ears and the half-lidded state of his lopsided eyes betrayed the fact theat Berryheart's attention was well and truly piqued. WIf the apprentice was to catch the butterfly, what would he do with it? From experience the tortoiseshell knew they were not much for gourmet food, but... perhaps some sort of display or accessory? A keepsake, to illuminate dreams?

\ wasn't expecting this to turn out readable tbh

AN APPrentic frolicked through camp, bounding after something flittig about through the warm breeze. chamomile[aw, she recognized the young cat. although, the last time she had seen him he had fallen a victim to the wrath of bugs, this time the tables had definitely turned. hawkshiver sat to the side, slitted gaze hones in on his apprentice. while others cheered, urging chamomilepaw on, the tom sat silent. seemingly not too delighted about the younger cat's carefree bouncing, it was understandable. however, she could also recognize th no nevermind. hope. however, some merit could also beg be given to what appeared as mindless play. sure it wasn't prey, but the skills used in chasing butterflies could easily be harnessed and translated. "quite a hunter you've got yourself," she said with a small grin, feathered tail flicking to cover her paws.

A child who has had his own interesting means of hunting in the form of pouncing on flattering sunrays, Toadpaw can't help but watch on as Chamomileoaw chases a butterfly. And, it looks fun, really, to be bounding across camp like that. Toadpaw would join in too, if there were more than one butterfly, if - so that he didn't have to steal away Chamomilepaw's.

Still, he can cheer the fellow apprentice on, the brown tabby hopping up and down as fawn fur chases after fluttering wings.

"Go! Go!" he cheers, "Catch it!"
Quietly, Basilpaw sat beside his brother as more of their peers gathered to watch Chamomilepaw's childish dispaly. The pointed om glanced around to see their reactions, most just amused at the apprentices antics. Basilpaw flicked their tail over their paws and look off away from the show. Much like his little brother, Basilpaw saw himself as far too old to chase after butterflies or flittering leaves. Perhaps- no, he couldn't recall even that sort of play while they were still strays. It simply wasn't for him.

"I don't understand the point in that." He murmured under his breath, just low enough for Licehnpaw to hear.
To gether a crowd was never Chamomilepaw's intention, though it seemed the apprentice had done just that. He corners of his eyes crinkle in am amused manner as his ears twitch at the cheers and calls for him to catch the fluttering insect. "You can join me if you want!" Cham cals back, primarily to the other apprentices, though he will admit his eyes do breifly wander to Hawkshiver and he wonders if his mentor would unfreeze from his station and join the fawn tom in his jub juvenile "hunt". The quiery does not last long, as the daydreamer focuses back on the butterfly and leaps once again at the floating insect as it continues to evade him.
Brackenpaw watches the apprentice from afar, a quirked brow raised as Camkmilepae frolicked about like a kit who had been out of nursery for the first time, aimlessly swatting for a butterfly he'd never hoped to reach. The apprentice wouldn't ever understand how his denmstes could have their head stuck in the clouds for so long when there were clearly things to he done and more important things to learn. He delves into the house between snow capped paws, a glacial gaze narrowed in slight annoyance to whatever was happening. Hawkshiver also watches his apprentice with a judgemental gaze, contemplating someone SOMETHING and he huffs a humorous laugh whilst chewing on the last bit of mouse. With the remnants still clearly on his muzzle, a salmon pink tongue wipes it away before sauntering over on light steps, his expression steely as he approaches the others. Quite a hunter he was, huh? The pale tom had heard the nightly lead warrior comment to his me tor, and this caused Brackenpaw to grimance in return to hearing those words. Being a hunter chasing butterflies when there was something else he could be catching? Perhaps food to feed his clan? He scoffs, cerulean irises rolling . Chamomile paw couldn't catch a half dead mouse if he tried! "You're not gonna catch it." He states, taking a seat beside Basilpaw with a twitch of his plumed tail. "Why don't you save that energy for something more useful? Acting like a kit still—grow up!" A sneer edges his voice, but mostly it was harsh loke always, like thorns embedded into delicate skin. "


Just a few das shy from their warrior's assessment, the lilac tom watched with a light envy as the younger apprentices began chasing about a butterfuck oh wait is it is ta butterfly,. He'd never been so lighthearted as to terrorise the local insect popilation , but knowing that he was mere dasWHYCAN'TISPELLDAYS days away from being an adult, suddenly he wanted to try all that he had missed out on. Moving closer on tentative steps, the lanky tom eventually fell back on his huaunches and offered a stifled smile. "I would just ruin your game if I got involved," he admitted wistfully, trying not to be otoo hard on himself in the presence of Brackenpaw. He still remembered the other's cruelty towards his sister. "But go on! Get it! I believe in you!" He croaked, the utterly unethused sounding apprentice trying his best to sound a little more optimistic than usual.