camp I've heard a lot of little pretty things -- asking for advice, open!


It's not work. Not if it's you.
Oct 23, 2023
𓆝 . ° ✦ So... an apprentice.
Sorrelsong had been over the moon when she was assigned, but now the nerves had set in. They ate at her pelt like ants, dancing at the base of her fur, burrowing in her paw pads. She had awoken to herself cleaning her pads multiple times in the night, something she hadn't done a while. But she'd never been so excited before. An apprentice.
She'd promised the young cat she'd do her best to teach her the ways of the clan, and though she didn't quite feel that she was the perfect cat to be passing on teachings just yet, she couldn't let that stop her. She wouldn't!
When she awoke the fourth time, she awoke to sun and wet paws. I'll get an early start then. The molly blinks langually, hefting herself out of her nest with a soft grunt, she pads over the freshkill pile, chooses a mouse, finds a place to sit and digs in. Should we go over hunting techniquies or fighting ones first?
A frown found it's way to her face... she wasn't... she wasn't good at either of those things. Or well, she could hunt but the fighting... she was better at dodging she'd only killed before because... well the branch could only hold so much weight that wasn't...
"Hunting. We'll start with hunting." She bit in, humming softly. Glancing up, the molly noticed a few other warriors wake up and get ready for their days. Was it worth asking them?
"Hello," She mews, finding her paws walking towards them. Her tongue swipes over her chest before she contuines, "I, uhm, was assigned an apprentice - which I'm very excited for - but was hoping if you had any experience with teaching. Like - if there are, things I should avoid doing - or, or do."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 79245029_MSMKLjq9iPKiqiH.png
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
Larkswoop looked up as Sorrelsong approached her, her blue eyes narrowing slightly. Tipping her head to the side, the warrior fixed a thoughtful look on her Clanmate. ''An apprentice, hm?'' The mottled brown-and-white SkyClanner gave a flick of her tail. ''Why don't you ask another mentor to help you? There's Dandelionwish and Drizzlepelt, for example.''

Larkswoop lifted a white forepaw and swiped her tongue across a it. ''There's Hazelbeam and Beetleback. And Coyotecrest, too.''

The old female has been lounging in the clearing of camp, the sun basking on her multicolored coat. Her bronze eyes catch sight of the Sorrelsong seemingly seeking for advice on the steps she would take with her new apprentice. Robinsky lets out a wide yawn as she lazily snaps her jaws back shut and takes a big squint before forcing herself to her paws. Oooh. . . These youngings have it so easy, the tortie would chuckle to herself as she slowly maneuvers over to the other warriors and Sorrelsong. She clears her throat as she announces her presence as the more experienced one of them and to get the struggling dam's attention.

"Well, well! That all depends on your strengths and weaknesses, and their strengths and weaknesses." Robinsky would start as she puffs her chest out in memory of her young days. She considered her quite the reliable warrior and believed that she mentored some good warriors who possibly passed some tips and tricks down to their apprentices. "Start with an assessment first and find out what they struggle with and what there stronger traits are!" The elderly she-cat would continue as she rubs a white paw on her chin which was speckled in white hairs from age.

She takes a momentarily stretch as she winces slightly at the aching pain in her joints, her entire thought process erasing as she lets out a hearty chuckle. "Back in my day," she would start after completely forgetting the previous conversation before her rambling started again. “I was quite the warrior and dexterous as well, but I wasn’t really good at fighting so I had to rely on my speed.” Robinsky takes a moment to lower herself to the ground from her haunches before slowly shifting to a side rest.

The sun’s warm embrace was intoxicating as her bronze eyes felt heavy, quickly dozing off. She could be easily waken up and would start ramble about anything in her prime or whatever someone asked her on. Being as old as she was, the was tolling enough with how physically exhausting it was with the pain at times. Soft snores chirp away from her and her head slowly lowers from her sleep, sometimes randomly jerking upwards.
"speech", thoughts, attacking
Larkswoop looked up to see Robinsky approach her and Sorrelsong. ''Well, hello, Robinsky!'' She purred, blinking warmly at the elder. The young warrior wrapped her fluffy tail neatly around her white forepaws as she turned her blue gaze back over to Sorrelsong. ''You could always turn to Twitchbolt and Orangestar for advice, as well, Sorrelsong. I'm sure that they would be glad to help.''

The SkyClanner went back to washing her paw, dragging it along her ear. ''I'd start with hunting first, if I were you. Hunting is more important than fighting, especially since it is severely crucial to SkyClan's survival,'' The mottled brown-and-white warrior explained, looking up at Sorrelsong and Robinsky through blue eyes. ''I'd also squeeze in some time to send them to feed and help out with the elders as well as send them out for herbs for Dawnglare and Fireflypaw. I'm sure they'd appreciate the help.''

[ "speech'' // thoughts // attacking ]
𓆝 . ° ✦ Sorrelsong dips her head at Robinsky's arrival, ears trained in Larkswoop's direction. She frowned slightly, looking for the cats that Larkswoop mentioned. She couldn't see any of them (perhaps they were still sleeping? or out patroling?) but a small bit of anxiety swells in her throat. Yeah... probably should've asked them if they had apprentices before asking - I suppose you learn best by doing. It is kind of nice to know clan born warriors don't magically know how to train others though.
"The assement is a very good idea..." She murmers, making a mental note. "And I'm sure you were a wonderful warrior, Robinsky. You don't get gray hairs for- oh. She's..." Sorrelsong blinked at the older molly's sleeping form. She glances back to Larkswoop. If the brown and white she-cat noticed Robinsky's inproptu nap, she didn't make a comment. Sorrelsong sighs, shaking her head and would attempt to place her tail under Robinsky's head so the molly would have something soft beneathe her head while she nappped in the sun.
"I agree, plus between you and I, I hate fighting." She smiles at Larkswoop, giving a small laugh. "I think I enjoyed helping Dawnglare and Fireflypaw pick out ticks more then the other apprentices, sparring was more of a punishment then that."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 79245029_MSMKLjq9iPKiqiH.png
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

"Like it or not, fighting is something you have to learn. Foxes and badgers don't care if you're peacemakers, neither will the other clans." Though Sorrelsong may have only meant her words for Larkswoop, Silversmoke had lingered in the area upon hearing someone ask for advice on mentoring an apprentice, claws curling at how natural it felt to want to get involved in the process. He was convinced it was conditioning rather than nosiness, the spotted tabby had been asked so many times to assess others and prepare them for combat that it almost seemed like an inevitability that he'd be asked to assist the newly named she-cat as well. Awkwardly finding a seat away from the sunbathers, the Lead Warrior stared at Robinsky as if debating on talking to her, though, he quickly decided to let the elder rest instead. Thin pupils settled upon Sorrel once more. Larkswoop had some good ideas, balanced training was ideally the best... though, he couldn't exactly admit he'd taught Crowpaw the three aspects of clan life equally. The tom hunted as well as him, which was to say he couldn't hunt as well as his peers. It was enough training to survive on, but perhaps not enough to sustain a clan's worth of hungry mouths.

His head tilted into the thick fluff upon his cheek. "The most important thing is to be consistent: this is a young cat you're shaping the life of, introducing any chaos into it will only make them a worse warrior in the long-term. Find a strategy that works for you and stick to it. I find being firm but fair is my best approach." Sorrelsong was undeniably not firm, and that would likely make for a softer touch when it came to teaching discipline and culture. Tufted ears twitched backward, trying to deduce what strategies might work for the other, but coming up empty-pawed; he didn't know the smoke well at all. "I'd give you an example if I had a younger apprentice. Crowpaw's ready for his assessment though... it' seems unfair to compare our lessons now to when they first started." His style had been an adjustment for the black cat, their first few sessions were marred by discomfort, Silversmoke's at training Bobbie's kitten and Crowpaw at desperately wanting to see him as a father figure. It seemed to be a miracle it'd worked out in the end.