She had raced back to WindClan on swift paws, and usually she would take a more roundabout way to get back during her morning runs but this time its different. She cuts straight across the plains, straight into the heart of the territory. While she runs images play in her mind. They pulse with the beat of her heart and the beat of her paws hitting the ground. Thump. Her father standing before her telling her she will never be good enough. Not like her sister. Thump. The color red. Crimson like blood, like the fox who had taken her tail and nearly her life. Thump. A different cat who she had also killed in the heat of a battle, she lays lifeless at her paws and when Bluepool, then just Blue, looks up, she can see someones face fall, grief and mourning written all over their features. She had taken something vital from them, something they will never get back. Thump. A black and white form, staring lifelessly up at the sky his final breaths rattling in his chest as she turns and she leaves him there to die.

Finally, after what seems like a millennia spent running, she reaches her destination. Her strides slow as the bramble wall comes into view and before she can breach the entrance and stride into camp she stops. Takes a moment, collects her thoughts. The idea of lying to Sootstar plays in her head for a mere moment. She could lie and tell her the story she had concocted. The dark-furred warrior had chased a rabbit over the thunderpath and into their territory and Bluepool had killed him for it. It was believable enough. She had been careful not to set paw on ShadowClan's territory, after all. But no. Despite what Sootstar was turning into there is still hope in her mind that her sister is still in there somewhere. She would be honest with her and they would figure it out... together like they always have.

Finally, she makes her way into camp, makes a direct beeline for her sisters den. Early morning light is still filtering into the hollow, there is a chance Sootstar has not yet left her nest, or that she is settling down for breakfast. Either way, this is the spot she hopes to find her in and as she makes her way to the den she pauses at the entrance. "Sootstar?" she calls into the shadows "It's me. Bluepool. We need to speak." and she waits for an answer to come from the depths.



A pink tongue washes over the white fur of her chest, Sootstar cleans off dirt and dust that still remained from yesterdays tunneling. Her grooming session is interrupted by a call of her name into the den, she looks up just in time for Bluepool to announce herself. Sootstar is surprised to see her here- not even because the sun has barely risen, but to see her here at all. Tension between the sisters has been thick as of late even since returning home.

Bluepool is blatantly urgent, insisting that they must speak. Sootstar nods and invites her further into the den with a flick of her tail, ”What is it? You look like you’ve hunted for five patrols and dawn hasn’t even passed yet.” It was the politest desciptor she could think of for Bluepool’s state.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

She has never been the type of cat to dawdle in the mornings. She believed in rising early, in getting things done. It is not uncommon for her to be up before the sun. What is uncommon, however, is her disheveled appearance. Her fur that refuses to lie flat, the dried blood that still clings to her paws and the scratches along her flank. She is certain that once she steps closer her sister would be able to see it, these obvious signs that she had been in a fight. "I was running like I do every morning" she stars, voice quick, desperate to get it out, to tell her what had happened, what she had done. She needed it off her chest, needed her sister "I... I ran to ShadowClans border but I... I wasn't expecting to see anyone. I was going to run straight back but" a familiar flash of black and white, her vision going red "Sootstar do you remember that insolent fool, the one who took your life and then mocked you openly at the gathering?" because she did, oh how she did. How Chilledstar ever allowed such disrespect was beyond her. If Sablemask had been one of their warriors Bluepool would have clawed his ears then and there. "He was there. I saw him, in the trees so I followed him. Stars, I dont know what I was thinking I was just so-so angry" she has killed before, of course she has. But never like this. It was unprompted, violent. An act of pure anger and hatred and she had liked it and hated it in equal measures. It scares her. "I ambushed him, made him come out to the thunderpath then fought him there and then I lured him onto WindClan territory he fought back but I killed him. His body is on our side of the border." or at least it should be, unless a ShadowClanner had trespassed and taken him home. She had not stuck around long enough to wait and see if he had been with anyone, if anyone had come to find him. Silently, she waits for her sisters response, feeling so wound up that, if not for the wounds that burned into her flesh, she would go and run the moors again.


She rises to her paws, surprised by this news but far from infuriated. For Sootstar, she was actually quite calm. Green eyes harden as she thinks about Sabletuft, she remembers his form over her as he went for her throat. She remembers his mocking words at the gathering. Bluepool did right to take him out… but this would draw ShadowClan attention to their borders.

”He should’ve never laid paw on our territory.” She meows, certain Bluepool was well aware. Still she cannot help but lightly scold. ”He’s still there then…?” The blue she-cat rises to her paws, ”Take me to him, we’ll take care of this.”
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing