I'VE SINNED AGAIN \ pollenfur + dawnglare

Oh, this was exciting. Once upon a moon-kissed night he had told Dawnglare what was keeping him there- then, before he'd admitted to himself it was love that had sparked between them, his family had kept him situated. One-by-one, though... they'd dropped away. Emberfang, ousted for a stand against the smoky leader who had ripped their home away- then Pollenfur, a wordless wisp in the night. His aunts who had helped raise him- it had been like claws through his stomach to know that he may never see them again. That was when he had resigned that Sootstar was destined to rot- that she would pay the price for what she had taken. And then... then, his life in WindClan had become more about what he was missing.

Dawnglare was familiar with meeting-places; together, he'd suggested they go to this one. Pollenfur had wanted to meet him and he'd asked- and now they walked, sunlit, toward their goal. His family had never met the dawn-painted tom; it had been an impossibility, then. And it remained so for those who still dwelled on the moors, but... oh, this was an opportunity that might never be repeated! His excitement was probably tangible- he could imagine.

"She should be around here," he chirped, silver eyes brimming with thrill as he looked toward Dawnglare. He loved him just as much now as he ever had- absence was supposed to make the heart grow fonder, but Mallowlark could hardly believe that. It had hurt to be apart, and- in simple terms, it didn't hurt anymore.

Oh, he does not know what to think; in the odd, uncomfortable way wherein opposing beliefs battle to come out ontop. A mismatch of both proves hard to abide by, when the clarity of thought is an important one, here; stumbling across something – someone, with such importance Dawnglare could never hope to know. Anything borne of the moors lights a spark, naturally. Not the sort to have him leaning in for more, but rather, that sort that licked at leaves and stems until it left nothing but ugly char in its wake.

Surely he could not burn something of this nature – something that his star clearly gazed upon with fondness. (And somewhere, somewhere he would note that such objects are not always valid ones, but he finds himself listening, either way) There is something, you could call him, certainly; but exactly what…

A pink tongue swipes across his lips. Whiskers twitch in this acknowledgement, and his feathers are just ruffled enough to portray something irregular. He would not call it fear, certainly not. But his tail - tip will not sit still, and his eyes dart nervously around each nook… He knows not what to expect. Knows not, indeed.

" Hmm, " he leans for comfort, the butterflies hopefully not visible through his eyes. The acknowledge hum comes out breathy, as if he could not decide whether he would like to laugh or not. It does not happen, but the smile he gives his mate is a wobbling one, to no fault of his own.

  • OOC:
  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 55 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Pine needles crunch beneath travel-worn and weary paws. With ever step now, Pollenfur’s belly gets in the way, swinging tumultuously from side to side. She is nearing her sixth week, and before she knows it, she will be at the pinnacle of her pregnancy, where travel will become too dangerous at all. The chocolate tortoiseshell’s mouth is set in a faint line, one that speaks of the exhaustion this adventure has caused her, but sleepy, down-turned amber eyes are gilded with sun and love. She can scent him, her precious nephew, and there’s another scent, one with a deeper core of pine and spiced with all the herbs Honeytwist had once perfumed her pelt with.

Nostalgia causes her heart to ache. Dawnglare had know Honeytwist, she realizes, remembering with a start. They’d both hailed from the pines… and both had served as medicine cats before Sootstar’s rule had driven her first love mad. Dawnglare remains, though, his pelt a deep fox-red and billowing cloud-like from a tall, thin frame. His ears are tall and tufted, his eyes almost suspicious, the same blue as the arid sky above them.

Mallow, my love,” she purrs, using the loner name that she still sometimes forgets to replace in her mind with the correct one. “How are you, Mallowlark?” She stumbles toward him so she can bless his grinning white cheek with a buss of her tongue. “This might be the last time I can come see you for awhile, but don’t you fret. As soon as the little ones are up to it, I’ll bring them by so you can meet them.” Her voice is throaty with affection—and then she turns haunted honey-drop eyes to Mallowlark’s mate, a cat who had no reason to be friendly toward her…

But she does not feel fear, the way she had of her grandchildren. She studies him, the stray scrap of leaf caught in random bits of fur, the scent of his herbs ground into him from moons of study. He reminds her, in a strange way, of the woman she’d loved and lost two times over. Pollenfur offers him a gentle smile. “And you… it’s nice to meet you. Mallowlark has told me so much about you.” She offers him a little bow of her head, conscious of the belly impeding her movements. “I have so much to thank you for. For putting the light in my Mallowlark’s life. His mother is so relieved he is well and has found love.

  • pollen . pollenfur
    — she/her ; loner ; windclan warrior
    — pansexual ; taken by Hyacinthbreath
    — long-haired chocolate calico with amber eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — pixel by Birdman

Dawnglare's smile, though a little uncertain, warmed Mallowlark like sunlight all the same. He briefly pressed his nose to his mate's cheek in silent gratitude, adoring as ever, stump-tail twitching a little in anticipation. Even in its wideness, his gaze brimmed with happiness upon seeing his aunt's autumn-night pelt, her amber eyes spilling sun-fire and love. A purr rumbled through him as soon as he met her eye, as soon as she strode toward him. He grinned, of course- and, little ones, she said. He laughed, a knee-jerk reaction that flowed from between his fangs, unstoppable happiness.

"I'm great, Pollenfur," he chirped, his laughter beginning to become incessant. His shoulders shuddered with the sensation. "I'm so happy for you! I can't w-hah-wait to meet them...!" Cousins, new kin that would never know the poisonous moors. When WindClan died from its ouroboros venom, maybe they could go back there- and though Mallowlark would remain here with Dawnglare, he hoped they might someday know the ancestral home he had once loved.

As she looked to Dawnglare, his anticipation would not stop spilling from him, giggles choked into silent shivering. He leant a little against Dawnglare's side, appraising his mate's reaction- that was until Pollenfur mentioned his mother. Mallowlark's eyes flickered wider for a moment, warmed to know Brightshine was truly happy for him. His mother wasn't a liar, had told him that herself. But Pollenfur knowing would mean... "Have you seen her?" He hardly waited for an answer before excitement pushed another question from out between his maw. "Have you seen Echo, too?"
  • Sad
Reactions: Marquette
The smile blushed upon Pollenfur’s face fell dramatically when Mallowlark began to ask after Echolight. “Echo.” Her voice lowered; she gave her nephew’s mate an apologetic glance. “I’m so sorry to have to be the one to tell you, Mallowlark, but she’s…” Grief edged her tone. It’s almost like losing one of her own kits—though she would never claim to have mothered any of her sister’s brood, she had watched both Mallowlark and Echolight take their first stuttering steps, catch their first mouse, race across the moor with flashing limbs and easy smiles.

WindClan had taken so much from her kin. She could not bear to think of it. “She was taken by Twolegs while hunting.” Pollenfur bowed her head. “No cat has seen her since newleaf.” She hesitated before continuing, “But I did see her kits, Mal… they’re grown now, real warriors.” She thought, Too much warrior in them, remembering Sparkspirit’s angry blue gaze, but she did not voice this aloud.

  • pollen . pollenfur
    — she/her ; loner ; windclan warrior
    — pansexual ; taken by Hyacinthbreath
    — long-haired chocolate calico with amber eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — pixel by Birdman
  • Crying