camp IVORY THORNS || losing a tooth


Stupid tooth. Stupid cold. Stupid... itchiness that nothing seemed to relieve him of! Nettlepaw has been chewing on this stick for what felt like hours. By now, it was little more than splinters, blood covered and thoroughly carved by needle sharp little fangs. While some of his adult teeth were growing in, poking uncomfortably through his gums, others were still yet to be freed, kitten-teeth that stubbornly clung to their perch within his maw. Hence the chewing, of course. It brought some relief. Why can't I just be done growing now? A frown creases his maw as he clamped down on the old, dry wood. It splinters again, a mess of spittle and blood that splatters the thin dusting of snow he lays upon. Finally, there's a creak, a crack, and Nettlepaw jerks, tears his head upward and with a harsh popping sensation, the kitten tooth is torn free. It pierces the wood, a bloody memory of kittenhood, and one of the very few left.

Soon enough, Nettlepaw's jaws would be filled with razor sharp, adult incisors. For now, though, he has to settle for the few ivory thorns that remain, and the itchy, aching sensation of the new growing in. Spitting specks of wood and scarlet across the snow, Nettlepaw blows out a heavy sigh, breath like mist upon the wintry breeze. Relief at last. Even if it was temporary.
"Whoever told you that teeth are supposed to come out was just lying to make you feel better, by-the-by," Pricklepaw sits close to Nettlepaw as he speaks, and leans to inspect the prize left behind in the splintered wood. Teeth have a way of looking smaller when they are free from the face they belong too—this one here is no exception. The bulb of it is the only part that isn't narrow, "When you aren't around, we all gather in a circle and discuss how freakish it is that you lose teeth and grow them back. A bit like a squirrel, that is."

Knowing when to not poke the bear is a finely tuned instinct that Pricklepaw was born with. The instinct is always accurate and almost always ignored.

"Of course, I was born with all of my teeth. I opened my mouth during my very first yawn and everyone present for it was shocked speechless. Straight as a pine needle and white enough to make the snow jealous, these teeth are." Pricklepaw clicks them together—straight as a tree bough maybe, and only a little yellow. Not that Nettlepaw needs to know that.​
die with memories , not dreams .
His eyes nearly bulged out of his head trying to make sense of Pricklepaw’s words, mind reeling from the mess of thing. Not before staring at the ichor-stained tooth wedged into the wood with a look of bewilderment until that too was smothered, shaking himself out of his messy stupor with a twitch of his left hue. Is everyone this strange? A slip of tongue peeked out between dark lips, wetting the sharp object absently.

“Teeth aren’t straight?” He uttered dumbly, making himself know with a bland look, followed by a series of deadpan words, borderline statement if his voice hadn’t risen in pitch toward the end. How could they be straight as a pine needle? “They’re curved.” He rumbled, bi-colored hues blinking sluggishly. Why pine needles? Fish bones? Wouldn’t that be a better description? Was it another one of those figures of speech, something he’d never been good at understanding, undoubtedly, Dawnstorm didn’t think he’d ever fully understand their weird speech.

“I lost mine.” He finally uttered, frowning. They weren’t supposed to? Dawnstorm’s face remained passive, boredly neutral despite the whirl of incertitude.

Turning away from Picklepaw and their odd speech, odder than most, he’d admit to Nettlepaw. “Do you want water?” To get rid of the taste. He hadn’t bothered to mention it.
thought speech

Ferngill, even with age, was easily tricked. He was therefore not the best cat that could overhear what Pricklepaw was feeding into Nettlepaw's ear. I was born with all of my teeth, she said, and Ferngill's eye widened in interest and shock. He knew at least the rest of what she was saying was some weird practical joke, but... well, maybe she really did think cats losing teeth was odd, considering she'd never done it herself!

I lost mine, murmured Dawnstorm, and Ferngill nodded enthusiastically in agreement. "So did I! And- one of my friends gave me a tooth as a gift, once. I think..." Concern glimmered obvious and clear on Ferngill's face. "Are you- sure you're not just going to lose them? You are still pretty young..." Brows furrowed, the fiery tom studied Pricklepaw for a few moments. Did she need to go and find Ravensong?
penned by pin