"I′ll turn to a friend someone that understands" Thrush's bio <3


Not your alibi.
Mar 17, 2023

Character name: Thrushfern

Gender: AFAB
Pan af <3
Relationship status: Single and too young.

Can swim y/n: Can swim but at the moment not super well.

Clan/Group{if any}: Riverclan.

Clan Name:Thrushpaw to be Thrushfern
Clan Rank: Apprentice.

Mentored by: @stoatsplash

Appearance: Brown and white medium furred, amber eyed she-cat. She's got a bulky build for a she-cat but not unreasonably so, her medium length coat giving her an appearance of more size than she actually possesses.

She is about four moons. (Ages in real time.)

Personality: Thrushpaw is an outspoken cat, often finding herself trying to be what she believes others would like her to be. As she grows older, she'll likely learn how to be more confident in herself without the validation of others being necessary. She's a bit dogmatic at the moment but not to any extreme extent, she just wants to impress her mentor.
To her, the word of Clan leader is the law at first coming across as soft spoken and reserved. May be described as stubborn or brash but she genuinely cares about her clanmates to a fault. Tries too hard too often, she needs to learn to mellow out and find her own path.

She also tends to blame herself when things don't go the way she planned and may have self-deprecating tendencies. Desires to be the best and can wear herself out from trying too hard when she's got so much more to learn.
Thrushpaw would do anything to keep it hidden though because the last thing she wants is for you to blame yourself for when she screws up.

Social traits: Not overly social, but very polite and respectful to figures of authority or cats who are older than her. She is somewhat reserved and introverted and doesn't like to be the center of attention. Even positive attention from multiple animals makes her extremely anxious but she is fairly good at concealing it and masking it. Hides it, but definitely needs to get better at escaping her shell.
She won't go out of her way to make friends either but often won't turn them away. She's a rather simple, battle capable she-cat.

Lifestyle: She has a somewhat nihilistic view of the world and it is not easy to gain her confidence. Not overly social but she's good at pretending that she is. She does her best to appear as an enforcer to the rules and considers herself a peace-keeper.
She takes great pride in her hunting as a means to provide for the clan.
Thrushfern is a fairly average fighter and what she lacks in skill, she makes up in stubbornness.

General: Soft-hearted tough gal

History: WIP

(All relationships may be her own feelings and are not always reciprocated. If you see them listed here, and they are not bolded, then the cat does not feel the same way about her.

Theme song: "Dammit" Dead On a Sunday
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