JAILBREAK // sneaking out the med den


No more. He couldn't take being confined to his nest for one more day! Berryheart's instruction be damned, he was going to return to duties regardless of what they would say!
However, it wasn't just the medicine cat's decision regarding his health standing in his way, there was the added hassle of dealing with the rest of the clan. He held no doubt that the warriors would reject him from their patrols, so he decided that he would need to find a way of sneaking his way into one.

The youth planned everything out in his head as he sat by the entrance to the medicine den under the guise that he was getting a spot of fresh air. Nothing wrong with that, nothing suspicious. However, his eyes were tracking the bustling movement in the camp as the morning patrols were organised and sent out. The border patrols left first which meant that the hunting patrol would be the next to depart. Wildpaw enacted his plan. "Need a piss." He grumbled as he feigned heading for the dirtplace so he wouldn't be as assuming to anyone watching. Though once outside the camp he dropped into a crouch as he slipped into the bushes.

Sniffing the air deeply, he then made the effort to track the hunting patrol. 'Keep a distance, don't get too close', he reminded himself as he tried to evade getting caught too soon. Getting caught later would be the plan with the hope that the patrol would deem it too late to turn around and would instead keep him until the job was done. Perhaps then they would recognise that he was fit enough to work again.

//Feel free to catch him early, or track him from the camp.

Prompt: The rambunctious apprentice can't take another day sitting around doing nothing, he attempts to make an escape to freedom. Will he be thwarted? Will he get past the border of the camp before being noticed? Tune in next time…
The girl doesn't envy Wildpaw. She'd rather join StarClan themselves than stay cooped up in the medicine cat's den for a whole moon!

With Barkjaw nearby, she is crouched in the undergrowth, hazel eyes zeroed in on a fat robin. Her tail twitches back and forth excitedly...perhaps too excitedly. It flicks against a fern frond, alerting the prey to its attacker. Giving a warning chirp, it takes flight. Stormypaw lets out a hiss of frustration before leaping after it, pushing off with her hind legs. She aims to grasp the bird in the air, but her swipes fall short and it escapes, flying off through the trees. Frowning, she glares after it before an ear twitches, catching the sounds of nearby pawsteps.

She curiously pushes through the budding undergrowth to find a certain calico. The tabby blinks in surprise, head tilting to the side. "Wildpaw? Are you supposed to be out here?" She asks, a smirk on her muzzle.

𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ ⠀ it seemed like she’d been out hunting foreeeever — those mousebrained dogs either scared everything off or incapacitated most able cats, and so the brunt of chores landed on the remaining’s shoulders and she felt it. her paws are sore, her back hurt from freezing in her pouncing crouch. agitation lines itself in every edge of the girls form, shoulders hunched and bottom lip out in the semblance of a pout. she’s nothing to show for her aches and pains. that is, until she spots quick movement, just out of the corner of her eye.

in a split second she is low, watching a small mouse move about the undergrowth. pupils widen, slit back down in concentration. her hind limbs adjust, bottom wiggling and tail held low over the grass. her ears angle back and oh, this was her chance, this was her chance — !

a crunch.

pawsteps startle her, startles the mouse. it does not come from the hunting patrol ahead of her, instead from just behind. the mouse shoots up, drops whatever had been grasped in its little paws and runs. frecklepaw gasps loud, shoves off of her hind limbs in attempt to catch it, only to land awkwardly on the heels of her paws. as she feels the mouse’s tail slip from between splayed toes, her limbs slip forward, slamming her to the ground and into the dirt below.

foxdung! foxdung, foxdung, foxdung! “ it’s not a shriek, but it is very nearly — she pops up, her ginger paws stamping the ground hard once, fiery seaglass eyes finally moving from where the mouse had run and back towards the culprit — “ WILDPAW! do you see what you done? you’re supposed to be GONE! “ in the medicine den, that is. he still reeks of herbs and if his big stupid paws hadn’t chased the prey off, his stink would have. words are tinged with a hiss, as much as her hunting partner did not seem to share her sentiment, she gently knocks the mollys shoulder with her own. it grits her teeth, tail lashing wildly to keep her from battering the ground again, “ stormypaw, ugh! don’t talk to him, he ruined everything!

/ic opinions ofc aaa i’m so sorry for her. another mentor tag for flobba @WOLFWIND

  • FRECKLEPAW —————— cherry waves.
    f. she / her. apprentice of thunderclan, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. fluffy cream tabby / tortoiseshell chimera with seaglass eyes. her namesake shows shows himself in shades of vibrant ginger patches across her form, interwoven in mottled patches of red and black. unspecified maine coon heritage from sunfreckle’s side brings her to a size expected to rival her parents, with large, round paws and long, tabby - splotched limbs. as she grows, kittish fuzz has lengthened, leaving her bulk thick and fluffy, concealing the toned muscle beneath in swathes of red - orange.

    — lesbian, single. smells like warm stone and oak leaves.
    − six months, voiced by madeline peters as scootaloo.
    penned by antlers​

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Caught. Not that it mattered by that point given that it seemed as though the hunt was in full swing by that point. The tom offered up a smug grin as he fully emerged from where he had been skulking, not particularly caring if he brushed up against Stormypaw or not on his way to the clearing. "What do you think? I decided that it was time that I got back to work, I feel fine." He explained with a roll of his shoulders as he took the time to limber up.

With a twitch of a single ear he slowly brought his focus round to that of Frecklepaw as she went off on him about being 'gone' and having 'ruined everything'. It earned a dramatic roll of his eyes and a sharp scoff. "Not my fault that you're a crap hunter, so don't go getting snippy with me. Bet I can catch more prey than you." It was an obvious challenge towards the other apprentice, though he did smirk at Stormypaw as well. "What do ya say? Think you can keep up?"