Mar 15, 2024

Silverpelt looked wonderful, tonight... brighter than ever. The stars gazed upon them again, and ThunderClan could look right back- she remembered what she'd murmured the last time the night had looked this wonderful. I love it when StarClan smiles like this. Father had always said so, too... that on nights when something wonderful had happened, when a soul had been freed, when their will had been carried out, it showed on the Stars' face. They grinned.

And tonight, they surely were grinning.

Pink eyes glistered with amazement. A soft smile settled on her face, and she bathed in the heavenly light that showered down upon them. "Flamewhisker and Gentlestorm have made it to the Moonstone," she declared decisively, to no one in particular... and simultaneously, whomever wandered close enough to hear it. A certain tranquility breezed through silken tones- surmising this had evidently calmed her, and she sighed against the cooling push of the night air. Thundergleam felt every hair on her pelt, every nerve in her body, every bone beneath flesh.

\ set the night that flame + gentle depart!!
penned by pin ☾

It was like that, after the rain and thunder that had preceded and heralded the turn of the tides in ThunderClan, the sky had seen fit to shine down its approval on ThunderClan now, with gentle stars twinkling in Silverpelt overhead. Carrionshriek was still in some disbelief that Gentlestorm had been stubborn enough to insist on going with Flamewhisker to the Moonstone, but she knew that should worse come to worse, they would be able to defend themselves.

It was Thundergleam who voiced those same thoughts, although the definitive nature of her tone, as if she knew, as if she was privy to some secret that the rest of them were not, peeved Carrionshriek to some degree. She had no true grievances with the strange she-cat who shared her visage, but there were times when Thundergleam acted as though she were above everyone else in ThunderClan that Carrionshriek didn't appreciate.

"They'll have had no reason to be impaired, with WindClan in order as it is now." She agreed, nodding. StarClan willing, the Clan of the moors would have no reason to intercede in the matter of a leader going to receive her nine lives.
  • !
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  • CARRIONSHRIEK warrior of thunderclan, eleven moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

leafhusk isn’t a very devout woman, she respects starclan for what they represent, but the only time she prayed to them was in the loner lands. outside their jurisdiction, she believes, although the moon still shined down on her that night. it still does, brighter now that she is home. now that the storm is gone and the clouds part.

thundergleam speaks like the stars whispered in her ears, droplets of moonlight dances across her fur. of course they have, she thinks, but shrugs it off. her lips press together in a hum, agreeing with carrionshriek’s observation. windclan would’ve had no choice to let them pass, with the state they were in. the dots were easy to connect.

"will you be able to tell when they’re finished?" she asks, non-believing of the albino’s skills, but still curious on an answer.


The case of StarClan is an ever-debated one. Perhaps not openly so, not when leaders have shown to rise again after their "last" breath, but it can occasionally be seen in the darting of eyes... Doespring is no different. There is no logical way to explain the blessing of nine lives, but she is no leader; she cannot glance at the sky and believe the glittering dots are anything but simple stars. Beliefs like that had seldom mattered in the wild. It ought to matter now.

Thundergleam is an odd one out to her, even amongst other followers of certain religion. Her gaze always glimmers with something foreign — as if she knows more than she lets on, but whenever she talks, it only ever sounds strange to Doespring's ears.

Gray-tufted and angular, said ears twitch once more when that mellow voice carries on the night wind. Her paws wish to drag after her involvement in repairing camp, but she will not let them; now is not the time to allow physical boundaries to stop them from regaining ThunderClan's balance.

Doespring is not as optimistic as Carrionshriek, but there's little reason to voice such sour thoughts now. The almost pleasant mood should not be broken so easily.

"Maybe they can tell you what life Flamewhisker is at?" she comments dryly, adding to Leafhusk's question. Or maybe you're gaining them alongside her. I wouldn't be surprised.

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Thundergleam was strange, in a good way. The soft gentle breeze that crest through the night sky and the crowding cats as they began to ask Thundergleam where exactly Flamewhisker was at now in her process of gaining her lives. Aside from Carrionshriek who expressed that there was no reason they were not to be there by now but... Fadingpaw chose to believe the albino molly knew where they were at the moment and how the stars seem to shimmer in the nigh sky made the girl blink as a genuine smile pressed onto her lips joining the crowd of gathering warriors.

"I'm sure Thundergleam would know..." she spoke softly before breaking her blue gaze from the sea of stars to look between Carrionshriek, Thundergleam, and Doespring as well as Leafhusk. Surely Thundergleam would know? After all she seemed to have some odd connection to the stars as is so Fadingpaw had no doubts the molly knew everything going on.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingpaw She/Her, Apprentice of Thunderclan, 8 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-cat with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


( 𖤓 ) thundergleam is one of the smartest cats in the clan - basilpaw has always known this, ever since her frequent visits to the nursery in his kithood. he views her as an authority on par (although of course not rivaling) that of his mentor/father and queen mother. what she says goes, no matter what might contradict it. having her back after a moon of violence is a comfort to the young tom. tonight of all nights is an important one to look towards her for. the prophetic woman must know something about flamewhisker's ascent, and when she speaks, basilpaw eats it up eagerly. glimmering fern eyes widen with her wisdom. "thank starclan," he murmurs reverently, turning his gaze to the heavens.

they sparkle back at him, but do not let him in on their secrets, something he understands, although is disappointed by. softpaw (because basilpaw will never call his former denmate the atrocious name their false king had provided her) speaks similarly, spouting wisdom the boy hadn't even thought of. "d-did they before?" he wonders, recalling stories of sootstar's reign. a shiver prickles down his spine at the thought of the tyrannical queen. leafhusk and doespring comment quietly disbelieving quips, and leafy eyes turn to the older cats, confusion clear on the cream tabby's face. do they not believe in their prophet's visions?

it is, of course, of no matter to him. they are welcome to believe what they like as long as they serve their clan. still, he can't help but wonder why one would not do all they can to get along with a prophet of their gods. fadingpaw seems of a similar mind to the boy, murmuring lowly about thundergleam's power. the young tom nods to his fellow apprentice. "how can you tell?" snowy paws shuffle beneath the cream body as basilpaw addresses thundergleam once again. "was there a sign? did it just happen?"

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    a cream ticked tabby with high white, and green eyes. a tall boy sporting a chaotically ruffled coat of pale cream tabby. darker ticked stripes flow down his fur, and band around his legs and face. his chest, stomach, muzzle, and most of his tail are white, and he has ferny-green eyes that sparkle with mischief.

For Silversun, StarClan exists. There must have been a greater reason for his abandonment, as their ancestors had led him to a place where he would truly belong. He has seen how leaders are blessed, how they fall and rise again to resume leading their Clan into the future. There is no question in his mind, the truth of their existence is absolute. As for Thundergleam's supposed connection to them... if StarClan had led him, an ordinary warrior, to join ThunderClan, then surely they could send omens to Thundergleam. Though it isn't their place to know whether or not Thundergleam truly speaks to StarClan, their words still bring some relief to his weary heart.

Some cats seem doubtful, understandably. Not everyone can see StarClan's plan for their lives in motion as clearly as he can. The apprentices, as usual, still see wonder in the world, and he is glad for it. The Clan's hardship hasn't taken that special vision from them yet. Basilpaw expresses genuine curiosity where Doespring's runs dry, and Fadingpaw's faith is admirable. Silversun, too, would like to know, but he doesn't question. If StarClan's favor shines on Thundergleam, it would be unacceptable to question their plan for the snowy white cat.

"Perhaps Thundergleam sees something in how the stars chose to reveal themselves tonight, of all nights," Silversun suggests. Not a question, simply an observation of the timing.

//posted on the wrong account sorry

Pink eyes lit with pleasantness at the sight of so much company- murmurings from Softpaw (her warrior name, given unjustly, turned Thundergleam's stomach) moved the pale molly's head in a nod, and Fadingpaw's belief in her brought forth a chuckle. "I only know what the Stars choose to reveal to me ..." she murmured softly. "I think they may be finished soon- but as for the number of lives, well..." a soft chuckle left her as she shook her head, glancing toward Doespring and Leafhusk. It was sacred information, a leader's lives- what exactly occured in StarClan itself was knowledge well-guarded, holy whisperings between a leader and medicine cat. "Flamewhisker's ceremony is her own to witness. I believe the Stars just want us to know she is alright, after all we have been through."

She purred at the sight of Basilpaw, Silversun soon following- an innocent question sprung from the young tom's lips. Signs were plain-sight things... one simply had to know, to be destined, to decipher them. All the same, she smiled down at him, gentle blinks obscuring rosy eyes. "See how StarClan smiles? That is how I know ..." She regarded those bright sequins with a reverent gaze. "There is good in the world, tonight."
penned by pin ☾