private Jay bird, fly through my window ☠ Needledrift


Quieter than the dead
Dec 18, 2023
*+:。.。 The apprentice's den was cramped. Bonepaw would sigh as a tail flicked onto his nose, irritably exhaling through his nose to send the bundle of fur flying away from his nostrils. But no sooner did he bat away that intruder did someone's foot suddenly slammed into his back. Hissing, Bonepaw would whirl around and smack at the leg, but the apprentice owning the limb would only yawn and roll over, smacking Bonepaw's nose again with its tail. Too frustrated to even consider sleeping now, Bonepaw would rise to his feet and quietly creep out of the den, ears flat against his head.

He's greeted by the gentle glow of starlight, it's softness quelling some of the anger in his spirit, though not all. Sitting down just at the mouth of the apprentice's den, he's left only wit the option to supervise the calm Shadowclan camp. Cricket chirps and owl hoots are much more pleasant on his ears than the snoring of the apprentices' den, so he doesn't see a need to return anytime soon, though he does find that he already misses the warmth of shared bodies as a cold breeze buffets his thin coat. He wishes he had long fur like Needledrift...

Speaking of his mamma...he turns his sights to the nursery, his dull gaze lightening somewhat with longing as he pictures the many times he's wandered into the den after a busy day chasing his siblings down and plopping himself into the crook of his mamma's tummy. Now three new little ones are taking up all the space, no room for Bonepaw even if the apprentice wasn't already too big and too old for that position. But one can't help but miss the closeness one had with someone who loved him so unconditionally. It...hurts to know that there is one condition, and that's time and distance.
Alright, Bonepaw, quit moping, he thinks to himself, turning his gaze to the stars. He'll at least get to see her come dawn when she wakes enough for him to pass her breakfast. He's sure her shoulder will be a comforting one when he whines about how irritating his peers are through the night - and maybe she'll have stories of her own about the little one's doing their own kick-belly games while she tries to sleep.

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently