Ferndance's third venture for the day took her just outside the hollowed out bramble bush. Her other children had been greeted with some sense of normalcy, a question here and some hunting guidance there, but the tabby's tolerance for normal had quickly dissipated with how boring it was. Where others would call upon their child to leave the den themselves, Ferndance instead dropped a three-pronged pebble, content that the more attentive one of her brood would hear it. Emerald eyes locked onto jade within the bramble bush - with affection, they squinted. "Oh... oh dear." The voice would likely be enough to bring Bonepaw out of the nest, where the cinnamon tabby did her best not to look at him. The smile on her face was as wide and mischievous as a kitten's, Bonepaw's gift had been kind enough to be accepted graciously by the she-cat, but the returned favour would not be nearly as orthodox. "Someone has left a conveniently Ferndance-shaped rock by the apprentice den." Perhaps if one looked hard enough they would see the same colours that donned the pale cat's coat - but the only thing that truly looked similar were the two juts that could be mistaken for legs.

She placed a paw to her muzzle in faux surprise. "It would be a shame if someone... picked it up and took it for themselves." Only then did Ferndance's gaze settle upon Bonepaw with purpose, hoping he would now recognise the intent of all this. This whole charade was for him, the rock was his own to keep, provided he wanted more than just old bedding in the apprentice den to remind him of his mamas. "Happy eleven half-moons." She was off by a few days, but that was ok, he was still technically eleven half-moons old until he became old enough to venture outside the walls of the camp.
