jenny, darling 𖡼.𖤣𖥧 MOSQUITOBELLY






    "why i borrow your lipstick so often,
    i'm using your shirt as a pillow case <3"

    — all opinions are purely ic and do not reflect my opinions/thoughts




    ⤷ mosquito - a small flying insect that bites animals and sucks their blood; for their black pelt
    ⤷ belly - the front part of the trunk below the ribs; for her dividedly dark underbelly
    ⤷ "skeeter" - affectionate / playful nickname ; likes it
    — gender apathetic ; they/she/he ; pansexual panromantic ; TBD(?)
    — riverclan warrior , loves riverclan ; originally a loner
    — created 05.05.2023 at 36 moons ; ages every 1st
    ⤷ penned by @dejavu



    • 8WcuWWr.png
      a towering & shaggy dilute torbie & black cat with hidden hazel eyes / reference

      if one were to observe them from build alone, mosquitobelly would be the spitting image of the first part of their warrior name. his legs are long, skinny, with knobby narrow risks and small, careful paws; while her body is lightly bound with muscle due to the life of a warrior, at heart she is toweringly skinny, concave ribs regardless of how much fresh-kill she eats. a long, curved neck, wide round ears, and lengthy, expressive and fishlike tail only add to their insectile body type.

      a stark departure in their face, were it not hidden by shaggy locks; softly rounded jawbone, a long muzzle bridge and gently rounded cheekbones with a naturally pouty mouth often upturned into a subtle smile. truthfully, by the standards of the clans, mosquitobelly (or, affectionately, “skeeter”) is a rather attractive cat; his unseen eyes are deep & startling copper, piercing, sirenlike, framed in gorgeously thick lashes, but these nicer features are concealed by droopy fur and most cats could only vaguely outline their looks.

      one of mosquitobelly’s most striking and visible traits is her fur; an odd split not only in color but in texture, part of it lush and shaggy and part short and velvet to the touch. their shaggier fur is exceedingly long, growing from their spine and hanging in lengthy, poorly-kempt locks over their torso, shoulders, flanks, and his tail. a distinctive curtain of long, dense, feather-strand bangs cover much of her face, their eyes and features, two especially long strands draping down their muzzle and jaw; where the unkempt locks grow on their tail they dangle in a way reminiscent of the fish-tails that flick shining through the waters of mosquitobelly’s home. a stark contrast, then, in the short, thick, but fine & velvety to the touch fur that coats their throat, belly, legs, and the bottom of his tail. one would think such a pelt would interfere with the duties of a warrior, and perhaps in another, forest-bound clan it would, but skeeter’s unique fur often provides her with an advantage in the water, keeping her at a good temperature without trapping his limbs, stout long tail serving as a rudder in the currents.

      said fur is equally divided in color as its length, even split cleanly across the divide in texture,m the stark departure in thanks to a chimeric pelt. the longer fur that swathes mosquitobelly’s features is a soft collage of pale blue-grey and cream patches mottled with thick tabby stripes, a dilute torbie pattern. snother contrast; the shorter but plush fur is a deep black tone, pure as midnight. the oddly split tones can be strange to watch moving about riverclan’s territory, especially at night, when skeeter can almost appear to be a floating wraith of blue-and-cream colors, their legs disguised by the short dark pelt.

      not unlike many other members of riverclan, particularly given her personality, mosquitobelly is more than adequately adorned with the fruits of the riverbound territory, something they devote a good amount of time to. tucked carefully behind his left ear is a large, three-pointed leaf, of whose name she is totally unsure; it’s paired with a spread freshwater mussel shell, iridescent colors that catch the light and contrast with the green leaf. a similar leaf is planted firmly in the thick fur that gathers around his hips, tucked next to a small blooming lilypad; while it appear to effortlessly float on the thick fur, mosquitobelly actually tucks its trailing stems carefully into her fur to keep it in place. these accessories only serve to add to skeeter’s general aura; soft, playful, a comforting presence with the vague sense of a deep pool from which they draw, almost like the nature he so adores.

      ⤷ genetics ; LF dilute torbie / black chimera (carrying tbd)
      ⤷ features concealed by fur, but intended to resemble hoyeon jung
      ⤷ physical mannerisms
      — walks slowly & careful of where they place their paws; good posture
      — looks like an idiot when they run, but very fast, lots of flailing limbs
      — looks very peaceful as a resting face, prone to looking ‘dead’ when asleep
      — facial expression is difficult to read due to fur, but their paws and ears show their feelings
      — adores physical contact; won’t initiate it, but will happily welcome any offered

    • ZAga6A0.png

      — design & ref by me <3
      — always has a freshwater mussel shell & three-pointed green leaf behind left ear, & identical leaf + blooming lilypad on hips
      — long thick fur is dilute torbie, short fur is black (see reference)



    social ○○○○○●○○○○ reserved
    humorous ○●○○○○○○○○ serious
    empathy ○●○○○○○○○○ apathy
    emotional ○○○○○○○●○○ stoic
    daydreamer ●○○○○○○○○○ realist
    lazy ○○●○○○○○○○ diligent

    (+) charming, empathetic, imaginative | (=) go-with-the-flow, daydreamer, romantic | (-) passive, hedonistic, moody
    — the knight of cups

    full personality description.
    mosquitobelly would be easily described as in love with life & love itself; the normally weighty verse sits light on their shoulders, and in a clan often marred by tragedy, his dreamy nature adds another layer of charm to her naturally charisma-laden character. unintentionally, skeeter’s attentive and empathetic nature radiates charm, and they naturally make any cat he attends to feel cared for. they fall squarely in the middle of the social spectrum; not inclined to gossip or constant chatter, but certainly willing to oblige anyone looking for a conversation—one would be loathe to mistake this for stoicism though, and mosquitobelly displays an endearingly playful nature. this is lended to by a vivid, almost kitlike imagination, and if not otherwise occupied, the warrior can likely be found either people-watching or indulging in imaginary scenarios; that or pursuing them, with their adoration of nature leading him to adventure throughout the territory. this imaginative nature contributes to the ease with which she can assume other cats’ points of view; a trait of extreme empathy which makes them a splendid consolator and a good (if tall) shoulder on which anyone can cry without judgement.

    skeeter has a naturally easygoing, go-with-the-flow nature; content to sit back, follow along, and let more assertive cats make the big decisions, it would be a surprise for her to assert herself in most situations. unsurprisingly, their rich imagination spills into a dream-laden consciousness, and it’s not a shock for mosquitobelly to dream an entire patrol or a day away immersed in the vivid tales woven by his own mind; if he was a twoleg, skeeter’d likely enjoy a career as a writer, but for now he weaves excellent tales with which to entertain anyone who asks. mosquitobelly’s romantic nature envelops his personality as well; unlikely to form an actual crush without a long-standing relationship, that doesn’t stop her from daydreaming about cute scenarios and tarrying into frequent flirtations. despite this, mosquitobelly (surprisingly) has to have a deep connection with a cat to genuinely desire them, and their daily flirtations are no more than that.

    as with any cat, the traits that bless mosquitobelly with his endearing outlook on life are quick to sour; her appealingly easygoing nature lapses into passivity, and they tend to treat their own life as just another daydream through which to float; letting other cats make the decisions without speaking up for himself. her laid-back attitude about life’s trivial problems spreads into a similar outlook for the serious issues. their charmingly romantic, daydreamy demeanour, while initially endearing, often spirals into an innocent kind of hedonism; treating life, their relationships, and their duties as a simple pursuit of pleasure, they’re unlikely to seriously commit to their relationships out loud, which is frustrating to those she knows. while they love to chase what she enjoys, she’s prone to lose sight of her duties chasing those little joys and fail to complete their tasks, more due to an easily-distracted nature than intentional laziness. this unrealistic attitude towards life in general pivots skeeter towards a hellish combination: while they’re loath to reveal their more negative feelings in words or expression, thanks to a happiness-focused attitude, he’s quick to lapse into sulky moodiness when feeling slighted or jealous. often possessive or clingy of those she really likes, mosquitobelly is easily jealous, and would much rather cold-shoulder and sulk than simply communicate what they feel; unable to turn their high-powered emotional perception onto herself, it seems.

    ! personality is subject to change while i try them out

    ⤷ view on herself — mosquitobelly is rather ambivalent towards themself; with a neutral attitude in general, they just like to focus on living rather than worrying about such things.
    ⤷ view on others — while not the most social, mosquitobelly loves their clan and just about everyone in it; it’d be difficult to curry their dislike.
    ⤷ view on starclan — generally ambivalent; content to participate in clan traditions, “believe it when i see them” attitude

    ⤷ mental mannerisms
    — afraid of heights; avoids the gorge as best she can
    — absolutely adores nature large & small, loves to travel and explore it, though always drawn back to home at riverclan
    — has a weird dream of seeing the sun-down-place one day
    — loves napping and spending relaxed time with others, lives in a perpetual summer (odd but sunny outlook on life generally)
    — absolute passion for swimming, diving, and water hunting; at home in the water & adore the scenery of it as well


    CREPE MYRTLE (NPC) xx RAM (NPC) | sibling to none | mentoring none | mentored by none

    mate to none | crushing on none | parent to none | guardian of none

    — close friends with TBD
    — friends with TBD
    — trusts TBD
    — likes TBD
    — indifferent with TBD
    — dislikes none (so far)
    — distrusts none (so far)
    — loathes none (so far)


    • strength ●●●●●○○○○○
      stamina ●●○○○○○○○○
      agility ●●●●●○○○○○
      hunting ●●●●●●●●●○
      swimming ●●●●●●●●○○
      climbing ○○○○○○○○○○
      grace ●●○○○○○○○○

      single | pansexual panromantic | indifferent | crushing on none

      does not trust easily
      makes friends easily
      does not fall in love easily
      takes heartbreak extremely poorly
      takes betrayal extremely poorly
      does not forgive easily

      physical health

      mental health

      speech is in #b2b1cf
      thoughts are in #bf211e
      — will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy
      — healing / peaceful powerplay always allowed
      — excels at swimming, diving, hunting
      — poor at stamina, strength, climbing
      — sounds like: they constantly have a stuffy nose
      — vc: sounds kind of like craig tucker (south park)
      smells of fruit, fresh sheets, and sun-warmed grass
      — high pain tolerance

    • TBA(?)


      character name
      relationship to character here


      character name
      relationship to character here


      character name
      relationship to character here


      character name
      relationship to character here





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    f2u tags template by angelkisses (ty)

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