Jeremiah was a bullfrog || Amphibious assault

Another night, another hunt. Unfortunately, Frostbite was after frogs. He hadn't spotted anything else yet, but of course, there were plenty of frogs.

He crept quietly through the marsh, listening to the sounds of crickets and frogs singing to their hearts content.

There was a loud bellow nearby of a frog he had not known was there. From how deep it was, it must be big.....

So he turned and peeked through the reeds....To see a large bullfrog staring at him.

They shared eye contact for a moment......

And then the frog did something he never expected. As he took a step into the reeds.....

It lunged forward and BIT HIM IN THE NOSE.


It didn't hurt too bad, there was no blood, but it sure startled him. He jumped back with a startled yowl and the frog hopped out of the reeds.....

The fight wasn't over, it seemed. It kept lunging at him, nipping at his paws.


The frog screamed back.

Frostbite couldn't believe he was being assaulted by a frog. Sure it was a big one. But he was used to frogs hopping away, not standing their ground.

He would not be bested by this amphibian!

He swiped at the screaming frog and it bit his paw....clinging to it.

He was a little grossed out. The mouth felt squishy inside.

And then something bit his tail. ANOTHER ONE. Another amphibious beast come for his life.

He sat there, staring in disbelief. Now he had two bullfrogs after him.

"Horrible creatures. Just absolutely awful." Frostbite said to them. Not that they cared.


A nearby clamour disturbed him. Having slipped away from camp in the dead of night to do a little hunting of his own - scavenger hunting, that is - the very last thing that Smogmaw expected to hear during moonhigh was bloodcurdling screams. What perturbed him even further was the fact that the voice sounded somewhat familiar, belonging to someone he had recently spoken to yet no name could be placed on it. But based upon the hollered words, something about a horrible creature, the warrior decided the best course of action was to help now and think later.

Images of a fox, or a badger, or possibly a raccoon were conjured as he bounded through the marshland, but what he inevitably saw happened to be nothing short of anticlimactic. "Oh my- 'danger from the sky', my heinie!" jeered Smogmaw at the very moment he understood what went on. He of course referred to the fortune given by Hemlocksight, but as it was readily apparent, Frostbite couldn't even defend himself from Shadowclan's peepers.

After sighing an incredulous sigh, he leapt into action. Mouth wide open, he aimed to chomp down on the frog latched onto poor Frostbite's rear end, hardly caring if he got a mouthful of tail during the process.


It's all of the ruckus that brings Fogpaw out of the medicine den in the pitch black. His eyes in the spare light as he follows the plops of water until finally he breaks through the foliage at the sight before him. Well, there's two frogs bullying Frostbite and Smogmaw is either helping or trying to cleave off the pale tom's tail with his sharp chompers. Fogpaw tilts his head, sighing deep from his chest yet he smiles. He's never seen a frog fight back and he wonders if it's because they've been chowing on them for so long. The apprentice pads forward and picks his legs through the stagnant water toward the two struggling cats. His eyes scan the surface, looking for any eggs that the pair might be protecting to explain their ferocity. Or perhaps these are just some very spunky frogs. Fogpaw has no way to offer these musings to his clanmates so instead he offers some help. He raises his paw and tries to slam it down on top of the frog going for Frostbite's toes. Likely as it jerks with a surprising amount of strength, he would soundlessly gasps and throws his other front paw on top of it. Gritting his teeth and struggling to keep the large thing away from the other tom. At least long enough for him to make an escape hopefully.

"Bravo, little cloud!" Similarly to Smogmaw, she had been drawn here by the fuss; curious as to what horrific creature was plaguing her clanmates only to find one of their most common food sources opting to instead be the eater rather than the eaten. How Frostbite had gotten himself into such a predicament she could only wager a guess, but the bicolor molly wandered forward with a smile on her maw and no judgement to his mismatched gaze. Terrible that the poor soul had been ganged up on but thankfully his clanmates were there to rescue him and Halfshade was there to humble him. "And Sir Maw of Smog as well. How fortunate we are to have such noble knights within our kingdom~" How useful for saving them from the dreaded menace of the prey that nipped back. A giggle arose from her once she was closer to see where exactly the white tom had been nibbled upon and she raised a paw daintily before her muzzle to try and stifle it to no avail. It really did just give him a little chomp on the tail end didn't it? What had he done to so earn the ire of these frogs? "Perhaps in a past life you were a traitor of their ranks?"


Oh, now his clanmates we're here to witness this grievous assault. Never had he been attacked by frogs. And he had always done his best to avoid them! Now he was going to go for them ON PURPOSE.

The frogs were no match for those who came to Frostbite's rescue, the one Fogpaw batted at letting go and screaming as it was held down.

Frostbite didn't know what to say honestly.

"I've never been attacked by frogs before ........" He said incredulously. "Thanks for helping me."

He could have handled it himself but you know? Sometimes you're too shocked to do anything useful.

As for Hemlocksight's prediction, well. " Who knows, maybe a frog will fall from the sky and try to eat me next." He said. May as well, little bastards

He listened to Halfshade. She spoke as if they were knights, and he was inclined to go with it. "Yes, thank you for saving my life, Ser Maw of Smog, and his little cloud. I'd be dead if not for thee." He said dramatically.

"Maybe so, because I sure don't remember doing anything to them." He said, then blinked. " I mean technically I've hunted them....Guess they wanted revenge." He finished with a shrug.

The sounds. The atrocious sounds of those amphibians werre making her ears hurt and all she wants to do is end it. So the mother walks with a purpose towards where the commotion is only to see her son holding a frog down as it screams its bloody guts out. Her eyes narrow slightly and she shifts her paws before pointing to Fogpaw and motioning to kill the frog. "It's still prey." She clarifies befoee looking to Frostbite then. Frogs are not a threat so she honestly doesn't understand how the other let himself be overran by them in the first place. With a shake of her head she glances to the others who seem to be having some fun with the situation. Too bad she is here now then, hm.